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3-4/2006 - Tożsamość zieleni zorganizowanej / Identity of Managed Greenery

AK34 2006   Nr 3-4/2006, vol. 13

Tożsamość zieleni zorganizowanej
Identity of Managed Greenery




Historia i perspektywy rozwoju parków i ogrodów na Dolnym Śląsku oraz ich rewaloryzacja na przykładzie parku w Ślęży
History and Perspectives of Parks and Gardens Development in Lower Silesia and their Revalorization on the Example of a Park in Ślęża

Barbara Stępniewska-Janowska
Aleksandra Lis


The article presents the problem considering the renewal of palacepark sets in Lower Silesia. Programs and Polish and European strategies which aim among others at improving the state of relics of the past, enlargement of national supply of cultural heritage, complex revalorization of relics and their adaptation for different uses, other than cultural purposes and improvement of legal and organizational conditions within the limits of relics of the past preservation and their documentation has been taken into consideration. In the further part of the article, genesis and development of gardens in Lower Silesia was discussed, with special attention paid to their value and characteristics. Next, the concept of revalorization of one of the parks - the park by a palace-park set in Ślęża, as an example of an object revalorized with preservation of its former function i.e. of a private residence, was presented.

Fizjonomia krajobrazu wiejskiego jako efekt postaw kulturowych jego mieszkańców
Physiognomy of Rural Landscape as a Result of Cultural Attitude of its Inhabitants

Zbigniew Borkowski


The physiognomy of rural landscape differs in time and through space. In a pristine landscape an order prevailed and a modern cultural landscape is not harmonious any more. Becoming conscious of the fact and providing for human needs caused reflection and an ability to define a list of rules of sustainable development. Some ideas about village renewal were realized in those days. They may be characterized by solidarity and humanous thinking which are essential in realizing humanous and spiritual values treated together. If solidarity and humanous thinking is not popular among people who live in a village it should be formed appropriately. A culture means making and a transformation of exemplars, values and models of actions having an affect on human behaviour. Culture affects a form of human living and a manner of existing. This definition of culture allows us to come to the conclusion defining principles of a rural landscape design. In the further part of research a method of hermeneutic explication was applied and it allowed us to explain the rules which are taken into consideration during village renewal while the material and ways of building the form of objects are chosen. The variability of cultural landscape may be explained by causative and proper reasoning. The cause of changing the landscape is truth, goodness and the beauty of a landscape. The physiognomy of a landscape testifies to a degree of maturity and culture of people living in such a landscape.

Rozwój "zielonej infrastruktury" w polskich miastach w świetle rekomendacji Programu Cost Action 11 Zielona infrastruktura i planowanie miast
Agenda for Green Structure in Polish Cities - Cost Action 11 Green Structure and Urban Planning Perspective
Barbara Szulczewska


 Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza rekomendacji, opracowanych przez uczestników programu Cost Action 11 Green structure and Urban Planning, z punktu widzenia polskich uwarunkowań, problemów oraz potrzeb. W ramach programu, realizowanego w latach 2000-2004, przedstawiciele 15 krajów europejskich sformułowali zasady wyznaczania, kształtowania i realizacji elementu struktury przestrzennej miasta, określonej terminem green structure (zielona infrastruktura). Ich podstawą były analizy przeprowadzane w trzech zasadniczych aspektach: ekologicznym, społecznym oraz związanym z planowaniem i zarządzaniem. Natomiast rekomendacje sformułowano w odniesieniu do trzech kwestii, uznanych za najistotniejsze z punktu widzenia aktualnych problemów rozwoju miasta: 1. żywiołowe rozprzestrzenienie się miast czy miasto zwarte jako wybór dla miast europejskich; 2. segregacja czy integracja jako skuteczna strategia ochrony terenów zieleni (zielonej infrastruktury); 3. "z dołu do góry" czy z "góry na dół" jako właściwe podejście do planowania terenów zieleni (zielonej infrastruktury). Problemy rozwoju miast polskich oraz polska specyfika kształtowania zielonej infrastruktury powoduje, że zastosowanie rekomendacji Programu Cost C11 napotykać będzie przeszkody. Powodem są nie tyle z uwarunkowania formalno-prawne, co brak autentycznego, dobrze podbudowanego przez konkretne badania naukowe i analizy "dobrych praktyk", przekonania o znaczeniu zielonej infrastruktury w strukturze przestrzennej miasta. Przekonanie to powinny wyraźnie artykułować władze miast poprzez konkretne decyzje, a nie puste deklaracje oraz społeczności lokalne poprzez rozumne zaangażowanie w ochronę, ale także właściwe wykorzystanie terenów zieleni.

Tereny zieleni Lublina - o konieczności modernizacji zieleni miasta
Lublin Green Area - About the Necessity of City Greenery Modernization
Katarzyna Sobczak


The crisis of public spaces in Poland has been apparent for some time. Their culture-creating meaning is slowly disappearing, and life in a city is becoming mass and anonymous. It is similar in Lublin. Inhabitants do not rest in the city. In summer, every weekend, we can notice a row of cars heading for Łęczycko- Włodawski lake District. Others "rest" in hypermarkets or in front of the computer or TV screen. The reason for such a state is the old-fashioned and unattractive program of green areas in a city. And Lublin is most definitely a "green city"". A few types of greenery can be distinguished here. Their role is obvious to everybody. But is it really? Without a doubt, specialists know it - landscape architects and planners but the "common man" does not know much about the biological, climatic or social role of green areas. They are all "of no importance" to their users. The only important thing is that it should be nice and that they can "do something" there. The article describes the problem of the present state of green areas in Lublin and their modernization - adjustment to common leisure needs of the inhabitants.


Ogród Europy - Valtice-Lednice
European Garden - Valtice-Lednice

Marek Liszewski
Rafał Wodzicki


Gardening art is an important element of the national culture of various countries but it is also a common European heritage. A good example supporting that thesis is the landscape complex Valtice-Lednice, situated in Moravia in the Czech Republic. This 150 ha area on the border of Czech, Slovakia and Austria was for almost 700 years shaped by the Liechtenstein family. The power of the family progressed throughout years and found its emanation in a form of a bombast palace in Valtanice which became the main seat of the family in 1608. Lednice, situated 7 km farther, were a summer estate of princes. Experiments on gardening art were run in the park situated there. At the beginning of the 17th century Charles the 1st starts, and his son continues the rebuilding of the palace in Lednica and development of a garden in a baroque style. Supervised by European experts in the field of architecture and gardening art, terraces richly decorated with flower beds, sculptures and fountains. At the end of the 17th century, Fisher von Erlach builds a manieristic building of a Riding School in the surroundings of a baroque palace. In the 18th century, the park was reorganized in a French baroque style, according to rules by Le Nôtre, reducing decorative flower beds and opening visual axes to the surrounding landscape. Also in that period were created the first elements (i.e. monumental lane) which connect Valtice and Lednice in one vast area of a landscape park. The important changes in Lednice occur in 1805-1811, when prince John Joseph he 1st, with a great amount of funds and work, creates an enormous pond with islands in the park and the river Dyje runs along a different bed. In that period the whole area between Lednice and Valtice is connected into one complex of a landscape park, created a so-called decorative farm, where usable and decorative functions of the garden were skillfully connected. In the middle of the 19th century the palace in Lednice is rebuilt in the English neo-gothic style. A orangery of cast iron was also created where a rich collection of tropical plants was placed. For creating an appropriate surrounding, the next owner of the estate – John Joseph the 2nd- buys, and next demolishes a part of a village to the south of the palace, where a baroque garden is created according to the design of Florentine, Vicenzo Michelli. The garden is divided by two main axes, vertical to each other. Among flower beds and bosquets, two collections of plants were founded: rosary on the east side and pintum ( a collection of pine trees), and arboretum and perrenial garden on the west. A precursory method to replant trees of considerable sizes was used to prevent the differences in age and height of the trees in comparison to the rest of the park. Valtice-Lednice complex can be divided in two parts: sentimental part-garden set in Lednice and the remaining area, shaped into a romantic landscape park. The whole is preserved in good shape and in 1996 both places together with their surroundings were included on the List of World Heritage of Culture and Nature UNESCO.

Zapomniane wartości starych parków
Forgotten Values of Old Parks
Monika Czechowicz


Lower Silesia is an area prodigal with palace-park sets which have been preserved until the present. Localization in this part of Europe because of historical and cultural conditions. Many of the objects preserved until today still have the readable compositional set and we can easily discover the main thought of their creators. The analyzed objects have undergone dramatic changes during the years. Starting with the changes of the park area, devastation of cubature objects, clearing trees to complete liquidation of sets and building small housing estates in their place. The present state of many objects often requires immediate human intervention and large financial inputs. This article is an attempt at systematizing information on the subject of compositional, cultural, historical and landscape value of old parks remaining after the destruction of mansions, which are the cultural element of Lower Silesia heritage.

Wrocławskie osiedle-ogród Sępolno - powstanie i rozwój układu zieleni
Wrocław Garden Estate-Sępolno, Establishing and Greenery Development

Aleksandra Lis
Marek Lis


The results of research on establishing and greenery development in the area of Wrocław garden estate - Sępolno which were run in 1993-2004. The housing estate established in 1919-1935 constitutes a remarkable achievement of composition in the interwar period. The housing estate was built on a collective basis which is why its development is a typical example of cheap, simple in form build. But the development was accompanied by varied design sets and scales of greenery. While describing the historical greenery set, attention was not only paid to it's remarkable values but also to mistakes made by the authors of the project with the choice of framework tree stand. In the second part of the article, a critical analyze of postwar actions which were taken to preserve and revitolize the greenery system is presented. The mistakes and defects of introduced solutions were described. In the summary are included the conclusions on the subject of revitolization of greenery sets in Sępolno.

Park, który jeszcze istnieje. Założenie dworsko-parkowe w Zgłobicach koło Tarnowa
Park which Still Exists. Mansion-Park Set in Zgłobnic near Tarnów

Zofia Malinowska
Danuta Kraus


The process of devastation is still running and there are less and less palace sets in the area on the country which would in many cases represent antique and landscape values. The present study is devoted to one of such sets. The described set is situated in Zgłobice near Tarnów. a 19th century, neo-classical manor house together with farm buildings and a park from the same period are included in the set. Unfortunately the estate has been in a state of dilapidation for 10 years as it has no owner. As a result of the greenery inventory it was concluded that the park still has a clear spatial setting, and also numerous specimens of old trees can be found there. The whole set which constitutes to the testimony of a long passed époque and characteristic for its spatial solutions deserves conservatory protection. But there is a threat that soon it will be too late to preserve it.


Powierzchnie trawiaste w architekturze ogrodów
Lawn in Garden Architecture

Franciszek Gospodarczyk
Anna Popów-Nowicka


A way of establishing and caring for lawns in gardens based on our own researches and literature data have been discussed in the article. Because of aesthetical values and the functions which a lawn performs in the garden, the steps which are necessary to be taken to have a beautiful and durable lawn have been stressed. The optimal solution which allows improvement of the quality of lawns is a change of approach to the problem of starting and care over the lawn. For the reason of lack of sufficient number of studies in our country it would be advisable to use the scientific and practical elaborations from Germany as climatic conditions are very close to the ones in Poland.

Krajobraz w architekturze pól golfowych
Landscape in Architecture of Golf Courses
Iwona Orzechowska


A golf course is a characteristic sports object, in which 90% of its surface is covered by lawn. Appropriate mixtures of grass for various parts of the course - green, tee, fairway, rough - are based on different kinds, and mostly on all types of raised lawn grass with specific biological and usable characteristics. Golf courses are like no other sports object connected with environment, plants and landscape. The way of intercourse with surroundings, visual associations, using the natural landscape and also composing the parts of the golf course into the environment determine its attractiveness, uniqueness of the object, its identity.


Drugie domy we współczesnej wsi francuskiej
Second Houses in a
Modern French Village
Eleonora Gonda-Soroczyńska


The French view their native villages and their problems in various ways. Up to 27% of people concludes that rural areas have a real power of attraction., and that they would like to live in a little village, especially at the seaside or in the mountains. Only 8% of people inhabiting villages would prefer to live in cities. Huge interest in villages is shown by people with high income and long work period, who would gladly change their present place of living. Such people first of all notice the benefits and quality of the surrounding, beautiful and natural landscape, quietness and other possibilities of leisure than in cities. There are also quite a few people in France who live simultaneously in a few places, especially because of the work they perform, seldom because of leisure reasons. In different regions of the country such a situation also varies. In France, more and more villages are of a typically character for inhibition. Up to 60% of houses are co called "second houses", where richer French spend their holidays and weekends. At the end of the 19th century in France cities were developing very rapidly. With intensive increase of population. Simultaneously a decline in villages was noticed and mass emigrations of village inhabitants which caused their depopulation. Increase of emigration from rural areas was called a rural exodus ( excode rural). Presently the situation is undergoing a slow change. A slow rise of population can be noticed in some rural areas. The French build their second, new house which has only a habitable purpose. They often adapt deserted farms for habitable purposes or habitable and service ones. Economical crisis which last many years, the process of devastation of neglected buildings and infrastructure has created and still creates a great challenge for commune self-governments as far as village renewal is concerned. They have a great range of actions in creating the conditions which would provoke the return of people to the village. Presently the birth of the new tendency of returning to one's roots can be seen. And the slogan Ťvivre au paysť is very popular. It promotes life in small towns. Exposes the essence of closeness of interpersonal relations. Migration of people who retire after their professional activity has ended has become very popular among those who return to their place of birth. However economical and employment problems still exist at rural areas. A decrees of agriculture importance and competition in non-agricultural sectors can also be noticed. Many projects which aim at village renewal are carried out in France. These are projects leading most of all to building development and infrastructure renovation, protection of cultural heritage and tourism development. Actions to limit interference in local landscape and actions to protect the landscape are also targets of those projects.

Murale Kalifornii
Murals of California

Małgorzata Bąkowska


The paper draws an outline of the phenomenon of the Mural Movement in California (US). grunted experiences of Mexican mural and a giant mural program run in the 1930s on the 20th century within limits of New deal plan had big influence on its development. Murals themes often touches social issues, but also ranges to landscapes, fauna and flora themes, image of illusions of elevation decorations and widely considered history of the place. Portraits and group scenes, symbols of popular culture, loosely composed quotations from historical painting appear there. Various artistic currents such as: realism, op-art, hyperrealism, expressionism, cubism pop-art geometrical abstractionism and graffiti motives have their reflection in mural art. For many murals the leading motive is an element of humour and graphical humour. Murals are inseparable element of a landscape of Californian cities - both huge agglomerations and provincial settlements. Many places promote their mural as touristic attraction. the fact that many murals, especially those which are commonly acknowledged, is regularly restored and renewed proves that statement.

Stan zachowania historycznych ogrodów Czech, Niemiec i Anglii
State of Preservation of Historical Gardens in the Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain
Marek Liszewski


Gardening art is an important element of national culture. It often consolidates and unites societies of various nations. It also provides historical continuity in the history of separate countries. We can see it for ourselves while traveling around neighbouring countries: The Czech republic, Germany and Great Britain. The place worth seeing in our southern neighbours is a Baroque garden situated in the former health resort of Kuks, where the most celebrated representatives of mid-European aristocracy and the world of art spent their time between the 17th and 18th century. On the other hand the great family of French aristocratic elite - Rohans settled in the Czech Paradise. Royals of Austria and France visited their estate and admired this most beautiful park in the English style. Czech Prague can pride itself on marvelous architectonical works of art from the Renaissance period, i.e. Belveder on Hradcan hill. In Großsedlitz near Dresden is situated the most wonderful garden of King Augustus the Strong - Saxon Elector and King of Poland. The most celebrated architects and designers of European gardens of those times, such as : Heinrich Brühl, Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann, or Carl Friedrich Pöppelmann worked for the Saxon court. In the capital of Prussia - Berlin, we can find the traces of work by famous French garden designers, S. Godeau and J.P. Lenné, who created the palace - garden set - Charlottenburg. In the times of Prussian prosperity, the castle and Rococo garden of Sanssouci in Potsdam was created. The spiritual capital of England still remains Canterbury together with its medieval Cathedral, but Windsor and Hampton Court Palace can be seen as a symbol of laic authority. Queen Victoria made Windsor, the old Gothic fortress, her main abode and there she buried her husband, Prince Albert. The castle is surrounded by great Windsor park. Hampton court had its blooming period during the Tudor reign. The Pond Gardens and The Knot Gardens are examples of gardens from the times of Henry VIII. The Privy Garden is an original garden set in the Dutch style modeled on a private garden of William II. But the best known garden-park set in England is London Kew Gardens also known as the Royal Botanic Gardens. About 50.000 plant species were gathered in a 120 ha park, and such famous architects as Chambers and Nesfield took part in its creation. London Greenwich Park and French Versailles are connected by the name of a famous garden designer - Le Nôtre. We can conclude from that short trip around Europe that gardening art had no borders, and it's inspirations were common to the sponsors and creators from those days irrespective of their origin.

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