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Nr 3-4/2003 Krajobraz wsi dolnośląskiej Lower Silesia rural countryside STRESZCZENIA str. 56 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (8,10 MB) |
PROBLEMY Kreowanie regionu poprzez wartości kulturowe The development of the region according to the cultural values Jerzy Oleszek STRESZCZENIEAlthough there appear nowadays new approaches to viewing the region, the fundamental role in its creation should be that of the cultural environment. However, are the elements of the local tradition known and, moreover, used in promoting a particular area? Observations and analysis of the geographically isolated Kłodzko region proven that its cultural environment used to be very explicit and rich. Today the most specific feature of this area is the outline of the buildings and settlements – their forms and architectural details – harmoniously placed in the countryside. The fact that the tower on Śnieżnik mountain was closed and the characteristic plant – European Globeflower (Trollius europaeus) – is almost unknown to the local communities, shows that the development of the area ceased to be conducted according to the historically established symbols. Moreover – in the wake of the recent transformations, traditional farming is not able to sustain the rural economy as it once has done, leaving many agricultural buildings empty and decaying. Making use of former agricultural buildings can create very attractive spaces that can be put to commercial use, without detracting from the surrounding environment. The means to maintain the cultural value of the region is to preserve the traditional style of the existing houses and to develop the new buildings according to the regional features of architecture. It is also important to educate the local community and make it aware of the role of its tradition, especially if the tourism plays the main role in the local plans of social and economical development. Atrakcyjność turystyczna miejscowości sudeckich Tourist attractiveness of the resorts in Sudety Mts. Marek Staffa STRESZCZENIEThe Sudety mountains, with the most impressive Karkonosze massif, create the natural border between Poland and Czech Republic, situated very close to the German border. This area could be considered as one of the most attractive tourist regions of our country (especially for winter sports), because of its unique geological, natural, cultural and landscape values. Unfortunately, its “golden age” of tourism has finished in the early 40s, because of the war and post-war socio-economic conditions. Signs of the former popularity are still visible all over the countryside, particularly in the architecture of the old ski-centres and spas. Author presents the typology of more or less known mountain locations, analysing their tourist values and perspectives of development. Report underlines the need of preserving the features of regional identity and creating the new attractive offers, taking into account the contemporary standards and differentiated expectations of customers. Parki podworskie w strefie podmiejskiej Wrocławia The suburban manor parks in the face of the sprawling residential areas Zuzanna Borcz Monika Czechowicz STRESZCZENIEMany manor parks are to be found in Lower Silesia countryside. Within the suburban communes, as: Długołęka, Prusice, Sobótka situated nearby Wrocław, almost 50% of the villages still have the manor parks. They are mostly overgrown and neglected by their post-war users, such as schools or the agricultural cooperatives. After the socio-political transformation from the early 1990s, the private persons have started to buy the better preserved parks, which are recently well maintained. The new types of devastation derive from the vast sprawl of the housing areas. The architectural forms of the buildings are often inspired by historical shapes and details of the neighbouring palaces, although the visual effects of highly differentiated houses grouped on the small sites can be estimated as far from the expectations of the owners. The paper points at the difficulties in combining the shortterm economic and social goals with the requirements of greenery preservation and maintenance. Zmiana układu przestrzennego wsi podmiejskiej na skutek urbanizacji The spatial structure of the villages under the pressure of the suburban development Zbigniew Kuriata STRESZCZENIEOpen rural space is valued by many urban dwellers for recreation and quality of life reasons. However, when suburban development expands into the countryside, the traditional patterns of shaping the landscape are usually changed in an irreversible way. Despite the statements of sustainability and respect to the cultural heritage, in the researched villages neighbouring Wroclaw from its southern side – the first stage of development is usually connected with:
The new buildings are mostly out of scale and character with traditional forms of the farmsteads. The planners, architects and owners do not respect the existing density, roofscapes, materials, details, spaces between buildings and other natural or cultural features, that contributed to the character of the surrounding rural areas. PREZENTACJE Nowe funkcje gmin podmiejskich na przykładziei gmin: Czernica i Jelcz-Laskowice Twierdza srebrnogórska atrakcją turystyczną dla Wrocławia The fortress of Srebrna Góra as the tourist attraction Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak Jerzy Potyrala STRESZCZENIEIn recent years the intensity of life has considerably rose. A lot of inhabitants move out from the anonymous and overcrowded cities to the nearby villages, in search of the silence and the calm. This phenomenon is so mass, that in the countryside the zones of detached houses are arising, which nothing differ from the ones located in the townscape. The short tours in the vicinity of the cities offer the more differentiated opportunities of recreation. The surroundings of Wrocław abound in a lot of places attracting their specificity, as Srebrna Góra which is 70 km away from Wrocław. The 18th century fortress of Srebrna Góra belongs to the biggest ones in Europe, situated on the top of the mountains. Once a strategic military object, became very popular on the turn of the 19th century as a tourist attraction. The massive walls of the fort were far visible from the neighboring roads, as predominant above the woody hill-sides. After the second world war the fortress as well as the whole town Srebrna Góra have increasingly deteriorated. The forest completely screened outside the defensive walls, which lost a lot in their scenic and self-promoting values. The paper outlines the necessity of partial, controlled logging in the planned restoration of the tourist attractiveness of the fortress.
Zabytkowa infrastruktura kolejowa na południe od Wrocławia i możliwości jej rewitalizacji ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Parkingi w krajobrazie współczesnej wsi Mury oporowe w architekturze krajobrazu Retaining walls in landscape architecture Andrzej Surowiecki STRESZCZENIEIn the paper was presented structural projects of modern light retaining walls of communication building engineering, formated by special fashion opened and urbanizated scenery. Was specificated the characteristics of folowing structures: reinforced earth retaining walls; retaining walls according to NEW system and according T-WALL system; retaining wall builded with gabionelements, taken into account the accent on the ecology and aesthetics stigmas.
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