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2/2016 - Landscape after Dark / Krajobraz po zmroku

2 2016   No 2/2016, vol. 51

Landscape after Dark
Krajobraz po zmroku


k2 2016


Influence of Light and Shadow on the Topography and Physiognomy of the Landscape
Oddziaływanie światła i cienia na topografię i fizjonomię krajobrazu
Magdalena Zienowicz
Ewa Podhajska
Justyna Rubaszek
DOI: 10.30825/5.ak.85.2016.51.2


Spatial relations between a human being and landscape are particularly important in relation to visual reception. Light and shadow are elements which build the image of space after the dark. The analysis of the topographic and physiognomic structure of an area determines adoption of an individual approach while working on a project for a specific site. Lighting should not tend to uniformity, which is why each time it is necessary to carry out analysis in respect of the topographic – to define the type of landscape – and physiognomic structure – to define the role and function of elements constituting the cover and composition of the area. Carrying out the foregoing research enables to adopt the proper direction towards the nocturnal narrative of landscape. Frequently, moderation, a reference to the noble simplicity and restraint in the shaping of light may be the best way to create the night. This is confirmed by the verdicts of judges at international competitions who reward primarily for sensitivity to the environment, moderate design and the art of changing the image of a place.

Social Trend as One of Trends in City Lighting Development
Nurt społeczny jako jeden z trendów rozwoju oświetlenia miast
Magdalena Zienowicz
DOI: 10.30825/5.ak.86.2016.51.2


Nowadays the illumination field undergoes a revival of the genius loci term. The main reason behind this attitude and actions is the respect to a site’s character, its identity and the people who live there. Urban lighting begins to develop in a different direction, showing and highlighting the social trend. It may be proven by lighting practice and experiments undertaken by several towns in the world. Those actions prove that the light allows for processing a piece of the landscape into spatial arrangements, which in result uncover their uniqueness and peculiarity. That is why they have extra impact on people, open them up, change and integrate them, and the space they live in becomes remarkable

The Impact of Solar Power Facilities on Landscape
Oddziaływanie instalacji z zakresu energetyki solarnej na krajobraz
Eliza Kalbarczyk
DOI: 10.30825/5.ak.87.2016.51.2


The aim of the work is to determine the impact of various solar power facilities on the landscape. The study put forward a research hypothesis that their effect on the landscape increases along with the development of investments in helioenergetics. The study examined installations which differed in the type of technology and structure, as well as in installed power: large solar farms, structures such as solar power towers, building-integrated transparent installations, small-scale systems and micro-installations. It was shown that with the development of helioenergetics its impact on the landscape changes. In the case of solar installations the effect on landscape may be very diverse: from integration with the landscape, through a harmonious or disharmonious effect, to a landscape dominant character. The most commonly observed small-scale systems and micro-installations tend to be harmoniously integrated in the body of the building and only have a slight visual effect on the surroundings. The latest technological solutions (transparent systems) are applied in a relatively small number of investments, but effectively reduce the impact of solar installations on the landscape.


Park with a Renewable Energy Sources Corner
Park z zakątkiem odnawialnych źródeł energii
Katarzyna Kucharzyszyn
Kazimierz Chmura
Halina Dzieżyc
Maciej Piotrowski
DOI: 10.30825/5.ak.88.2016.51.2


The objective of this study was to show the way to arrange the park space in an attractive way, and to introduce an important educational element at the same time. The authors attempted to combine the leisure and recreation functions that result from the attractive location with educating users from various age groups. Special attention was paid to those elements whose aim is to familiarise young users with the concept of changing their environment to the better, mainly by playing. To achieve it, it was suggested to introduce a series of devices – models that present viable alternative energy sources that support or replace conventional fuels. Currently this is an important educational task.The preparation process was based on information contained in the spatial development planning documentation of Wrocław. A series of historical, functional, natural, landscaping and communication analyses were conducted and the photographic documentation of panoramic views was used. A modification of the planting arrangements was proposed, taking into account both the newly created functional and spatial zones and the existing vegetation. The leisure and recreational offer of the park was enriched by new attractions that serve the purposes of environmental education with use of the existing values of the park area (location, greenery arrangements, and terrain formation).


Evaluation of the Landscape – Review of Selected Methods
Ocena krajobrazu – przegląd wybranych metod
Elżbieta Szopińska
Justyna Rubaszek
Olga Raduchowska
DOI: 10.30825/5.ak.89.2016.51.2


The main purpose of the paper has been presentation of methods of landscape evaluation in landscape architecture and adjacent areas. The paper considers criteria of evaluation used by various methods, as well as estimates the level of specificity of data acquired through them. The paper reviews and organizes broad scope of terms, definitons, and criteria of landscape evaluation.


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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu
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