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1/2015 - Societal Value of the Landscape / Społeczna wartość krajobrazu

AK 1-15 2   No 1/2015, vol. 46

Societal Value of the Landscape
Społeczna wartość krajobrazu

SUMMARIES page 106

Territorial Relations in Polish Housing Estates from the 1970s and 1980s
Relacje terytorialne na osiedlach polskich z lat 70. i 80. ubiegłego wieku

Aleksandra Lis

In this article the author presents the results of research on the impact of open spaces in Polish neighborhoods from the 70s and 80s and the territorial relations within those spaces. The aim was to study the behavior and conduct interviews with residents of selected neighborhoods of Wroclaw from this period. The units of analysis were open spaces have been assigned territorial types according to the author’s classification taking into account the territorial hierarchy and the degrees of territorial uniqueness. The test results revealed both positive and negative spatial characteristics that affect territorial relations and the conclusions describe possible solutions within these developments to improve territorial relations in the studied neighborhoods as well as recommendations relating to the management of open spaces.

The Role of Flood Bank Vegetation on the City Landscape: the Example of Big Island in Wrocław
Rola roślinności wałów przeciwpowodziowych w krajobrazie miejskim na przykładzie Wielkiej Wyspy we Wrocławiu

Maciej Piotrowski
Kazimierz Chmura
Halina Dzieżyc
Zbigniew Kuriata
Marta Zdanowicz

River valleys located within administrative city borders play an important role in the ecosystem, economy, and landscape and have direct and indirect influence on the proper functioning of society. The development of these areas in the past often had adverse consequences. The present condition of the Oder River landscape and its flood plains has mainly resulted from anthropogenic transformations. From its inception and construction, there were other options of using the flood banks in addition to their basic function of flood control. Vegetation played an important role in this respect. In addition to aesthetics, it has a positive impact on the landscape and its spatial layout. This, in turn, increases the attractiveness of these areas and the ways of using them for recreation. Embankment vegetation on Big Island in Wrocław creates a special mood and affects users’ sensory perceptions of this unique place in the heart of the city. The space formed by the vegetation is marked by high flexibility, which makes it easier to shape, adapt, and adjust for specific needs and expectations and, eventually, to develop and deepen the process of attachment of the city’s inhabitants with this place. Combining erosion control with the other, aesthetic functions of the vegetation and especially with recreation, does not significantly affect the natural environment and the prevailing conditions at the site.


Modernism in Polanowice, Municipality of Byczyna – a Different Approach to a Rural Area
Modernizm w Polanowicach, gmina Byczyna – inne spojrzenie na wieś
Zbigniew Kuriata
Michał Łukowiak

Creating a friendly living environment that would ensure adequate conditions for human sustenance has accompanied mankind since the beginning. Spatial planning has to a greater or smaller extent been the underlying element in this respect. In recent years we have seen increasing chaos in our surrounding space, particularly in rural areas. Most of the recent construction projects in rural regions have little to do with the hitherto existing architecture or are completely divergent from it. This is primarily due to lack of sufficient knowledge and study of the cultural heritage and resources offered by individual villages. This article, on the example of the village of Polanowice, Byczyna Municipality, shows the great potential of the village’s cultural resources including both its well-preserved spatial layout as well as the buildings making up the village space itself. What deserves particular attention is the complex of buildings constructed in the first decades of the 20th century which exemplify the architecture of the modernist era. Along with the remaining buildings it can be a perfect starting point for conducting a complete revitalization of the village. Such activities will allow for the preservation of past generations’ legacy and, at the same time, ensure sustainable development possibilities as well as provide additional sources of income for village residents.

The Future of Cittaslow Towns
Przyszłość miast Cittaslow
Agnieszka Jaszczak

The contemporary space of small towns is made up of multiple layers including historical forms, functions and structures as well as new structures which are very important in the process of creating the towns’ future image. In line with the Cittaslow philosophy, space should be shaped not only in view of current trends and the social and economic needs of the local community, but also based on historical elements and in observance of local traditions. This paper analyzes the development strategies of towns which are members of the Cittaslow International Network which aim to improve the quality of life and promote alternative forms of development that rely on regional differences.

Research on the Potentialfor Developing Public Urban Places into Active Community Areas
Badanie potencjału miejsc publicznych w mieście w aspekcie możliwości ich aktywizacji
Aleksandra Lis
Anna Bocheńska-Skałecka
Jacek Burdziński
Janusz Gubański
Ewa Walter

The authors present an ongoing research project that evaluates potential opportunities for promoting social inclusion in various public places. The study initially focuses on public places in Wrocław along the river. The study includes a description of methods and techniques and the usefulness of applying these methods to the development of a strategy for enhanced community activeness in urban public places.

Cultural Landscapes-Arguments ‘For’ and Against: Lessons from the Past
Krajobraz kulturowy – za i przeciw. Doświadczenia z przeszłości
Adam M. Szymski

Each new development in civilization generates new spatial ‘forms’ directly or indirectly resulting from the state of scientific development, the economy and continuously evolving “work tools”. Changes in the environment not only directly affect the sphere of so-called “social relations” but also lead to transformations in the sphere of culture as they create new models and paradigms. At the same time, what used to be regarded as unaesthetic, or incompatible with traditionally accepted standards of “good taste” or beauty, becomes the subject of new aesthetic inspiration, often altering the entire context of the surrounding environment, and at the same time creating a new aesthetic quality.

2/2015 - Beneficial Features of the Landscape / Użytkowe walory krajobrazu

AK 2-15f   No 2/2015, vol. 47

Beneficial Features of the Landscape
Użytkowe walory krajobrazu


Contemporary Management of Green Infrastructure within the Borders of Wrocław Functional Area (WrOF)
Współczesne kształtowanie zielonej infrastruktury we Wrocławskim Obszarze Funkcjonalnym (WrOF)

Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak
Jerzy Potyrała
Paweł Filipiak

This article presents a solution for the system of green infrastructure of the Wrocław Functional Area (WrOF) proposed by the authors commissioned in 2014 by the Institute of Regional Development in Wrocław. The analysis was conducted within the framework of the project “The study of the functional consistency in Wrocław’s Functional Area” which was partly financed by the European Union from the operational program: Technical Aid 2007–2013. The outline of the project was presented against the background of selected examples from foreign countries. The article also indicates certain issues connected with rural and suburban area management with the focus on the importance of greenery and social participation as well as the necessity of a new approach to design in this area.

Issues of Spatial Development of Agritourism Intended for Children
Kierunki zagospodarowania przestrzeni agroturystycznej przeznaczonej dla dzieci
Maria Ostrowska-Dudys
Aleksandra Lis

Currently farms are developing their agritourism offer. One of the directions of development is on-site education, allowing members of the general public to view or enjoy rural activities not just for recreational, or entertainment, but for educational purposes. It is therefore necessary to adapt farm space for specific users, who are mostly children. Research has been conducted to determine the needs and requirements of land users. The objective of the research was to identify solutions for the educational and recreational functions of farm space.

Palace – Park Ensembles of Western Pomerania – Legacy Lost or Recovered?
Zespoły pałacowo-parkowe na Pomorzu Zachodnim - dziedzictwo utracone czy odzyskane?
Magdalena Rzeszotarska–Pałka

Palace – garden ensambles, created during XVIIIth and XIXth Century, are until these days very significant in the landscape of Western Pomerania villages. Unfortunately, former farms together with accompanying palaces and parks are visibly transformed and their primary form is now destructed, because of improper use, neglect or even abandon. There are chosen examples presented in the article, which illustrate present state of palace – garden ensambles from the area of Western Pomerania. These examples were chosen in that way, to precisely display general tendency concerning the possibility of their revitalization.

Social Perception of Concrete in Garden Architecture
Społeczne postrzeganie betonu w architekturze ogrodowej
Anna M. Grabiec
Natalia Buchert

The paper concerns social perceptions of the use of concrete in garden architecture. As a result of the analysis an ideal concept of a garden has been proposed, where various concrete elements are present. A questionnaire was used as an auxiliary tool. It was formulated in such a way as to get information on preferences related to concrete use in garden architecture with an indication of possible structural elements, their shape, types of concrete, combination of concrete with other construction materials and plant types, as well as economical and ecological conditions. Preferences of respondents are different but a social need to respect the environment during creation of garden architecture is common.

Contemporary Tendencies in Shaping Rural Front Gardens on the Example of the Winners of the Contest for “The Most Beautiful Village of Lower Silesia 2012 and 2013”
Współczesne tendencje kształtowania wiejskich ogrodów frontowych na przykładzie laureatów konkursu na "Piękną wieś dolnośląską 2012 i 2013"

Anna Podolska
Liliana Serafin
Iwona Orzechowska-Szajda

Today, in the context of space surrounded by contemporary architecture, radical change is more frequently applied to the greenery located nearby Trends in its development are based on the standards of urban or suburban gardens, compatible perhaps with the prevailing fashion, but in no way referring to the characteristics of rural landscape. Therefore, can we still talk about traditional rural gardens? Or perhaps in the era of globalization, the border between what is rural and what urban becomes more and more blurred? This paper, on the example of two Lower Silesian villages – the winners of “The most beautiful village of Lower Silesia 2012 and 2013”, aims to present contemporary tendencies in shaping front gardens in rural areas. Based on field research patterns of developing front gardens in over 600 parcels of land were examined, the forms of their arrangement were demonstrated and predominant plant species were described.

4/2015 - Postindustrial Landscapes / Krajobrazy poprzemysłowe

Cottbus 4   No 4/2015, vol. 49

Postindustrial Landscapes
Krajobrazy poprzemysłowe



Relations Between Natural and Post-industrial Areas with Transformed Relief on the Example of Śląsko-Dąbrowski Region
Związki obszarów przyrodniczych i poprzemysłowych o przekształconej rzeźbie terenu na przykładzie regionu śląsko-dąbrowskiego
Szymon Opania
Karolina Szaton

The Śląsko-Dąbrowski region presents a typical image of post-industrial Silesia. The industry, mainly hard coal extraction, has left its mark on the landscape. However, as years passed, nature found its way to come into existence, even in those degraded lands, transformed by anthropogenic impact and it has shaped a new image of the region. The relations between post-industrial and natural areas turned out to be very strong. However, in order to become the basis for the process of revitalisation they need to be properly defined and emphasized. Based on the inventory lists and analyses of determinants, thirteen groups of related natural and post-industrial sites in the Śląsko-Dąbrowski region have been identified, and potential directions of their development have been indicated. The factor that determined the nature of an area was mainly the level to which the transformation was preserved – anthropogenic impact provides opportunities for interesting space formation, as well asenvironmental values and landscape. The identified areas also differ in the type and strength of their relations. The identified relations include spatial, landscape and functional relations, to which each group of sites was then assigned. The findings of the study confirm the occurrence of the phenomenon of interpenetration of valuable natural sites and transformed sites, and they prove that the process of renaturalisation has started spontaneously. Exploiting the landscape- and terrainrelated potential of the interrelated areas may significantly improve the functioning of the cities of the Śląsko-Dąbrowski region and, in a broader perspective, of Silesia.

The Potential of Post-industrial Landscape Elements for Image Creation and Revival of an Area. The Example of Przemsza and Brynica River Valley
Potencjał elementów poprzemysłowych w krajobrazie w tworzeniu wizerunku i aktywizowaniu obszaru. Przykład doliny Przemszy i Brynicy
Monika Kubica
Szymon Opania

The main subject discussed in this paper is the question whether taking into account and using postindustrial elements in the creation of a new image and revival endeavours is justified. The problem is discussed on the example of Przemsza and Brynica River Valley in the Silesian Voivodeship. The results of the analyses presented in the article show the potential of industrial-type areas by assessment of selected aspects: historical value and preservation of valuable structures, visibility and landscape formation, the possibility of making them accessible for active use. Surveys show that post-industrial elements in the valley landscape and area are an important asset. In many cases they are characterised by high cultural value, they create the character of a place to a large extent. Not only are they the legacy of the past – though this alone is important in building identity – but they are also a chance for the future and for the creation of a new quality. Their authenticity, unique ambiance, can be used in a new way, corresponding to modern needs – the more so as it turns out, that many of the areas are ready to be made accessible and actively used. Instead of disappearing from the landscape, post-industrial elements could gain new meaning and form unique combinations that would make the area stand out. Due to individual approach, sometimes radical or unconventional ideas may turn into a well-used opportunity which is, in fact, still available in many places.


A marriage of art and industrial space in post-industrial landscapes
Mariaż sztuki i przestrzeni przemysłowej w postindustrialnym krajobrazie
Bernadeta Stano

Industrial (mines, factories) and post-industrial (abandoned facilities and ruins) spaces, heavily transformed by human destructive activity evoke no associations with primeval nature. It is difficult to label them under thecategory of a picturesque landscape which has always provided inspiration for painters. The goal of this essay is to present activities of curators and contemporary artists for whom such places not only constitute a source of inspiration, but are also attractive exhibition spaces. Against the background supplied by the history and memory of their former users, they imbue industrial buildings and their surroundings with a new aesthetic and conceptual context. They also frequently contribute to revitalisation of the industrial heritage.


The Locality of Bear’s Garlic (Allium ursinum L.) in Palace Park in Korytów – Environmental Conditions and Protection Possibilities
Stanowisko czosnku niedźwiedziego (Allium ursinum L.) w przypałacowym parku w Korytowie – warunki siedliskowe i możliwości ochrony
Magdalena Szymura
Marek Liszewski
Andrzej Kocowic
Maria Pytlarz-Kozicka
Tomasz H. Szymura

The aim of this study is to characterize the habitat preferences of Wild garlic (Allium ursinum), determine the potential environmental threats and possibilities of protection of this species and also, to show the possibility of its use as a natural element in landscape planning. The palace park in Korytów (Kłodzko Valley, Lower Silesia) was selected as a model area for the study. The research has shown that bear garlic is a highly demanding plant in terms of soil conditions. The threat to this species is soil eutrophication related to the influence of anthropogenic factor and excessive cutting of forest trees. In order to protect the wild garlic population it is recommended to reduce the felling of trees and remove competitive species like Impatiens parviflora and Urtica dioica.

Reclamation of Landfills for Development of Tourism and Recreation – the Waste Utilization Plant in Szadółki as a Case Study
Rekultywacja składowisk odpadów pod kątem rozwoju turystyki i rekreacji na przykładzie Zakładu Utylizacyjnego w Szadółkach
Mariusz Antolak
The principal aim of landfill reclamation should be to minimize the potential adverse effect of these facilities on the environment. Reclamation should be achieved so as to integrate the area of a waste dumping site with the surroundings. Conversion of land for recreational purposes is one of the trends in reclamation. An unharmonious heap of waste can be transformed into an interesting component of landscape architecture. It is commonly believed that waste dumping disagrees with the development of tourism in a given area. However, a reclaimed landfill can contribute to making the landscape more attractive and become a popular tourist destination. The aim of this article has been to present possible directions in landfill reclamation and its transformation with an aim of developing tourism and recreation. The Waste Utilization Plant in Szadółki (Pomeranian Voivodeship) served as a case for the study. This paper contains examples of successful rehabilitation projects completed in Poland and worldwide. It also describes a concept design for reclamation of the landfill in Szadółki, created as an entry to a countrywide competition.

3/2015 - Space and Time in the Landscape / Przestrzeń a czas w krajobrazie

dobry   No 3/2015, vol. 48

Space and Time in the Landscape
Przestrzeń a czas w krajobrazie



Landscape of Small Towns in Lower Silesia – Reminiscences Dating Back to the Middle Ages
Krajobraz malych miast dolnośląskich - reminiscencje średniowiecza

Zuzanna Borcz
Anna Borcz

The article analyses the landscape of small towns in the voivodeship of Lower Silesia with populations up to 20 000. It overlooks small towns that lost their city status over the years but takes into consideration a few Czech frontier towns. It also points to a number of characteristic features that have medieval roots and gives special consideration to such elements as marketplaces surrounded with arcades, quite often with a town hall building and defensive walls with towers and gates. Landmarks in small towns seen from narrow streets, usually from markets are also worth mentioning. Architectural details such as balconies, portals, monuments, votive columns etc. are particularly valuable. The entire city panorama not always visible because of acoustic screens is very important for the landscape.

Analysis of the State of Preservation of the Medieval Fortification Elements, in the Context of Landscape Attractiveness Based on an Example of Selected Cities of Lower Silesia
Analiza stanu zachowania elementów fortyfikacji średniowiecznej w kontekście atrakcyjności krajobrazowej na przykładzie wybranych miast Dolnego Śląska
Jerzy Potyrała
Izabela Iwancewicz

Medieval fortifications, which were built long time ago, served townsmen as defence against the attacks of enemy armies or band of raiders and for protection against free influx into the city of all kinds of groups of vagabonds. Nowadays, they are a symbol of power, and part of cultural heritage. They also form a disappearing, rare element of urban landscape, which calls for the need of their protection and appropriate exposure. In the region of Lower Silesiaof over 60 cities with a fortified origin there have been preserved until now a little over 30 of them. The aim of study was to select from the investigated Lower Silesian cities the ones with the currently greatest and most attractive range of resources as regards medieval fortified architecture. The Authors made an attempt to assess the rolethat these fortifications play nowin the context of the attractiveness of the city landscape,its attractiveness for tourists and visual identity. The Green areas adjacent to the fortifications were also analysed recognizing the fact that they too provide recreational potential. Green areas enrich the space around the preserved fortifications, and their size and character does matter as well. The analysis encompasses 15 cities where fortifications have been preserved at over 30%. The purpose of this study was to select from among the investigated cities these of the biggest range of preserved elements of medieval fortified architecture along with their surrounding green areas which have a recreational potential. In order to show changes that took place over the years, time periods were selected: 20s–30s of the XX century, 60s–80s of the XX century and present time. The analyzed elements are fortified gates, towers, the length of the city wall in cities with single or dual defensive perimeter, and also the greenery areas around them. Out of the 15 of analysed towns 8 have been found to have a big potential. The preserved medieval fortifications could be a distinguishing factor of these sites through their right exposition in the city landscape and conservational restoration works and completions in their representative parts.

New Uses of Urban Parks – Recommendations for Rearranging Selected Park Areas. The Educational-Sensory Park Elements in the Janusz Kusociński Memorial Park in Olsztyn
Nowe funkcje parków miejskich – propozycje zmian aranżacji wybranych obiektów. Funkcja edukacyjno-sensoryczna parku im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Olsztynie

Iwona Połucha
Natalia Kret

The article presents proposals for expanding the function of urban parks to provide users with the possibilities of various forms of activity and spending their free time in an attractive way. The studies covered Janusz Kusociński Memorial Park in Olsztyn, proposing educational and sensory facilities. The proposal takes into account installations that help understanding of natural phenomena and carrying out experiments in the park space. It was also important to create space for arts.

A Concept of Building Walls Development in the Centrum Housing Estate in Wrocław
Koncepcja zagospodarowania ścian budynku na osiedlu mieszkaniowym Centrum we Wrocławiu

Magdalena Biernacik
Karol Wolski

Green walls are alternative forms of green areas that allow to introduce plants into human closest environment. A solution like this is particularly useful in densely built-up cities. Greenery is a very important element of urban space and housing estates, and this results from the human need for contact with nature. In addition to improving the psychological comfort by addressing the aesthetic needs, greenery in urban landscape also serves a number of health enhancing functions. Intensive urban development makes it increasingly difficult to allot land for traditional greenery complexes. Limited space for investments often makes the planned infrastructure the only priority partly or completely disregarding the green space. This results in a reduction in the quality of life in the urban environment. In such a situation the best viable solution in densely built up urban zones is the use of modern technologies, such as vertical gardens, which adapt the unused vertical space for the new purposes. This study presents a development concept of a building facade at the newly formed housing estate Centrum in Wrocław by using green walls technology.

Spatial Diversity of the Development of Investments in Renewable Energy in the Context of Potential Effect on Landscape
Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne rozwoju inwestycji z zakresu energetyki odnawialnej w Polsce w kontekście potencjalnego oddziaływania na krajobraz
Piotr Hektus
Eliza Kalbarczyk
The aim of the work is to determine spatial diversity of the development of investments in renewable energy in Poland with a special focus on wind and solar farms. It has been found that distribution of renewable energy installations is very diverse spatially. Most wind installations are located in the northern and central part of the country. Solar power stations were mainly built in southern and eastern Poland. The development of wind power generation in the 21st century occurred most intensely until 2010. A new phenomenon is the development of solar power generation in the provinces of eastern Poland. The diversity of types and pace of the development of investments in renewable energy sources in Poland may result in a different scale and type of impact on landscape in particular regions of the country.

Us – Outside the Law
My – poza prawem
Przemysław Wolski



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