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3/2014 - The Settling and Public Greenery / Zieleń osiedlowa i publiczna

AK 3-14 4   No 3/2014, vol. 44

The Settling and Public Greenery
Zieleń osiedlowa i publiczna

SUMMARIES page 120

Adapting French Legislation and Planning Solutions for Landscape Protection: the Case of Poland
Możliwości adaptacji francuskich rozwiązań prawnych i planistycznych w zakresie ochrony krajobrazu do warunków polskich

Katarzyna Tokarczyk-Dorociak
Julia Jankowska


Management and protection of the landscape depends upon the effectiveness and social acceptance of legal instruments designed to protect nature and species. The Polish landscape protection system is mainly based on the protection of natural areas and instruments resulting from spatial planning. This paper discusses the system of landscape protection in France and the possibilities of landscape protection under Polish law. In France, landscape protection is strictly regulated by law involving various administrative levels. The competences and responsibilities of each are considerably different. Effective implementation of landscape protection in France is guaranteed by the Guide to Good Practice in Landscape Identification and/or the requirement of preparing a so called landscape planning permission (granny) annex during the application for a building permit. The certification of valuable landscapes in the form of official labeling and landscape education also play an important role in indirect landscape protection. Despite the long tradition of natural landscape conservation, and in spite of the ratification of the European Landscape Convention and numerous pro landscape legal provisions, we still observe a progressive degradation of landscape in Poland. Local planning documents do not prevent chaotic urban development, and effective planning instruments, in relation to achieving good planning outcomes affect only a small part of the country. In this situation it seems practical to observe European countries that cope better with the execution of legal recommendations on these issues. The French example perfectly illustrates the practical application of theoretical legal provisions, which, de facto do not differ significantly from the provisions of Polish law. Closer analysis of French legislation, and above all, its execution, is therefore uniquely relevant to Poland, especially in the wake of the European Landscape Convention, the first international treaty to be exclusively devoted to all aspects of proper management and protection of the landscape, and that of Poland’s participation, which has been evolving in order to adjust to the EU’s legal requirements and high culture of spatial planning.


Club Landscape as a Manifestation of Substitutive Public Spaces in Suburbs
Krajobraz „klubowy” jako wyraz substytutywnych 
przestrzeni publicznych suburbiów
Agnieszka Kępkowicz
Dorota Mantey
Halina Lipińska
Wiesław Wańkowicz


The landscape of most suburban areas around Polish cities is often discordant. Its forms arise from the peculiar character of suburban development in Poland. Private semipublic spaces with a recreational function are created as a substitute for public spaces. Their users can choose to spend their free time by joining a community of neighbours, garden/allotment owners or sports enthusiasts (tennis, horse-riding, golf
and other clubs). Suburban landscape is thus composed of “general” landscape and “club” landscape, to an equal extent. This article examines the characteristic features of this phenomenon, its origins, positive and negative aspects, and outlook for the future. Club spaces, along with the landscape they form, begin to influence the perception of suburban landscape as well as the quality of life and lifestyle of the residents. Although such spatial forms entail a lot of challenges, they also lead to many positive processes, e.g. integration of residents with similar interests, enrichment of suburban landscape through the introduction of sites of aesthetic value, and creation of the so much needed meeting space. The authors believe that the problems of semi-public spaces, particularly in the context of suburbs, should be further discussed and elaborated on.

Grass Lawns and Ornamental Grasses in the Urban Greenery of the City of Rzeszów
Powierzchnie trawiaste i trawy ozdobne w zieleni miejskiej Rzeszowa

Ewa Stompor-Chrzan
Marta Pisarek
Marta Gargała
Aleksandra Wąsowicz-Duch


Grass is an important part of the contemporary architecture of urban spaces. This research was conducted in 2009–2013 in Rzeszów to estimate the surface area of grass lawns, planted ornamental grasses, and other grasses planted and maintained by the Management of Urban Greenery for their decorative value at various locations. Grasses account for approximately 40% of the total green areas in Rzeszów with the highest proportion along roadways. The botanical compositions are dominated by perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), red fescue (Festuca rubra) and smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis). A total of 11 grass species were catalogued in the compositions along roadways, strips of urban greenery, parks and the Rzeszów White Garden, among which the most popular were blue fescue, sea lyme grass and Chinese silver grass. Ornamental grasses like blue fescue (Fesatuca cinerea), hakone grass (Hakonechloa macra), and sedge (Carex sp.) are the most complementary additions to trees and shrubbery. Other varieties of taller grasses include sea lyme grass (Leymus arenarius), reed mannagrass (Glyceria maxima), and Chinese silver grass (Miscanthus sinensis). These plants feature decorative leaves, inflorescences, and circular and semi-circular shapes. Floristic compositions also have additional decorative elements such as statues, gravel or stones.

Restoration of the Timophey Nikolaevich Granovsky Estate – Pogorelets in the Orel Region of the Russian Federation
Metody ochrony zieleni przyulicznej przed szkodliwym działaniem soli drogowej

Jolanta Dąbrowska
Marta Weber-Siwirska
Krzysztof Lejcuś 
Daniel Garlikowski


This study presents the harmful effects of road salt (sodium chloride) on plants and the soil. The influence of salt spray on the above-ground parts of plants is described, along with the impact of salt that reaches plants from water collected by the roots. An analysis of research previously conducted shows without a doubt that the road salt that has been used in Poland since the 1970s, has severely affected the condition of the soil. This article reviews the methods of protecting roadside greenery from excessive amounts of salt that were successfully applied in Poznan, by using coverings made from straw and plastic or protective plastic hoods for the crowns of trees. The advantages and disadvantages noted after several seasons of using these protective barriers are listed. The main disadvantage of using protective coverings is that they can come off when there is an accumulation of snow from the tyres of passing vehicles or when the streets are ploughed. Another situation also occurred, in which the residents of adjacent areas sometimes used the areas formed by the protective barriers to pile up snow and mud from cleaning the pavements. There are few examples of studies in the literature on the effectiveness of protecting plants and soil from road salt. A review was made of research conducted in Denmark on median strips where 3 types of straw mats were used. This research revealed the fact that road salt damage was directly related to the distance to the street. A list of species that are important for urban vegetation and that have a high tolerance for salt is presented.


Participatory Budgeting in the Management of Public Space
Budżet obywatelski w gospodarowaniu przestrzeniami publicznymi

Jakub Chruściński 
Iwona Palińska
Jan Kazak


The increasing importance of public participation in government has brought about new methods for managing spatial planning. One of these is participatory budgeting, where citizens have an opportunity to submit proposals for development initiatives that would benefit the local community. The use of this method offers new research opportunities to provide direct data on the needs in the community for the use of urban space. Incorporating this new data into existing research methods makes it possible to analyze residents’ needs relative to public places. An analysis was made of the data from the Wrocław Participatory Budgeting process in 2013. Field surveys were conducted using Gehl’s method [2009], which assesses public places based on multi-functionality. The winning projects were mapped to identify the concentration of areas which received support. This study reveals the usefulness of the new source of data and provides for further research that would be helpful in designing new proposals for public places.

Analysis of the Voting Results from the Wrocław Participatory Budgeting in 2013
Analiza wyników głosowania nad budżetem obywatelskim Wrocławia w 2013 roku

Maciej Piotrowski
Halina Dzieżyc
Kamila Adamczyk-Mucha
Ewa Walter
Monika Ziemiańska


In 2013, participatory budgeting was the new tool to impact the Wrocław landscape. The number of submitted projects (242) and the number of votes (52,000) indicates that there was a great deal of interest from the citizens of Wrocław in the programme. Projects for investment in public sports and recreation facilities (34% of all projects) were the most frequently proposed and enjoyed great support among voters, with a median of 884 votes per project. Investment in the revitalization of schoolyards (13% of all projects) did not win enough votes to qualify for implementation. Projects for school and kindergarten schoolyards, accounting for 18% of all projects, were chosen on average by as many as 94 voters. Investment in transportation infrastructure was not widely popular, garnering 20% of the votes with a median of 506. A relatively small number of proposals on the ballot were for urban greenery (6%). Projects for Wrocław historic sites were also submitted. The Gądów District won the biggest number of votes. There was no correlation between the number of votes given on a project and the cost of implementation.


Analysis of Wayside Shrines in Selected Areas of the Podkarpacki Region
Analiza obiektów małej architektury sakralnej w wybranych miejscowościach woj. Podkarpackiego

Lech Lichołai
Marta Gargała
Marta Pisarek


The landscape is inharmonious in most of the suburban areas in Poland. This is a result of the particular way that suburbs developed around Polish cities. Private, semi-public places with recreational features were built as substitutes for public places. Residents of these communities typically have opportunities to spend free time in the company of other residents who can participate in organized groups dedicated to gardening or some type of sports like tennis, horseback riding, golf or other. The suburban landscape often looks like a composite of a traditional urban landscape and a community landscape made up of social clubs. This article examines the characteristics of the modern country club landscape, how it came to be so prevalent, the positive and negative features, and possible future directions. Country club space and the landscape it presents has begun to influence the perception of the wider suburban landscape as well as the quality of life and lifestyle of the local residents. The spatial arrangements of country club landscapes create many problems, however, there are also many positive side-effects like the integration of residents with similar interests, the enhancement of suburban landscapes from the addition of sites of aesthetic value and the creation of places that facilitate social interaction. The problems that can arise from the formation of semipublic spaces, especially in suburban settings, need to be further addressed and examined in greater detail.

Neighborhood Green Areas as Part of the Urban Landscape – the Jaroty Subdivision in Olsztyn
Tereny zieleni na osiedlach mieszkaniowych jako elementy krajobrazu miejskiego na przykładzie osiedla Jaroty w Olsztynie

Iwona Połucha 
Michalina Górska


The paper deals with the issues involved in the spatial development of residential estates and presents a design concept including landscaping greenery. The design area is in the Jaroty subdivision, one of the main bedroom communities in the city of Olsztyn. The intense growth of the Jaroty neighborhood during the 1970s resulted in the development of most of the land, including some green areas, for residential buildings. There is a need here for more green spaces for recreation and leisure and the new green areas should be incorporated into the structure of the urban landscape.

The Vegas-Style Commercialization and Perception of the Polish Countryside
Być jak Las Vegas – czyli o percepcji polskiej wsi

Ewa Podhajska
Marcin Sobota
Magdalena Zienowicz


One of the main reasons that the Polish countryside has changed over the last decade is from the extensive advertising activity. The use of mass media in the countryside has led to a complete change in the visual qualities. Large billboards in rural areas put up without any plan or previous analysis has led to the deterioration of the original layout and traditional views and panoramic scenes of country villages. This has caused a number of problems, one of the worst of which is the appropriation of space for advertisements. In the process the needs of the rural inhabitants and the capacity for making visual impressions have been ignored and the landscape has been reduced to fulfilling the role of a consumer advertising leaflet targeted to passing motorists. This is an act of subjugating the long standing rural inhabitants to motorists on the road. The purpose of this article is to analyse this situation and identify the risks which result from widespread advertising placements.

Copyright 2020 - landscape arch.

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University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Institute of Landscape Architecture

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