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3/2013 - The Relationship between Man and the Landscape / Relacje człowieka z krajobrazem

AK 3-13 5   Nr 3/2013, vol. 40

The Relationship between Man and the Landscape
Relacje człowieka z krajobrazem

SUMMARIES page 124

Social Control as an Indicator of Safety in Residential Neighborhoods in Western Societies and China
Kontrola społeczna jako czynnik bezpieczeństwa 
przestrzeni na osiedlach mieszkaniowych w społeczeństwach zachodnich i w Chinach
Aleksandra Lis 
Alicja Krzemińska


The authors present, in light of contemporary research, the impact of social control (informal control) on security in residential neighborhoods in cities by analyzing and comparing the basis and the impact on neighborhoods in Western countries and China taking into account current developments and trends.

Acoustic Barriers in the Landscape – Noise Abatement or Landscape Degradation
Ekrany akustyczne w krajobrazie –
ochrona akustyczna czy degradacja krajobrazu? 
Sebastian Bernat


The development of civilization has been accompanied by an increase in noise, which leads to higher economic and social costs. In recent years, motorways and expressways in Poland have been built to include noise protection barriers that, although they reduce noise levels have a negative visual impact on the landscape, increase the cost of investment projects and raise public outcry. In September 2012 the Ministry of the Environment increased permissible noise levels in order to prevent the excessive use of noise barriers [Stop hałasowi… 2013, Rozporządzenie… 2012]. The goal of this paper is to examine the impact of noise protection barriers on the 
landscape. The article discusses the problem of road design with regard to preserving the landscape and reducing noise, and reviews different kinds of sound barriers and their level of effectiveness. In addition, attention is drawn to landscape degradation as a factor in social conflicts arising from the construction of sound barriers. The paper is based on an analysis of literature, websites, press articles and field observations. In the course of designing acoustic screens, it is essential to take into account not only their effectiveness in reducing noise but also on how they influence the perception of the landscape. Raising permissible noise levels may reduce the construction of new sound barriers that would have an impact on the landscape. On the other hand, this may lead to an increase in noise pollution. Therefore, it is important to assess the impact of investment projects on the landscape, starting from an examination of landscape resources and visual conditions around roadways.


Contemporary Playgrounds – Characteristics from Selected Examples
Współczesne tereny zabaw dla dzieci – 
charakterystyka wybranych przykładów
Agata Gajdek


Playgrounds are present in our surroundings since the middle of the 19th century. From that time they have been changing – from open spaces, to modern, limited areas with many facilities for children. Forms of playgrounds became a challenge, not only for constructors and architects, but also for many artists. Subject matter in this article are contemporary playgrounds – their composition, facilities for children and design of natural elements. Context of the area and accessibility are described for every example. The analysis concern six realizations – three of them are situated in Poland (Warsaw, Cracow, Rzeszow), and the other are located in Switzerland, Slovakia and Ukraine. These Examples show that even a small area has its potential and it is possible to create an interesting place for children. Context and value of surrounding could have positive impact on the area which could become special. Are there any rules which could help us to design a perfect playground? Are modern facilities for children the only recipe for success? Or maybe unique character of the playground is the most important? Is the communication accessibility a deciding factor? Every aspect of localization and designing process is important. It is the architect who decides which elements should be joined and how it has to be done. There is another factor which designer has to take into consideration – needs of local community. Architect change this particular place for them, so they could enjoy it.

Development of Spatial Cultural Potential of the Lower Silesian Villages: Dziwiszów - a Case Study
Zagospodarowanie przestrzennego 
potencjału kulturowego dolnośląskich wsi na przykładzie Dziwiszowa 
Tomasz Eugeniusz Malec


Lower Silesian villages are characterised by their unique, specific cultural potential. This potential derives from Polish and German influences; diverse civilisations that have had the largest influence on the region. The diversity of influences also includes the achievements of national minority cultures. The rural area of Lower Silesia was developed on the basis of the German cultural heritage in terms of urban planning and architecture of residential buildings, churches and other facilities. It can be thus observed how the high level of non-material culture directly influenced material culture, including architecture. Following Polish accession into the European Union, the process of development of Lower Silesian villages and rural areas in other parts of Poland has proceeded in a manner largely dependent on external sources of funding. Meeting the award criteria for individuals is determined by the financial aspects of business ventures; with a relatively low level of wealth recorded in the rural population, financial aspects often constitute the basis for the acceptance or rejection of a particular investment. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of native aspects of non material and material culture in establishing identification with the area and the manner of residency and, therefore, the quality of life of the rural population in the Lower Silesia. This issue will be discussed using the example of the village of Dziwiszów. This paper also attempts to identify possible solutions to the problem presented above, as well as discussing ways in which the existing spatial arrangement of Lower Silesian villages can be adapted to the needs of their contemporary residents.

Values of a Landscape Surrounding the Prosna River Mouth and Problems of Protection
Wartości krajobrazu okolic ujścia Prosny 
i problemy jego ochrony
Hanka Zaniewska
Monika Zaniewska


The paper presents a natural and cultural landscape of a fragment of the Central Warta River Valley near the mouth of the Prosna river. An attention was drawn to values of the environment, including existing geological deposits and taken exploitation. Conclusions of the research are to serve the protection of the natural and cultural landscape considering the idea of sustainable development.


Assessment Criteria for the Impact of Large-scale Investment on the Landscape Based on Visual Resource Management (VRM)
Wskaźniki stosowane w ocenie wpływu inwestycji 
wielkoobszarowych na krajobraz na podstawie Visual Resource Management (VRM)
Iwona Orzechowska-Szajda
Anna Podolska


In times of accelerated development of suburban, rural and open landscape areas, it is important to know at the design stage what the impact on the existing landscape would be from investment projects, especially large-scale investments such as wind power plants, industrial plants, complex of buildings, silos, etc. Currently, local authorities who have to take decisions on the location of potential investment projects lack the tools, methods and procedures for determining the impact of a project on the landscape. This article presents the Visual Resource Management (VRM) model, which is a tool used in the U.S. to evaluate the visual quality of the landscape, determine appropriate levels of land management, determine the potential visual impact of proposed designs and outline appropriate measures to integrate planned development into the environment. A working example was used to identify the key indicators for making an assessment of the impact of an investment project on the landscape.

Transformation of the Landscape in the Rural Community of Ostróda
Przekształcenia krajobrazów 
gminy wiejskiej Ostróda
Mariusz Antolak


This paper presents the current and predicted changes to the landscape in the rural municipality of Ostróda, in the Province of Warmia and Mazury. The area under study was 401 km2. The time period included both archived documents from the past and planning documents filed for the future. The scope of the research consisted of an analysis of cartographic materials and planning documents of the municipality and a detailed inventory of the study area. Like most of Poland, the analyzed area has been subjected to strong anthropogenic transformations for hundreds or even thousands of years. The current changes have been described in this article, based on the detailed inventory and analysis of planning documents. The prevailing trends in the landscape include a lower quality of local architecture, changes in the layouts of villages and farmland, more scattered locations of buildings and more developed systems of infrastructure. The changes that have occurred or are planned in the studied area include further development of the transportation system: three state roads, high voltage electricity lines, a large landfill, etc.; a planned suburban economic zone near Ostróda; and an expanding range of tourist facilities. The visible changes in the landscape could result in the loss of its most valuable assets, which would make it less attractive to tourists.

Health Impact Assessment and the Study of Therapeutic Landscape Features
Ocena wpływu inwestycji na zdrowie 
w świetle badań nad terapeutycznymi właściwościami krajobrazu
Monika Trojanowska
Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska


This paper discusses the health impact of investment projects as measured by a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) with reference to research that has shown that the landscape has a therapeutic effect on human health. The Health Impact Assessment (HIA), which complements the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) used in the European Union, is a tool which can be used to protect against the potentially harmful side effects of development projects. Many projects, for example construction of a new highway that cuts residential buildings off from access to a park, could have a negative impact on the health of local residents. This paper demonstrates that, in addition to other more obvious risks, loss of local landscape value can trigger adverse health consequences. Unfortunately, the current EIA does not require an assessment of the negative effects on human health caused by the loss of therapeutic features of the local environment. Based on research showing the benefits of greenways for alleviating stress and promoting an active lifestyle, the HIA is recommended for evaluating investment projects and proposing appropriate compensation for the loss of the therapeutic value of the landscape. An example of a compensatory action would be to build a public park.


Mines in the Landscape of Strzelin County – Strzelin Granite in Architecture
Kopalnie w krajobrazie powiatu strzelińskiego
– strzeliński granit w architekturze
Bartosz Jawecki
Marek W. Lorenc 
Sławomir Mazurek


Strzelin county is situated in the southeastern part of the province of Lower Silesia (SW Poland). The geological structure of the area is relatively complex, particularly in the southern part of the region that is contained within the geological unit of the Strzelin massif. Hercynian granitoids predominate, represented mostly by biotite granites and granodiorites with a lesser proportion of two-mica granites, tonalities, and quartz diorites. The natural cover of the granitoid intrusion consists of Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks, mainly gneisses, granite gneisses, schists, quartzites, amphibolites and marbles. Tertiary basalt intrusions represent a much younger igneous formation. Apart from the elevated part of the Strzelin Hills, the entire area is covered with Tertiary sediments of marine origin: bluish clays as well as kaolinite clays and sands. The surface layer over most of the area is composed of Pleistocene glacial sediments, sand-gravel sediments, tills and loess-like clays. The extraction of rock material in this area dates back to the 10th century, when granite started to be quarried in Strzelin and Górka Sobocka. Rocks extracted in numerous quarries in the Strzelin county area are of very good quality and have been widely used in local architecture and civil engineering. This stone has been used to build road surfaces, street furnitures, architectural details, sculptures, windowsills, stairs, fence basements, low walls, building foundations or entire structures. Buildings have been made either entirely of stone or using only external wall claddings of granite. There are many noteworthy examples: the highest quality fine-grained granite from the Strzelin vicinity was used in the construction of the first cathedral in Wrocław (ca. 1000 AD), the columns of the Berlin Deutsche Bank, the stairs and floors in the Reichstag building in Berlin, the north port in Gdańsk, the Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw, and the Nike goddess monument in Warsaw. This paper provides a description of selected stone-clad buildings made of Strzelin granite mainly from Strzelin county. The mausoleum of marshal Gebhard L. von Blücher in Krobielowice near Wrocław is an example of a Strzelin granite construction outside of Strzelin county.

Copyright 2020 - landscape arch.

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University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Institute of Landscape Architecture

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