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Nr 4/2011, vol. 33 Tworzywo w krajobrazie historycznym i współczesnym Materials Influencing a Historical and Contemporary Landscape STRESZCZENIA str. 105 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (11,1 MB) |
PROBLEMY O historii, cytatach z przeszłooeci i nowoczesnych krajobrazach. Nowe w starym i nowe - w ogrodach i parkach historycznych i współczesnych About History, Quotations from the Past and Modern Landscapes. The Old in the New - in Historic and Modern Gardens and Parks Agata Zachariasz STRESZCZENIEA garden is a testimony to the uniqueness of culture in time and place. Works of garden art quickly absorb new trends and fashions, are open to inspirations. The modern ones are often characterized by their diversity and an ability to stimulate different senses. The article presents landscapes created from anew - historical and modern gardens - unique 'living' objects of cultural heritage. It describes restoring hundred years old gardens and parks, and more modern ones, to their former glory. Examples of historical objects variously reconstructed and revalorized are given. Gardens which changed their function and are geared to receive a broader public, as well as those which commemorate the past. The second aspect addressed in the article is using historic models and references to the past in creating new landscapes, and also how this contributes to their educational value. Trwanie czy przemijanie mieszkań dawnych pracowników folwarcznych Persistence or Transience of Flats of Former Manor Employees Renata Gubańska STRESZCZENIEDwellings of farm workers were often built at the same time as actual farm buildings. Their composition, form and architecture were dependent on the epoch they were built in, but above all, on wealth and awareness of their owners. Their spatial arrangement and architectural decor of those days have always had great influence on both: cultural values and the perception of modern Polish country. EKOLOGIA KRAJOBRAZU Kreowanie nowej wartości i znaczenia ogrodu w krajobrazie wiejskim Creating of New Value and Meaning of Garden in the Rural Landscape Oksana Bielecka Krzysztof Kotwas Adam Maria Szymski STRESZCZENIEThe authors used three example variants of rural development solutions to present the problem of defining the space of the contemporary countryside gardens of small, local parish communities in the former GDR, taking into consideration its integrative function. The three design subjects presented in the paper (each developed with two variants) concern spatial arrangement of a parish garden as a public space for: community meetings and recreation (example 1 - fig. 1, 2), studying and recreation (example 2 - fig. 3, 4), and relaxation/ meditation (example 3 - fig. 5, 6). All of them in the same attempt to organize space of wastelands; areas devastated culturally and naturally, but still important in the spatial structure of the town. The relations between the presented places local their use by local parish communities served as an impulse to define the fundamental, conceptual presumptions that let the presented composition suggestions take into account their timeless role of humanization of open space, with their potential standard of usage. One essential value of the presented examples is their practical potential - expected investment decisions after their public presentation to entire local communities (with declared support) - fig.7. Oazy w krajobrazie zurbanizowanym - piękno i funkcjonalność Oasis in the Urban Landscape - the Beauty and the Functionality Katarzyna Krężałek STRESZCZENIEAlternative storm water management measures meet with growing interest in creating the landscape of urban spaces. Apart from their undeniable aesthetic qualities we also pay attention to their versatility, especially in the context of sustainable water management and protection against local inundation. Solutions such as green roofs, rain gardens, storage ponds, stepped swales or a properly designed green belts along the roads are kind of "oasis" that can collect and store rainwater in a in face of increasingly severe periodic excesses or deficiencies in the water. These features may decide on their usefulness in citizens' adaptation to ongoing climate change and reducing influence of the urban areas on the floodability. Przemiany terenów zieleni miejskiej Olsztyna Transformations of Urban Green Space in the City of Olsztyn Magdalena Nowak-Rząsa STRESZCZENIEThe paper discusses transformations observed in urban green spaces in the city of Olsztyn over the last ten years, determined based on the results of a survey and an analysis of the Green Space Management Strategy implemented in Olsztyn. There is a spatially uneven distribution of green areas over the city - the northern part of Olsztyn offers abundant green space, while in the southern part green areas are scarce. Managed urban green space, forests and allotment gardens account for approximately 37% of the total city area. In order to maintain and protect urban green space, zoning plans should cover the entire area of Olsztyn (today they cover around 50% of the city area). PREZENTACJA Park nad rzeką Turia (Walencja) - cz. 2 The Turia River Park (Valencia) - part 2 Galan Vivas Juan José STRESZCZENIEDawne koryto rzeki Turia kształtowało się na przestrzeni wieków, było wcześniej północną granicą zabytkowego miasta Walencji, centralnym miejskim ciekiem wodnym, a następnie po katastrofalnej powodzi w roku 1957 i zmianie biegu rzeki, zostało przekształcone w bezwodną otwartą przestrzeń przechodzącą z zachodu na wschód tego wielkomiejskiego obszaru liczącego 1,5 mln ludności. Ta potrójna forma granic, element centralny i otwarta przestrzeń, wyznaczyły związek rzeki z miastem Walencja i towarzyszyły rozwojowi cennego dziedzictwa wzdłuż jej biegu oraz przy zmianie eksploatacji jej koryta i brzegów. Po krótkim wstępie, niniejszy artykuł analizuje przekształcenie starej rzeki Turia w park liniowy o długości 8,5 km o ogromnej wartości kulturowej, środowiskowej i rekreacyjnej. Ten park, który w rzeczywistości jest wyznaczony przez ciąg niezależnych projektów, stanowi doskonałą okazję do zbadania niektórych kluczowych aspektów pod względem definicji regionalnych i miejskich systemów zielonych, znaczenia społecznego zaangażowania i udziału społeczeństwa w tworzeniu naszych miast, istotnej roli architektury krajobrazu, którą może odegrać ona w planowaniu urbanistycznym i pogodzeniu różnych interesów i paradygmatów, które mogą odgrywać kluczową rolę w projektowaniu i utrzymaniu nowych terenów zieleni miejskiej. Zieleń XIX -wiecznych górnośląskich miast i ośrodków przemysłowych - zarys problematyki Greenery of 19th Century Towns and Industrial Centers - Outline of Problems Katarzyna Łakomy STRESZCZENIEUrban and industrial greenery of nineteenth and early twentieth century is the subject of an extensive range of garden art of combining aspects of urban, cultural and historical issues of both maintenance and revalorization. These areas have a variety of forms and functions, for responding to the deteriorating housing conditions, social, urban colonies and other systems associated with the mining, manufacturing and complementary industry. Also in the Upper Silesia municipal park, folk park, squares, avenues were founded to bear the aesthetic space, and above all improve the quality of life. In the colonies and settlements of workers the functions were more complex: relaxing and production were in the allotment gardens, home and interblock gardens: hygienic, social, cultural and educational: metallurgical parks, mining parks, folk parks; protective: belts of woodlands surrounding industrial objects. Another group were the decorative and usable gardens surrounding the villa type objects, typical for the architecture and philosophy of this period. All of these areas combined with the avenues and boulevards, green areas, public facilities companion, were the urban space, often with high utilitarian and composition values . Currently, the lack of recognition and care of these areas causes nurturing of these areas, by what the Upper Silesian landscape loses its natural values, but also historical and cultural sites. Therefore, this article is an attempt to identify the resource, systematic and conservation status and problems of restoration of 19th century green spaces of Upper Silesian centers about industrial character. Ogrody franciszkanów-reformatów w polskich miastach, wybrane przykłady Gardens of Franciscans-Reformers in Polish Cities, Selected Examples Katarzyna Hodor STRESZCZENIEThis work presents an attempt to analyse monastery-garden establishments present in selected Polish cities. The influence of the Order of Friar Minors on the cultural development, education and school system of selected cities is underappreciated. The whole composition of complexes apart from the cubature of the temple and monastery buildings were inherently gardens. Due to the beggarly character of the order their functioning was based on utilitarianism. Throughout centuries gardens were transformed - now with viridaria are an undeniably trace of tradition and heritage inscribing in the trend connected with Christian Europe. Currently, often with blurred composition, it is destined for different than original functions, dictated by contemporary needs. TWORZYWO Nasadzenia kompensacyjne drzew w świetle przepisów Ustawy o ochronie przyrody - dyskusja problemu Compensatory Plantings of Trees in the Light of the Nature Conservation Act - Discussion of the Problem Monika Ziemiańska STRESZCZENIEThe publication deals with the issue of protection of trees in the light of the provisions of applicable law in Poland. It is a voice in the ongoing discussion for several years on the quality of the protection of trees, especially in the areas of investment. Compensatory plantings, also called replacement plantings are possible action in light of the right to compensate for anticipated losses in the investment process. Unfortunately, the legislator does not specify clearly the essential details of the decision taking into account the compensatory plantings. Does it make that such administrative decisions in Poland are not often? Studzienki telekomunikacyjne usytuowane w chodnikach a jakość estetyczna przestrzeni miejskiej Warszawy Telecommunication Inspection Chambers Situated in Sidewalks and the Aesthetical Quality of the Warsaw Janusz Skalski STRESZCZENIEIn spaces urbanized all surfaces after which we move on foot or they vehicles are called the floor. Common floor, the walls of buildings, tree, monument and rolling there life create together the kind of the physiognomical background. In the composition of elements creators of the background, the aesthetical quality of the plane of the floor is not valued in the appropriate way. The fact be can confirmation this, that during the moving after the sidewalks of cities, we do not pay mostly the attention to this, how many various devices of the infrastructure of technical, he is on their surface. The full or open-work covers of sewages and manholes, the casing of hydraulic and gas valves, hydrants and different similar devices are stepping out the most often birth-marks of this infrastructure every kind. Objects served by workers municipal services are this and there is no need them clear to exhibit in the public space. You should not so admit to this, it would be on the plane of the floor clearly visible accidental location of these devices, the their slovenliness of settling or applying unsuitable materials. If this we see all on sidewalks, then the feeling of spatial disarrays is the consequence of these observations. Clearly perceived disarrays in the way of the location of these devices also has the negative influence how we estimate the whole public space of the city and his character on this. This impressions are not able to even eliminate buildings about the high architectural class or the monuments which are in close neighbourhood of such surface. He results from conducted investigations, that Warsaw belong to these cities the infrastructures of the Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. are dominated through clearly visible elements in the whose surfaces of the municipal floor. He results that places of location of these devices in the most representative part of Warsaw are placed in accidental way and their placing in the surface of the sidewalk from the visual opinion he is the confirmation of executive carelessness. Installing these objects before the main entries to important state and private institutions, on foot touristic routs or the direct influence has on this in what way in the vicinity of monuments we estimate the visually capital public space. Krajobraz nocą - nowe dzieło architekta krajobrazu The Landscape by Night - a New Work of Landscape Architect Magdalena Zienowicz STRESZCZENIEThe fascination of the natural beauty of light and shadow was accompanied by a man from the beginnings of civilization. We can find evidences for it both in the cosmological concepts of different cultures, as well as in the rich symbolism associated with the worship of deities. With the development of technique it was sought to create their own ever more perfect light sources that would be able to match and even surpass the beauty of the optical phenomena observed in nature. Analysis of the importance of light, understanding its nature, observation of nature and realization how great and important tool it becomes in the hands of a designer, should become a responsibility of everyone who wants to use him to create landscapes. It must be kept in mind that light as a material in space gives it a visual, formal, utilitarian, and semantic sense. In the night landscape the light emphasizes the existing dominants or extracts other elements hard to see during the day. The light changes the image of reality, giving the space a "second life". The light can make it, what objective and subjective, scientific and intuitive, natural and cultural heritage will become inseparable. The light can mediate in "materializing" of space, whose nature remains for us always mysterious and intangible. It must be remembered that "make the world visible is the physical role of light, but also the metaphorical role of the art", which also includes the art of building the space with light. Planowanie iluminacji w mieście Lighting Planning in the City Joanna Szwed STRESZCZENIEArticle will be devoted to lighting and illumination planning in the scale of the city. Experience shows that in Western European countries to creating of comprehensive urban lighting project entails many positive aspects, not only in the field of urban planning, but also economic, sociological and artistic planning. The result is a transformation of urban landscape, which becomes clearer, harmonious, and friendly for residents and tourists. The new image of the city highlights values of the locality where it is easier to navigate and more interesting to live not only in the daytime, but by evening and night. This paper will discuss the main aims of illumination, and ways to create comprehensive plans for lighting on the examples of European cities. STANDARDY Prawne podstawy ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu Krainy Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich The Legal Ground for the Conservation and Management of the Landscape in the Great Masurian Lake District Wiesława Gadomska STRESZCZENIEThe dissertation cites the basic legal regulations governing landscape conservation and management, including the extent to which they are formally binding and affecting the landscape of the Great Masurian Lake District. The extent to which these legal regulations govern the area has been presented graphically on a map depicting the analyzed land. Taking into the consideration the legislative source of particular legal acts as well as the extent to which they govern the whole district, a picture of legally protected nature areas has been obtained, including the specific features and the weight of each nature protection act. In parallel, the status of spatial zoning has been examined in the communes (gmina) situated in the analyzed area and the way administrative decisions are actually passed by the supervising district administrative units (starostwo). The analysis presented in this article enables the author to formulate a general conclusion that the question of 'landscape protection' is largely a consequence of the lexical function of this term in each of the currently binding legal regulations. It is difficult to establish common ground for all the binding regulations in order to achieve a successful and multi-facet conservation of landscape values. The existing law does not prevent degradation (unfortunately already visible in many places) of the unique landscape unless the local governments of each of the analyzed communes will actively and purposefully participate in nature protection. Problem prawny i krajobrazowy nieukończonej budowy - wybrane zagadnienia i przykłady małopolskie Legal and Landscape Problems of Unfinished Building Sites - Selected Issues and Examples in Malopolska Upland Michał Uruszczak STRESZCZENIEThe problem of unfinished building sites accompanies structures all around the world from the day one. Many times the works fell victim to a set of random economical, property- oriented or health-related factors, on various steps of development. But one thing is a temporary delay of works - from the aesthetic point of view it's a small inconvenience (assuming the deadline is well-known and near), and the other is a "forever" building site, which is a synonym of a bad economy and wastage in the whole area. The Cracow example can be the famous "skeletor" - a giant skyscraper with structural origins from a few decades now. This work presents a dozen selected examples in Malopolska Upland pointing out the deadlock of said problem which became the source of marring the landscape. FORUM Koncepcja zagospodarowania przestrzennego i architektonicznego Punktu Dobrowolnego Gromadzenia Odpadów we Wrocławiu The Concept of Spatial and Architectural Development of Voluntary Waste Collection Point in Wrocław Paweł Szyszkowski Anna Trepka STRESZCZENIEIn the updated Waste Management Plan for the city of Wroclaw for the years 2009-2012 there was assumed the construction of four Voluntary Waste Collection Points in Wroclaw (PDGO). To such the points residents will be able to deliver the waste of raw materials (paper, plastics, glass, metals), dangerous wastes (e.g. expired medicines, paints, fluorescent lamps, etc.), large-size wastes (furniture) and electrical and electronic waste, and similar wastes. The construction of the first PDGO is scheduled in Wrocław at ul. Michalczyka 9. Unlike other such facilities in Poland and abroad, by the design of PDGO at ul. Michalczyka was laid very strong emphasis on its educational functions, in particular for children and youth in the field of waste management. |
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