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1/2011 - Zieleń zorganizowana w krajobrazie / Green Organized in the Landscape

211   Nr 1/2011, vol. 30

Zieleń zorganizowana w krajobrazie
Green Organized in the Landscape



Wpływ malarstwa XVIII i XIX w. na styl ogrodów krajobrazowych i ich współczesne odniesienia
The Influence of the 18th and 19th Century Painting on the Style of the Landscape Gardens and their Contemporary References
Emilia Śliwczyńska
Tadeusz J. Chmielewski

The European theory of art in the 18th century was inspired by the Far Eastern art, ancient Arcadian topos and archeological and sightseeing travels. English theoreticians, like Hume, Denis, Walpole, Addison, Pope, Price, Gilpin, influenced by Neo-Platonism, regarded Nature as the source of the absolute perfection and beauty. They formulated two key categories for the new aesthetics: sublimity and picturesqueness. The inspirations drawn from the Chinese art caused changes in the structure of gardens. In England it was visible in the rejection of leading the viewer's eye through paths and compositional lines in favour of the system of observation points and views. The natural landscape again began to be imitated. Garden designers were particularly inspired by the Italian landscapes (observed during the Grand Tour) and the paintings of Salvatore Rosa, Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain. Inspiration came also from landscape paintings of such artists as Constable, Turner and Crome with his "school of Norwich", created according to the new aesthetic conception. New rules in the garden design were firstly put into practice by William Kent. His apprentice, Lancelot Brown, designed rural parks, that were meant to imperceptibly merge with the landscape. The critics of Brown, influenced by the new aesthetic conceptions, wanted gardens to be picturesque and wild, diversified by the ruins of castles or abbeys. The new style called Romanticism spread over the Europe in the 19th century, as a reaction against the industrial revolution. For the sake of growing urban population numerous public gardens and promenades were founded with their individual formal features. Under the influence of H. Repton and J. Thouin the English-Chinese gardens evolved into typical landscape parks. After 1850 garden designers made an attempt to connect landscape and geometric systems with the eclectic features. The availability of the new exotic plants stimulated deliberations on the problem of colour in the garden which simultaneously appeared in painting. Such tendencies at the end of the century gave birth to the Impressionism, which was the ultimate breaking with the academic tradition. Meanwhile, the art of garden design since the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries has been inspired mainly by the achievements of the contemporary science, and lost its ability to inspire new artistic trends. To revive it is a great challenge to the contemporary garden designers.

Kwietniki gołuchowskie. Projekty Adama Kubaszewskiego - ogrodnika Jana Działyńskiego i Izabeli Czartoryskiej
Gołuchów Flower Beds. Designs of Adam Kubaszewski – a Gardener of J. Działyński and I. Czartoryska
Grażyna Ławniczak

The Warsaw-based periodical "Ogrodnik Polski" ("Polish gardener") No. 20, 1882 published a lithograph featuring the main patterned flower bed at Gołuchów. The text that accompanied this lithograph provided an extensive list of plants used in the composition of the flower bed designed by Adam Kubaszewski, the gardener to Jan Działyński and Izabella Czartoryska of Gołuchów. Gołuchów is a place one visits and then, repeatedly, goes back again and again. The castle at Gołuchów, rebuilt from ruins by Izabella Czartoryska between 1872-1885 in French Renaissance style after the design of Zygmunt Gorgolewski, features a vast collection of arts and was made accessible to the general public from the very beginning, being not only a grand residence but also a museum. Beside the new structure of the castle, in the adjacent garden a carpet of flowers was set up on a specially prepared earth terrace. A plan of the garden signed by Adam Kubaszewski and dated "Gołuchów, in March 1884" has been preserved until our times. The garden was viewed from the observation deck, built in the form of a belvedere in place of a round tower in the courtyard. It is just behind the stone balustrade of the octagonal belvedere and from behind the railing of a balcony, that a patterned flower bed stretched wide in front of the eyes of onlookers, now an empty place. Garden and courtyard furniture of the courtyard as well as decorative details were designed by the French architect Maurice Auguste Ouradou. Drawings that document the designing work of the architect for Gołuchów from the years 1876-1883 have been preserved to our times and are kept in the Archive of the Voivodship Conservator of Monuments in Poznań. The composition of the flower bed, resown every year, alluded to this historic place and was based on the patterns taken from the treatise on architecture by Sebastiano Serlio. It can be concluded that the decorative friezes by Maurice A. Ouradou, might have set a pattern for the main flower bed in Gołuchów. Adam Kubaszewski notes in his list of plants for the designed flower bed the following species: Alternanthera, Coleus (painted nettle), Iresine, Achyranthes; from succulent plants: Echeveria, Sedum, Yucca and Dracaena. In particular this way, he catalogued new cultivated plants that were being introduced to the country, brought to Europe by companies and garden associations to make European gardens more attractive. The standard ruling patterns for flower beds of the latter half of the nineteenth century were based on historical motifs taken from treatises on architecture and included exclusively plants of foreign origin.


Zróżnicowanie florystyczne wybranych alei gmin: Namysłów, Świerczów oraz Domaszowice na Dolnym Śląsku
Floristic Diversity of Selected Tree Alleys in Lower Silesian Communes: Namysłów, Świerczów and Domaszowice
Klara Tomaszewska
Aleksandra Bogdańska

One of the functions of roadside tree planting is biodiversity protection. The analysis of ten alleys from Lower Silesia region confirmed their floristic wealth. Nineteen tree species and five shrub species were recognized. Planted species forming alleys are predominant among trees; however some other species occur spontaneously in losses gaps. Each of sites was different, but two alleys attract an attention with their compositional arrangement: chestnut lane in Starościn ended with a group of old, monumental oaks surrounding a historic figure, and two-part lane in Biestrzykowice. The cherry alley in Dąbrowa Namysłowska should be covered by a special care since there are less and less alleys of this type. Floristic diversity may be seen especially clearly in the case of roadside herbaceous plants. In all analysed sites 123 species of herbaceous plant belonging to 32 families were recognised. The number of individuals from particular families was varied. The most abundant were aster family (Asteraceae), blue grass family (Poaceae) and pea family (Fabaceae). High diversity is also confirmed by the fact that only two species were present in all ten alleys, while as much as 49% of species were observed once only. Among recognized species, the predominant are those characteristic for roadsides, however also another ones from neighbouring areas may be found. The alleys may also be a place of protected species occurrence bear's-garlic ( Allium ursinum) or ones characteristic for quite other kinds of sites triangle pink (Dianthus deltoides).

Zieleń w krajobrazie kulturowym rynków miejscowości w centralnej Polsce
Greenery in Cultural Landscape of Town Markets in Central Poland's Settlements
Sebastian Wróblewski

There are over three hundred settlements in Poland, deprived of the town-rights in different historical periods. Those of the Polish central feature unique cultural landscape, which is distinguished by preserved urban system dating from the medieval site. The accession of Poland to the European Union gave a new impulse to revalorization-works in the markets of former towns. One of the key aspects in those works becomes public green-area, which historically is a new element in market squares. Until the 19th century greenery could be found only at the graveyards close to the town churches, while town markets where devoid of it. First attempts of the introduction of greenery in the market area were made after the 1st world war. Most of green appeared in the markets after 1945. There were mostly chaotic realizations, which destroyed the inner space of markets. Contemporary revalorization designs of greenery inside the market-spaces present different levels: from narrowly arrangements, through sort of incidental works, to coherent and complete designs based on conservatory recommendations.


Aleja jako wyznacznik stanu zachowania tożsamości europejskiego krajobrazu kulturowego na przykładzie Polski południowo-wschodniej
Alley as a Determinant of the Conservation Status of the Identity of the European Cultural Landscape on the Example of South- Eastern Poland
Elżbieta Przesmycka

The problems of landscaping of Poland become in recent times significant. On a level with the protection of the natural environment they become the determinant of national culture, its environmental and aesthetic awareness. The article presents the role of the alley in shaping the identity of the Polish cultural landscape, including in the background of legal requirements. The road or a street apart from acting communication functions is also an element which orders the space. In many places of Poland, both the city tissue, this with historic values as well as former transport routes through various measures, including spatial transformations have been undergone and continue to undergo major reconstruction, which is often equivalent to the destruction of tree stand primarily. The remaining alleys in the contemporary perception of the urban landscape are the cultural heritage, mindlessly destroyed by more than 60 last years. Different activities superimpose here, both planning and cultural activities supported by most flawed, ineffective legislation, which provides no effective protection of alleys and the historic tree stand for today at roads, in the sacral and sepulchral setting-ups. Many historic alleys do not longer exist, although today's roads and streets were mostly carried out along the historic trails. The article focuses on the causes of this phenomenon. The article presents the history of legislation on the greens, which existed in Poland since the XVIII century, the rules on the order of planting and maintaining trees on public roads from 1922, from 1936, which had a significant impact on shaping the identity of the cultural landscape in Poland.

Echa Teatru Ostantkino
Echoes of Theatre Ostantkino
Elena P. Kabkova

Almost all new buildings in Moscow that would initially puzzle and amuse its residents never seemed to fit the city landscape. With the passage of time, however, sometimes it was a short and sometimes a very long period, they would be absorbed by the city. The seven buildings that were erected in Moscow in late 1940's-early 1950's and called "Stalin skyscrapers", were initially conceived as the symbols of the political system and not as architectural highlights. The history of Moscow's development is extremely dramatic, and over the previous century, passions were only getting hotter. Many buildings of historic and artistic value have been deleted from the list of architectural monuments under state protection. The process continues to this day, due to the efforts of poorly educated, selfish bureaucrats and unscrupulous developers. The heavy wheel of Moscow not only knocks together everything that comes within the scope of its power, but also with unexpected care preserves some of the objects that by all indications stood no chance to survive the hard times and dramatic events in the history of the city. One of such object is the Ostankino Estate - an architectural landmark of the 17th and 18th centuries that was originally located outside the city limits, but with the passage of time, became part of the growing city and is now firmly established in its metaphysical essence. According to all known sources, theatre turned into Nikolai Sheremetev's life passion, and, as the contemporary cliché goes, theater turned into the area of application of his professional interests. Construction of Ostankino palace theatre began in 1790, and continued for more than six years. In Ostankino theatre, before entering the theater hall, the audience walked through a gallery in rooms displaying sculptures, paintings, prints, and works of decorative art. When the palace-theatre building was started, park Ostankino which was created by the specially invited gardener Manners, was in the deplorable condition, however thanks to Nikolaj Petrovich's efforts it was quickly restored and has found more huge magnificence. It is known that plants for park were specially sent from the foreign greenhouses and then to the cedars, oaks and lindens which remained since the foundation of park there were added the various bushes, grapevines braiding the decorative lattices and pergolas, covering the owners of manor from the immodest sights because the solitude and private life became more and more significant and valuable.

Zieleń jako element kompozycji urbanistycznej na przykładzie Wrocławia i Kopenhagi
Public Greenery as the Part of Urban Composition on the Example of Wroclaw and Copenhagen
Martyna Surma

The article "Public greenery as part of urban composition on the example of Wrocław and Copenhagen," discusses the problem of the composition of urban landscape with particular reference to plant material in a relationship with the surrounding architecture. The introductory part presents the psychological and philosophical aspect of the above-mentioned theme, including an analysis and explanation of the terms "perception" and "space". Then there are mentioned spatial elements that affect the observer and their impact on the reception way of environment by people living in urban areas. The next chapter is the presentation of systems of green in the composition of the city and the introduction in the shaping of green in relation to architecture. There is raised a point of floors, walls and ceiling in the shaping of urban space and interiors and openings in the urban landscape. Summary is a presentation of examples of compositionalspatial solutions observed on areas of Wrocław and Copenhagen.


Analiza oczekiwań osób z dysfunkcją wzroku wobec cech i funkcji ogrodów
The Analysis of Expectations of Features and Functions of Gardens Represented by People with Visual Disfunction
Anita Woźny
Anna Lauda

The article presents the results of the inquiry refer the most important characteristic of gardens for disabled people. The researches were conducted with blind and poor sight people in Center for Blind People in Bydgoszcz. People with visual impairment indicated that the safety and convenience of moving as well as access are the most important features of gardens. The results of the study show that presence of the guide, properly prepared informations boards and mockups increase attractiveness of the gardens. These gardens play an essential role in the rehabilitation and education by people with visual disability and also improve quality of life of disabled people.

Trawa pampasowa ozdobą parków i ogrodów
Pampas Grass as Decoration of Parks and Gardens
Franciszek Gospodarczyk
Marek Liszewski

Grasses were appreciated in decorating of gardens only in the twentieth century, nonetheless the perennial nurseries and garden centres offer today a wide assortment of plants from this group. These plants are primarily ornamental thanks to habit, leafs and inflorescences. Their features are gaining importance when we try to associate them with other perennials and shrubs. A basic condition for successful cultivation of grass in the garden is to take account of their environmental requirements.


Porównanie systemów standardów ochrony środowiska i mechanizmów ich działania w Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej oraz Chińskiej Republice Ludowej
Comparison of Environmental Standards Systems and Their Working Mechanism between Poland and China
Wu Yan -hong
Marcin Sobota
Xia Jian -xin

The article contains a description and comparison of the Polish and Chinese legal system of environmental standards. In each of the legal systems of environmental standards are created on many levels, starting from the constitution, by laws, regulations of the competent ministers, until the local law. However, existing solutions in China allow the creation of separate local laws including environmental standards, while at the local in Poland are formed acts which are designed to ensure the proper implementation of the specific standards created at the national level. It must be emphasized that the legal system in China, “environmental standards” are a separate class of sources of law which is not in the Polish legal system, where environmental standards are contained in acts of general application.


Korelacje ludzi i natury we współczesnych obrazach znad basenu Morza Czarnego, Śródziemnego i Bałtyckiego
Correlations of People and Nature in the Contemporary Paintings from the Basin of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Baltic
Anna Borcz

The Article Analyzes the Correlation of People and Nature Portrayed in the Contemporary Painting from the Seas of Europe: Black Sea, Mediterranean and Baltic. Painting examples show symbolically that our life is governed by similar periodicity as the world of plants and animals. And simultaneously these three worlds influence mutual and constantly on each other. A man shapes in landscape architecture the park-palace complexes such as the eighteenth-century complex Sanssouci in Germany or, Tsarskoye Selo in Russia. Their plan can inspire artists to create an abstract picture. Whereas, a top view of port, built on the Black Sea, among bays of large liman of Dniester, becomes a decorative painting. In the works of the Ukrainian artists presentation of coloring of the Crimean Peninsula refers to a variety of styles: Baroque Grand Masters of the Netherlands, the Russian marine painter Aivazovsky or French impressionists. In the paintings of the selected here Russian and Polish painters synthesis of shapes and colors brings them closer to mainstream of Fauvists and expressionism. The paper presents also a novel interpretation of the plant and the land of the Black Sea in the styling of Orthodox icons and art-deco. Mediterranean landscapes of Italy, Montenegro and Croatia are distinguished by the proximity of mountains and sea. Painting from these countries emphasizes the traditional architecture, which combined functionalism with the beauty. It paid attention to the communication with the surrounding nature.

2/2011 - Krajobraz od-nowa / Landscape a-new

AK 2-11a   Nr 2/2011, vol. 31

Krajobraz od-nowa
Landscape a-new



Ochrona i tworzenie piękna - jak tego nauczać?
Preservation and Creation of Beauty
Aleksander Böhm

The oldest, and the most popular definition of landscape architecture says, that its most important function is to create and preserve beauty in the surroundings of human habitations and in the boarder natural scenery of the country. The task defined as above, obliged us to the two different kinds of teaching. The first - oriented to the preservation - is easer, the second one - creation - is more difficult. The landscape is not a picture or a sculpture. It is a continuum and it has no limits. Even the schools of arts does not well prepared to creation of such a tasks. The creation in the such scale should be oriented to the composition factor in the scale of spatial planning, or better to say in the space of huge range. Following up off the T. Jefferson we can call it "the art of embellishing grounds by fancy". Instead of it, our students are overloaded by the easer, but vapid practice: the inventories of existing state of landscape and its classifications. The title of or conference is a good occasion to say about it and to change it.

Rola małych miast i wsi o tradycjach miejskich w krajobrazie kulturowym
The Role of Small Towns and Villages with Urban Traditions in the Cultural Landscape
Zuzanna Borcz
Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak

Praca stanowi próbę analizy transformacji małych miast we wsie oraz wsi w miasta. Obszar badań obejmuje Dolny Śląsk oraz Opolszczyznę i Lubuskie. Do badań wybrano zdegradowane miasta, które na przestrzeni dziejów utraciły prawa miejskie w wyniku wojen, pożarów, zarazy jak również wyczerpania złóż rudy żelaza i kopalń węgla. Do chwili obecnej około połowa z nich utrzymała swój miejski wygląd i odzyskała utracone prawa miejskie. Natomiast innymi miejscowościami są wsie, w których do dzisiaj zachował się miejski charakter. W badaniach przeprowadzono analizę historycznego charakteru rozważanych miejscowości oraz wnioski z obecnego stanu hierarchii sieci osadniczej.

Nowe podejście do ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego - budowanie tożsamości lokalnej w oparciu o czytelną narrację krajobrazową
New Approach in Cultural Landscape Protection - Strengthening the Local Identity by a Legible Landscape Narratio
Elżbieta Raszeja
Anna Gałecka

The article is based on cultural landscape research conducted by the authors in Rogalin in 2010. The research resulted in the village development strategy document. Many problems and conflicts in Rogalin are strongly connected with a gradual loss of landscape form legibility, which have two main reasons. The first is increasing urbanization pressure, caused by the neighbouring Poznan conurbation; the other is the inappropriately managed tourism, which is focused on the Raczynski family manor residence, avoiding other, potentially attractive parts of the village. Solving the spatial conflicts was possible thanks to the recognition of historical structures recognition and also by the designation of the character and meaning of traces established in the cultural landscape. Inside the village local memorial places could be found, which despite the gradual loss of its meaning still exists in the village population's awareness. The article's assumption implies that cultural landscape protection efficiency is dependent on its structure legibility. Also the local communities are more able to participate in the protection of places which are understood. It is necessary to answer the question which tools should be used in the reconstruction, enhancement and protection of landscape character. The village development strategy implies innovative solutions based on legible historical traces. The proposal for Rogalin provides not only adaptation of historical buildings, but also other landscape narrative ideas, such as spatial structure reconstruction, rebuilding scenic links, using phantoms, signs and symbols. The primary aim is not to create an open air museum, but protect the vitality and authenticity of Rogalin landscape as a place of human life.


Krajobraz od-dawna, od-zaraz, od-nowa. Czyli od krajobrazu zrównoważonego do inercyjnego i znijaczonego
Landscape for a Long Time - Right Now and a New One - from Sustainable Landscape to the Inertial Even Futureless One
Zbigniew Myczkowski
Wojciech Rymsza-Mazur

Landscape, which is a product of natural forces and human works, defined in many ways by representatives of such disciplines as geography, botany, ecology, geology or landscape architecture - seems to invariably be a "show environment" of human life. It is described in many scenes, seen at different scales, analyzed, protected and shaped by multiple methods and using a rich set of measures and ways developing for centuries. However, we can assume that only a man finds himself in the landscape as his interpreter of its existing "characteristics" and that he can transform them in a way that is motivated by different needs. Regardless of the omnipotence of natural forces, which, by natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, fires, extreme climatic factors are able to change the "faces of the earth", in a far faster, more efficient and large-area way, it is the man "present in the environment," which explores and makes sense the existing and transformed landscapes. Landscape attributed his eternal harmonious expression, leading and inspiring the balanced and sustainable actions, rejecting the destruction and devastation as a principle or method, and even the goal of visible human actions is commonly associated with the existing character of the world "for a long time". It is not always coincided with the truth, but the mere fact of a much lower technical capabilities during the past shows us the "sustainable landscapes", with the very power of nature and the creations of culture increasingly present with their structures and their unusual scale already of the ancient cities, buildings, forts, roads or ports seem to type in landscape or even respect him. The momentum of the contemporary, industrial, modern and postmodern, or even hyper-modern era, so to speak, "forced" the creation of landscape architecture as an art of shaping a space for meeting human needs across the landscape also filled with the mission of caring for the beauty in the surrounding of human habitations. Expression of the industrial and the post-industrial era seem to be landscapes implemented "immediately", buildings, cities, fortresses, factories, dams and those destroyed and changed " instantly " as a result even if warfare. This all is with the man "here and now." How, then, to imagine a new landscape or anew landscape in the coming decades or even centuries? Will the post-modern and hyper-modern man feel the need to stare at "the old identity of a place"? Will he build on the continuity of tradition and respect for what he received in the great act of creatio ex nihilo (= creation of nothing)? The all-powerful competition, universal "madness of profit," pseudo-freedom will not be in the "new" or even "anew" landscapes expressed with general insipidity and specific inertial character of the landscape, which tells us to live in non-places in an ever faster and more frequent movement? The authors are trying to find answers to these questions both in the concepts of preservation and conservation of landscape or landscape architecture objects, as well as their revalorization, and finally - creation in the area and scale of natural, rural, fortified, urban or park and garden landscapes.


Folwark Wilanowski - zapomniane miejsce historyczne
Wilanów Manorial Economy - a Forgotten Historic Site
Małgorzata Kaczyńska
Anna Różańska

Area of the former Wilanów manorial economy is localized to the south of the Wilanów residence (presently a seat of the Wilanów Palace Museum) and historically constitutes its integral compositional element. Only recently spatial arrangement of the manorial economy, in a great measure, was still visible. Still today exists a large part of farm buildings. The manorial economy terrain is legally protected only as a part of the monumental urban complex of Wilanów. The area is not separately included in the monuments register. Despite still visible spatial values of the manorial economy, recently, construction of the new apartment house complex within the area was authorized. The new housing buildings were introduced to the terrain between the Wilanów Lake, constituting a water axis of the Wilanów landscape park and the Stanisław Kostka Potocki's street, historical road connecting the Wilanów residence with the manorial economy, encroaching on the former manorial economy courtyard. Introducing the new apartment house complex destroyed historical spatial composition of the manorial economy. Furthermore, multi-storey apartment houses dwarf historical farm buildings. Although the existing monumental buildings are planned to be preserved and adapted, their present technical condition and threats evoked by the new neighborhood are alarming. The article is aimed to briefly outline problems of conservator's protection of the Wilanów manorial economy which result from insufficient legal protection and complicated structure of landownership. It also tries to analyze how we can counteract negative transformations in its spatial structure.

Nowy krajobraz jako efekt zagospodarowania turystycznego na przykładzie obiektu Bukovel na Ukrainie
New Landscape as a Result of the Tourist Development Based on the Bukovel Facility in Ukraine
Emilia Marks

The mountainous areas from their nature are predetermined for the development of the specialty tourism, i.e. mountain hiking and skiing. The downhill skiing especially requires special resources in the form of ski routes and ski lifts. Development of such technical bases within the space happens at the expense of the existing vegetation, especially the trees, which in the natural way reduce the danger of erosion, avalanches and the spring floods in the mountains. Incorrectly designed and placed accommodation facilities become other foreign objects as well. The Bukovel facility is located in the eastern Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine. It is the largest skiing complex in that country; build in the so far natural mountainous landscape. On the slopes of three neighboring mountains 20 ski routes were marked out with the combined length of 55 km and 20 ski lifts were built. The whole investment is planned for 120 km of routes and double the number of lifts, which will devour more of the pristine territories. Between the ski routes many accommodation and support facilities are being built in the high concentration and very dynamically. The Bukovel ski complex is an example of the extensively aggressive consumption of the space for the tourism and recreation purposes. At this moment we can observe the total physiognomy transformation of this, until recently, natural landscape. Transformations this rapid result in the destabilization of the ecosystem. Within the territory of the operation, the week links can be observed in the form of erosion damage, dying trees and at this moment it is impossible to estimate the influence of those changes on the surrounding area.


Studia struktury i kondycji zieleni miejskiej w Orle
Study of the Structure and Condition of Orel Street Plantings
Elena Zolotareva

Zieleń stanowi nieodzowny element miejskiego krajobrazu. Rośliny przyczyniają się do polepszenia środowiska - pomagają zwalczać hałas, wzbogacają atmosferę w tlen i usuwają dwutlenek węgla. Charakterystyczną cechą odróżniającą miejską florę od flory naturalnej jest silniejszy dynamizm i duża rozmaitość roślin. Orel jest położony w środkowej części Centralnej Wyżyny Rosyjskiej. Drzewa w mieście są słabe, ponieważ w Orle występuje silny wpływ antropogeniczny z powodu istnienia na jego obszarze fabryk reprezentujących prawie wszystkie gałęzie przemysłu. W badaniach oszacowano parametry taksonów zieleni w Orle, stwierdzając występowanie 78 taksonów drzew i krzewów.

Współczesne krajobrazy pamięci
Contemporary Memorial Landscapes
Agnieszka Gębczyńska-Janowicz

Monument creations are spatial carriers of collective memory, bringing in a natural landscape compositions resulting from the integration of different fine arts. The large-spatial formula of the memorial place was developed in the Polish monumental art in the 60s of the twentieth century. Artists inspired by the novel design concepts (including Open Form of Oskar Hansen) began to create spatial visualizations of memory in places of significant historical events.There arose poignant monument creations on areas of the former extermination camps like Death Camp Victims Memorial in Treblinka, or Monument to Struggle and Martyrdom in Majdanek. The famous battlefields sites (Grunwald, Westerplatte) were also architectural organized, which became the inspiration for the event organizers called historical reconstructions. Landscapes of memory also appeared in the space of Polish cities. The Polish culture can boast of realizations of commemorative art which are innovative in the world. In the twenty-first century, the spatial form of remembrance is still growing, varied with new elements arising from the cultural conditions and new experiences in the art of remembrance.


Przestrzeń interakcyjna w mieście
Interactional Space in Town
Aleksandra Lis
Ada Fudała

One of the most important consequences of the design relating to human behavior is to facilitate or to discourage contacts between people. The method of shaping of the physical space can affect the way of the social space use. The concept of an interactional space corresponds to a holistic approach of place in which a set of spatial-physical attributes assisting social contacts in a particular location creates a appropriate situation for social contacts. The interactional nature of public spaces in the city is affected by several functional, structural and aesthetic factors of the environment. The presented paper describes these factors and shows on selected examples how they are used in the analysis of interactive features of public space.

Sytuacja krajobrazowa opactw cysterskich w Polsce w kontekście obowiązujących form ich ochrony
The Landscape Situation of Cistercian Monasteries in Poland in the Context of the Current Forms of their Protection
Małgorzata Milecka

In the Middle Ages in the area of today's Poland the Order of Cistercians founded twenty six male monasteries located in the historical Polish regions of Lesser Poland, Greater Poland, Silesia and Pomerania. Nowadays, in the age of the search for common cultural origins, it is the Cistercians who can be pronounced the forerunners of the united Europe. Hence, it is essential to identify and protect the relics of the Order which from the beginning of its existence has been connected with farming and has become an important part of the landscape of the countries where it built its monasteries. The cultural and landscape virtues of every monastery and its surrounding lands make it our obligation to put them under special protection. The destruction of historical architecture and the dangers of the rapid urbanization of Poland, together with the general lack of land utilization plans give every right to claim that now is our final chance to classify all that is still left from historical Cistercian landscapes in Poland, and to explore the directions in which they evolved in the context of their obvious links to European art. It is certain that only detailed analyses of functional and spatial transformations can tell us something about the development that Cistercian landscape compositions have undergone. Only on that basis can we predict further changes, identify possible dangers and establish the laws of protection suitable for the discussed group of historic monuments. Presenting forms of cultural and environmental protection applicable for post-Cistercian landscape can help to predict future architectural transformations of monastic and postmonastic complexes, assuming, of course, they are effective and that the urbanization rush on protected areas is brought to a halt. It should be stressed that analyzing landscape of architectural complexes dating back to medieval times gives solid ground to establish the direction of transformations and new development tendencies connected with the urbanization of land previously managed by the Cistercians and being today utilized in a variety of other ways. The conclusions of such analyses are universal, since not only do they make us realize what spatial solutions has led contemporary society to take over landscape to a such a great extent, but also enable us to see the dangers that come with excessive landscape anthropogenisation.

Edukacyjne aspekty ogrodów jako fenomen sztuki
Educational Aspects of Gardens as Phenomena of Art
Elena Polyudova

W artykule przedstawiono architekturę krajobrazu jako element humanistycznego wychowania. Istnieje wiele możliwości kształtowania percepcji studentów poprzez filozofię ogrodów. Poznawanie stylów architektury krajobrazu ułatwia rozwój kreatywności, zdolności i działań artystycznych. W artykule omówiono różnorodne edukacyjne metody rozwijające doznania estetyczne studentów, komunikatywność, zdolności społeczne rozumienia teorii, umiejętność publicznych wystąpień. Mając na uwadze praktyczny cel edukacyjny posłużono się działalnością Claude'a Moneta w Giverny.

4/2011 - Tworzywo w krajobrazie historycznym i współczesnym / Materials Influencing a Historical and Contemporary Landscape

AK 4-11a   Nr 4/2011, vol. 33

Tworzywo w krajobrazie historycznym i współczesnym 
Materials Influencing a Historical and Contemporary Landscape


O historii, cytatach z przeszłooeci i nowoczesnych krajobrazach. Nowe w starym i nowe - w ogrodach i parkach historycznych i współczesnych
About History, Quotations from the Past and Modern Landscapes. The Old in the New - in Historic and Modern Gardens and Parks
Agata Zachariasz

A garden is a testimony to the uniqueness of culture in time and place. Works of garden art quickly absorb new trends and fashions, are open to inspirations. The modern ones are often characterized by their diversity and an ability to stimulate different senses. The article presents landscapes created from anew - historical and modern gardens - unique 'living' objects of cultural heritage. It describes restoring hundred years old gardens and parks, and more modern ones, to their former glory. Examples of historical objects variously reconstructed and revalorized are given. Gardens which changed their function and are geared to receive a broader public, as well as those which commemorate the past. The second aspect addressed in the article is using historic models and references to the past in creating new landscapes, and also how this contributes to their educational value.

Trwanie czy przemijanie mieszkań dawnych pracowników folwarcznych
Persistence or Transience of Flats of Former Manor Employees
Renata Gubańska

Dwellings of farm workers were often built at the same time as actual farm buildings. Their composition, form and architecture were dependent on the epoch they were built in, but above all, on wealth and awareness of their owners. Their spatial arrangement and architectural decor of those days have always had great influence on both: cultural values and the perception of modern Polish country.


Kreowanie nowej wartości i znaczenia ogrodu w krajobrazie wiejskim
Creating of New Value and Meaning of Garden in the Rural Landscape
Oksana Bielecka    
Krzysztof Kotwas    
Adam Maria Szymski

The authors used three example variants of rural development solutions to present the problem of defining the space of the contemporary countryside gardens of small, local parish communities in the former GDR, taking into consideration its integrative function. The three design subjects presented in the paper (each developed with two variants) concern spatial arrangement of a parish garden as a public space for: community meetings and recreation (example 1 - fig. 1, 2), studying and recreation (example 2 - fig. 3, 4), and relaxation/ meditation (example 3 - fig. 5, 6). All of them in the same attempt to organize space of wastelands; areas devastated culturally and naturally, but still important in the spatial structure of the town. The relations between the presented places local their use by local parish communities served as an impulse to define the fundamental, conceptual presumptions that let the presented composition suggestions take into account their timeless role of humanization of open space, with their potential standard of usage. One essential value of the presented examples is their practical potential - expected investment decisions after their public presentation to entire local communities (with declared support) - fig.7.

Oazy w krajobrazie zurbanizowanym - piękno i funkcjonalność
Oasis in the Urban Landscape - the Beauty and the Functionality
Katarzyna Krężałek

Alternative storm water management measures meet with growing interest in creating the landscape of urban spaces. Apart from their undeniable aesthetic qualities we also pay attention to their versatility, especially in the context of sustainable water management and protection against local inundation. Solutions such as green roofs, rain gardens, storage ponds, stepped swales or a properly designed green belts along the roads are kind of "oasis" that can collect and store rainwater in a in face of increasingly severe periodic excesses or deficiencies in the water. These features may decide on their usefulness in citizens' adaptation to ongoing climate change and reducing influence of the urban areas on the floodability.

Przemiany terenów zieleni miejskiej Olsztyna
Transformations of Urban Green Space in the City of Olsztyn
Magdalena Nowak-Rząsa

The paper discusses transformations observed in urban green spaces in the city of Olsztyn over the last ten years, determined based on the results of a survey and an analysis of the Green Space Management Strategy implemented in Olsztyn. There is a spatially uneven distribution of green areas over the city - the northern part of Olsztyn offers abundant green space, while in the southern part green areas are scarce. Managed urban green space, forests and allotment gardens account for approximately 37% of the total city area. In order to maintain and protect urban green space, zoning plans should cover the entire area of Olsztyn (today they cover around 50% of the city area).


Park nad rzeką Turia (Walencja) - cz. 2
The Turia River Park (Valencia) - part 2
 Galan Vivas
 Juan José

Dawne koryto rzeki Turia kształtowało się na przestrzeni wieków, było wcześniej północną granicą zabytkowego miasta Walencji, centralnym miejskim ciekiem wodnym, a następnie po katastrofalnej powodzi w roku 1957 i zmianie biegu rzeki, zostało przekształcone w bezwodną otwartą przestrzeń przechodzącą z zachodu na wschód tego wielkomiejskiego obszaru liczącego 1,5 mln ludności. Ta potrójna forma granic, element centralny i otwarta przestrzeń, wyznaczyły związek rzeki z miastem Walencja i towarzyszyły rozwojowi cennego dziedzictwa wzdłuż jej biegu oraz przy zmianie eksploatacji jej koryta i brzegów. Po krótkim wstępie, niniejszy artykuł analizuje przekształcenie starej rzeki Turia w park liniowy o długości 8,5 km o ogromnej wartości kulturowej, środowiskowej i rekreacyjnej. Ten park, który w rzeczywistości jest wyznaczony przez ciąg niezależnych projektów, stanowi doskonałą okazję do zbadania niektórych kluczowych aspektów pod względem definicji regionalnych i miejskich systemów zielonych, znaczenia społecznego zaangażowania i udziału społeczeństwa w tworzeniu naszych miast, istotnej roli architektury krajobrazu, którą może odegrać ona w planowaniu urbanistycznym i pogodzeniu różnych interesów i paradygmatów, które mogą odgrywać kluczową rolę w projektowaniu i utrzymaniu nowych terenów zieleni miejskiej.

Zieleń XIX -wiecznych górnośląskich miast i ośrodków przemysłowych - zarys problematyki
Greenery of 19th Century Towns and Industrial Centers - Outline of Problems
Katarzyna Łakomy

Urban and industrial greenery of nineteenth and early twentieth century is the subject of an extensive range of garden art of combining aspects of urban, cultural and historical issues of both maintenance and revalorization. These areas have a variety of forms and functions, for responding to the deteriorating housing conditions, social, urban colonies and other systems associated with the mining, manufacturing and complementary industry. Also in the Upper Silesia municipal park, folk park, squares, avenues were founded to bear the aesthetic space, and above all improve the quality of life. In the colonies and settlements of workers the functions were more complex: relaxing and production were in the allotment gardens, home and interblock gardens: hygienic, social, cultural and educational: metallurgical parks, mining parks, folk parks; protective: belts of woodlands surrounding industrial objects. Another group were the decorative and usable gardens surrounding the villa type objects, typical for the architecture and philosophy of this period. All of these areas combined with the avenues and boulevards, green areas, public facilities companion, were the urban space, often with high utilitarian and composition values . Currently, the lack of recognition and care of these areas causes nurturing of these areas, by what the Upper Silesian landscape loses its natural values, but also historical and cultural sites. Therefore, this article is an attempt to identify the resource, systematic and conservation status and problems of restoration of 19th century green spaces of Upper Silesian centers about industrial character.

Ogrody franciszkanów-reformatów w polskich miastach, wybrane przykłady
Gardens of Franciscans-Reformers in Polish Cities, Selected Examples
Katarzyna Hodor

This work presents an attempt to analyse monastery-garden establishments present in selected Polish cities. The influence of the Order of Friar Minors on the cultural development, education and school system of selected cities is underappreciated. The whole composition of complexes apart from the cubature of the temple and monastery buildings were inherently gardens. Due to the beggarly character of the order their functioning was based on utilitarianism. Throughout centuries gardens were transformed - now with viridaria are an undeniably trace of tradition and heritage inscribing in the trend connected with Christian Europe. Currently, often with blurred composition, it is destined for different than original functions, dictated by contemporary needs.


Nasadzenia kompensacyjne drzew w świetle przepisów Ustawy o ochronie przyrody - dyskusja problemu
Compensatory Plantings of Trees in the Light of the Nature Conservation Act - Discussion of the Problem
Monika Ziemiańska

The publication deals with the issue of protection of trees in the light of the provisions of applicable law in Poland. It is a voice in the ongoing discussion for several years on the quality of the protection of trees, especially in the areas of investment. Compensatory plantings, also called replacement plantings are possible action in light of the right to compensate for anticipated losses in the investment process. Unfortunately, the legislator does not specify clearly the essential details of the decision taking into account the compensatory plantings. Does it make that such administrative decisions in Poland are not often?

Studzienki telekomunikacyjne usytuowane w chodnikach a jakość estetyczna przestrzeni miejskiej Warszawy
Telecommunication Inspection Chambers Situated in Sidewalks and the Aesthetical Quality of the Warsaw
Janusz Skalski

In spaces urbanized all surfaces after which we move on foot or they vehicles are called the floor. Common floor, the walls of buildings, tree, monument and rolling there life create together the kind of the physiognomical background. In the composition of elements creators of the background, the aesthetical quality of the plane of the floor is not valued in the appropriate way. The fact be can confirmation this, that during the moving after the sidewalks of cities, we do not pay mostly the attention to this, how many various devices of the infrastructure of technical, he is on their surface. The full or open-work covers of sewages and manholes, the casing of hydraulic and gas valves, hydrants and different similar devices are stepping out the most often birth-marks of this infrastructure every kind. Objects served by workers municipal services are this and there is no need them clear to exhibit in the public space. You should not so admit to this, it would be on the plane of the floor clearly visible accidental location of these devices, the their slovenliness of settling or applying unsuitable materials. If this we see all on sidewalks, then the feeling of spatial disarrays is the consequence of these observations. Clearly perceived disarrays in the way of the location of these devices also has the negative influence how we estimate the whole public space of the city and his character on this. This impressions are not able to even eliminate buildings about the high architectural class or the monuments which are in close neighbourhood of such surface. He results from conducted investigations, that Warsaw belong to these cities the infrastructures of the Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. are dominated through clearly visible elements in the whose surfaces of the municipal floor. He results that places of location of these devices in the most representative part of Warsaw are placed in accidental way and their placing in the surface of the sidewalk from the visual opinion he is the confirmation of executive carelessness. Installing these objects before the main entries to important state and private institutions, on foot touristic routs or the direct influence has on this in what way in the vicinity of monuments we estimate the visually capital public space.

Krajobraz nocą - nowe dzieło architekta krajobrazu
The Landscape by Night - a New Work of Landscape Architect
Magdalena Zienowicz


The fascination of the natural beauty of light and shadow was accompanied by a man from the beginnings of civilization. We can find evidences for it both in the cosmological concepts of different cultures, as well as in the rich symbolism associated with the worship of deities. With the development of technique it was sought to create their own ever more perfect light sources that would be able to match and even surpass the beauty of the optical phenomena observed in nature. Analysis of the importance of light, understanding its nature, observation of nature and realization how great and important tool it becomes in the hands of a designer, should become a responsibility of everyone who wants to use him to create landscapes. It must be kept in mind that light as a material in space gives it a visual, formal, utilitarian, and semantic sense. In the night landscape the light emphasizes the existing dominants or extracts other elements hard to see during the day. The light changes the image of reality, giving the space a "second life". The light can make it, what objective and subjective, scientific and intuitive, natural and cultural heritage will become inseparable. The light can mediate in "materializing" of space, whose nature remains for us always mysterious and intangible. It must be remembered that "make the world visible is the physical role of light, but also the metaphorical role of the art", which also includes the art of building the space with light.


Planowanie iluminacji w mieście
Lighting Planning in the City
Joanna Szwed

Article will be devoted to lighting and illumination planning in the scale of the city. Experience shows that in Western European countries to creating of comprehensive urban lighting project entails many positive aspects, not only in the field of urban planning, but also economic, sociological and artistic planning. The result is a transformation of urban landscape, which becomes clearer, harmonious, and friendly for residents and tourists. The new image of the city highlights values of the locality where it is easier to navigate and more interesting to live not only in the daytime, but by evening and night. This paper will discuss the main aims of illumination, and ways to create comprehensive plans for lighting on the examples of European cities.


Prawne podstawy ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu Krainy Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich
The Legal Ground for the Conservation and Management of the Landscape in the Great Masurian Lake District
Wiesława Gadomska

The dissertation cites the basic legal regulations governing landscape conservation and management, including the extent to which they are formally binding and affecting the landscape of the Great Masurian Lake District. The extent to which these legal regulations govern the area has been presented graphically on a map depicting the analyzed land. Taking into the consideration the legislative source of particular legal acts as well as the extent to which they govern the whole district, a picture of legally protected nature areas has been obtained, including the specific features and the weight of each nature protection act. In parallel, the status of spatial zoning has been examined in the communes (gmina) situated in the analyzed area and the way administrative decisions are actually passed by the supervising district administrative units (starostwo). The analysis presented in this article enables the author to formulate a general conclusion that the question of 'landscape protection' is largely a consequence of the lexical function of this term in each of the currently binding legal regulations. It is difficult to establish common ground for all the binding regulations in order to achieve a successful and multi-facet conservation of landscape values. The existing law does not prevent degradation (unfortunately already visible in many places) of the unique landscape unless the local governments of each of the analyzed communes will actively and purposefully participate in nature protection.

Problem prawny i krajobrazowy nieukończonej budowy - wybrane zagadnienia i przykłady małopolskie
Legal and Landscape Problems of Unfinished Building Sites - Selected Issues and Examples in Malopolska Upland
Michał Uruszczak

The problem of unfinished building sites accompanies structures all around the world from the day one. Many times the works fell victim to a set of random economical, property- oriented or health-related factors, on various steps of development. But one thing is a temporary delay of works - from the aesthetic point of view it's a small inconvenience (assuming the deadline is well-known and near), and the other is a "forever" building site, which is a synonym of a bad economy and wastage in the whole area. The Cracow example can be the famous "skeletor" - a giant skyscraper with structural origins from a few decades now. This work presents a dozen selected examples in Malopolska Upland pointing out the deadlock of said problem which became the source of marring the landscape.


Koncepcja zagospodarowania przestrzennego i architektonicznego Punktu Dobrowolnego Gromadzenia Odpadów we Wrocławiu
The Concept of Spatial and Architectural Development of Voluntary Waste Collection Point in Wrocław
Paweł Szyszkowski
Anna Trepka


In the updated Waste Management Plan for the city of Wroclaw for the years 2009-2012 there was assumed the construction of four Voluntary Waste Collection Points in Wroclaw (PDGO). To such the points residents will be able to deliver the waste of raw materials (paper, plastics, glass, metals), dangerous wastes (e.g. expired medicines, paints, fluorescent lamps, etc.), large-size wastes (furniture) and electrical and electronic waste, and similar wastes. The construction of the first PDGO is scheduled in Wrocław at ul. Michalczyka 9. Unlike other such facilities in Poland and abroad, by the design of PDGO at ul. Michalczyka was laid very strong emphasis on its educational functions, in particular for children and youth in the field of waste management.


3/2011 - Konserwacja i rewaloryzacja krajobrazu / Conservation and revalorization of landscape

AK 3-11a   Nr 3/2011, vol. 32

Konserwacja i rewaloryzacja krajobrazu
Conservation and revalorization of landscape



Założenia do koncepcji rewaloryzacji i rewitalizacji ogrodów przy Opactwie O.O. Benedyktynów w Tyńcu
Guidelines for Conception of Revaluation and Revitalisation of Benedictine Abbey Gardens in Tyniec
Beata J. Gawryszewska
Maja Skibińska

Presented text describes the contemporary issues of revaluation and revitalization historical gardens by example of garden at Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec. Adopted procedures in the case of revitalization historical gardens are confronted with the reality of the cloistral life. This leads to the necessity of verified the procedures and proposed new solutions. The guidelines formulated in the form of illustration based on the local map and the table of directives serve to protect the landscape values deriving from its unique location and prepare the conception of gardens representing different periods and styles in the history of garden art and provide the features that would convey the image of everyday life of the abbey. The guidelines pertain to i.a. the conception of plant materials, construction materials and appropriate garden forms. Important role in the formulating of our conception played the introduction within the gardens of several educational paths presenting history and life of Benedictine Order.

Poprawa jakości krajobrazu poprzez ekspozycję zespołów historycznych fortyfikacji na przykładzie Nysy
Improving the Quality of the Landscape by Exposing of Groups of Historic Fortifications on the Example of Nysa
Jerzy Potyrała

The architecture of the modern defense systems, emerging during the Renaissance, like other branches of art has sought to combine in one spatial form functionality and beauty, looking for help in geometry. And in the field architecturae militaris it was believed that the proportions, regular and perfect shape will give the best defensive results. Later, things were different, and adaptation to terrain conditions, hiding the defensive work and proper technical reinforcement of it gave the expected results. However today, when the historic buildings have no longer military utility, and can take through appropriate actions recreational function of the enormous cultural and educational values, the sphere of aesthetic experiences received in their area becomes again important. For the selected, historic fortress will be presented an analysis of transformations in terms of function and form of brick and earthen objects, communication and spatial relationships with the city, preserved layouts of historic fortress green with its natural succession as well as changes in the landscape, panoramas and viewing axes.


Przekształcenia układu komunikacyjnego i ich wpływ na kształtowanie krajobrazu gminy wiejskiej Ostróda
Transformations of the Road, Railway and Waterway Network and their Influence on the Landscape Management in the Rural Commune of Ostróda
Mariusz Antolak

The rural commune of Ostróda is one of the largest communes in the Province of Warmia and Mazury. It covers an area of 401 km2 and has a population of 15,000. A well-developed systems of roads and railways is a significant feature of the local landscape. It divides the whole space into landscape interiors and functions as the backbone for a composition consisting of landscapes shaped by the human hand. Roads are significant composition axes and wherever they cross one another, nodes are created. It is usually travelling along a road that people perceive the landscape (as far as the eye can see). There are interesting series of views along roads, and sometimes scenic points nearby, where our sight is directed along an axial view towards landscape dominant features. The purpose of this study has been to present the changes which have occurred in the commune's road and railway system and to discuss their influence on the landscape management. The analysis comprised the communication network and developed areas. The points where contemporary development is concentrating are indicated. It is also underlined that the system of roads is changing quite intensively. Finally, the transformations that the cultural landscape in the analyzed commune is subjected to are discussed and some actions to improve the current situation are recommended.

Fort Bema w Warszawie - jako przykład zagospodarowania zabytkowego obiektu militarnego
Bem's Fort in Warsaw as an Example of Stocking a Historical Military Object
Anna Różańska
Małgorzata Kaczyńska

One of the numerous examples of fortifications placed on the territory of Poland is Warsaw Fortress. It is a ring-shaped fortress where the Citadel forms its central part and where there are two rings of forts. In the inner ring there is P-Parysów Fort also called Bem's Fort which is the subject of the present work. The purpose of this article is description of problems resulting from protection of cultural heritage connected with Warsaw Fortress. They are exemplified with concrete works referring to Bem's Fort. It is a fort relatively well preserved, having a big historical value and as such is subject to a complex conservator's protection. However, is the fact of legal conservator's protection sufficient for its real protection?


Dyskretny krajobraz fortyfikacji
Discreet Landscapes of Fortifications
Dražen Arbutina
Zofia Mavar
Helena Alfirević Arbutina

Od czasów historii starożytnej fortyfikacje były w krajobrazie imponującymi i dominującymi budowlami. Były one solidnie zbudowane pod względem formy materialnej, ale dotyczyło to także ich symbolicznego wyglądu od czasu ich stworzenia aż po ostatnie lata. Ich silna symbolika była i jest nadal obecna, nawet jeśli pozostały tylko ruiny, czy też zostały one nietknięte w krajobrazie. Te pierwsze fortyfikacje (starożytne, średniowieczne lub renesansowe) mają różne kształty, konstrukcje i pozycję w krajobrazie, ale pozostały bardzo widoczne i wpływowe w zakresie interakcji społecznych (a nawet politycznej mitologii). Od końca 19 wieku po dzień dzisiejszy przekształciły się one w dyskretne budowle często zapomniane i ukryte. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie tych ostatnich budowli (od końca 19 wieku do ostatniej dekady 20 wieku) i ich pozycji w chorwackich krajobrazach. Prezentacja (jako studium przypadku) określa te budowle w historycznych segmentach, które ukształtowały historię Chorwacji na przestrzeni ostatnich ponad 100 lat. Te przedstawione historyczne grupy odosobnionych budowli obronnych to:
1. Austro-węgierskie fortyfikacje z końca 19 wieku I z początku wieku 20.
- ogromne fortece takie jak np. systemy warowne w regionie Pula (do niedawna jeszcze z okupantami wojskowymi)
2. Fortyfikacje z lat między wojnami światowymi
- odosobnione budowle (bunkry) i systemy warowne jako samotne i zapomniane budowle w krajobrazie
3. Fortyfikacje z okresu II wojny światowej
- część systemów fortyfikacyjnych i oddzielnych ufortyfikowanych budowli (bunkry) występujących w centrach miast lub na ich obrzeżach, ale zapomnianych i ignorowanych
4. Fortyfikacje z lat po II wojnie światowej
- ukryte i ciągle jeszcze tajemnicze
5. Fortyfikacje z wojny o niepodległość Chorwacji
- budowle tymczasowe, nadal obecne w krajobraz i w sposób tajemniczy zapomniane wkrótce po zakończeniu wojny.
Zaprezentowane fortyfikacje będą podstawą dla następujących tez:
1. ich obecność jest istotna w aspekcie przestrzennym (nadal są one ważne w procesach planowania przestrzennego, jako substancja, która zapewnia specjalne wytyczne lub ograniczenia w procesie planowania)
2. ich symbolika była ignorowana lub ze wstydem ukrywana
3. ich obecność powinna być odkryta i ogólnie uznana


Park nad rzeką Turia (Walencja) - część pierwsza
The Turia River Park (Valencia) - part.1
Galan Vivas
Juan José

Dawne koryto rzeki Turia kształtowało się na przestrzeni wieków, było wcześniej północną granicą zabytkowego miasta Walencji, centralnym miejskim ciekiem wodnym, a następnie po katastrofalnej powodzi w roku 1957 i zmianie biegu rzeki, zostało przekształcone w bezwodną otwartą przestrzeń przechodzącą z zachodu na wschód tego wielkomiejskiego obszaru liczącego 1,5 mln ludności. Ta potrójna forma granic, element centralny i otwarta przestrzeń, wyznaczyły związek rzeki z miastem Walencja i towarzyszyły rozwojowi cennego dziedzictwa wzdłuż jej biegu oraz przy zmianie eksploatacji jej koryta i brzegów. Po krótkim wstępie, niniejszy artykuł analizuje przekształcenie starej rzeki Turia w park liniowy o długości 8,5 km o ogromnej wartości kulturowej, środowiskowej i rekreacyjnej. Ten park, która w rzeczywistości jest wyznaczony przez ciąg niezależnych projektów, stanowi doskonałą okazję do zbadania niektórych kluczowych aspektów pod względem definicji regionalnych i miejskich systemów zielonych, znaczenia społecznego zaangażowania i udziału społeczeństwa w tworzeniu naszych miast, istotnej roli architektury krajobrazu, którą może odegrać ona w planowaniu urbanistycznym i pogodzeniu różnych interesów i paradygmatów, które mogą odgrywać kluczową rolę w projektowaniu i utrzymaniu nowych terenów zieleni miejskiej.


Wieś cesarska Kadyny - analiza układu przestrzennego
The Imperial Village of Kadyny - Spatial Layout Analysis
Urszula Knercer-Grygo

Kadyny village, situated near the Vistula Lagoon, contains wonderful architectural, natural and landscape values. Its rich history comes from Medieval times. This place is settled into a dazzling landscape, almost like mountains, created by Elblag Highlands and preserved lagoon's cliff shore where denivelations reaching 50 meters high. It is distinguished by outstanding villa's architecture from 19th/20th century, designed in every single detail in English gothic style from Victorian Epoch. Created by architects from Berlin with leading of Steinbrecht. Kadyny possess well preserved historical spatial layout. In majority, there are remarkable compositional and view connections between: palace- garden ensemble, farm, village and surrounding landscape mainly connected with the Vistula Lagoon. However, park ensemble, in particular French style garden, has been significantly blurred due to longtime neglects. The 17th century palace and garden were summer residence of German Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm II between 1898-1945. Unfortunately, only single garden composition's elements of its former glory have been conserved until now. The palace-garden ensemble has not been revaluated despite high cultural values and many archival materials presenting its history. Nowadays, spatial layout and village's architecture is astonishing. Thanks to its originality and picturesque settlement is a regional attraction.

Rewaloryzacja ogrodu branickich w Białymstoku jako element budowy tożsamości miasta
The Restoration of Branickis' Garden in Bialystok as an Element of Building the City Identity
Dorota Sikora

The main historic site, used presently in Bialystok to build the city identity is the 18th century Branickis' residence called the Versailles of Poland. The Bialystok authorities decided to undertake the complex conservation works in its garden. The aim of works is to bring this site to its former glory. The interdysciplinary conservation process has been started 15 years ago. It takes a course on different levels: the level of research, the level of design, the level of implementation and finally the level of information. In 2010 the conservation works in the area of avant court were finished. In 2011 the next part of the garden - the main parterre.is expected to be open to the public.


Secesyjne dekoracje roślinne w architekturze Rzeszowa
Art Nouveau Floral Motives in the Decoration of Architecture of Rzeszów
Karolina Konieczna
Barbara Krupa

The theme of flowers and decoration plants was characteristic for Art Nouveau. The worship of the floral ornamentation was so significant for the secession, that in some European countries, this style was directly identified with floristry, as evidenced by its name, such as Stile Floreale (Italy), the Floral Style (England), das florae Erlebnis (Germany). In Poland, the architecture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, most stood out in the big cities such as Wrocław, Gorzów, Poznań, Warsaw, Łódź, and the cities of Galicia - Cracow, Przemyśl, Tarnów or in Nowy Sącz, where it has been well documented and discussed in the scientific literature. The architecture of Rzeszów of the Galician autonomy period, compared to other major cities presents rather poorly. In Rzeszow, long remained a classical style and "rustic" building, and the rising buildings were characterized by modest and historicizing ornamentation. Only the first decade of the twentieth century brought new architectural solutions that have influenced contemporary Kraków, and what bothered inter alia the Lvov environment. The rising in Galicia architectural buildings were often kept in the spirit of bygone eras, and the art nouveau features as a new trend, were scratched only as details. The origins of the Rzeszów secession should be sought in the building project Stryjeński's Thaddeus, built in the years 1900-1901, in which the District Council had a seat, located at ul. Sokoła 13 (now Library). The modern forms have introduced architects such as: T. Hoffman, MT Tekielski, J. Peros, representatives of the family Holzer, P. Emilewicz. The last author can be regarded as the most creative and innovative architect of the period. The buildings emerging after 1905 in Rzeszów, bearing with the protrusions, turrets, geometric details and floral ornaments were treated by some authors as a romantic. It should be noted that the shape of the Galician Art Nouveau was influenced fully by the variety of Viennese Secession. Until modern times, few buildings have survived, some were destroyed or converted. An example might be a project, a non-existent, Art Nouveau house at ul. Kraszewski 558 / 3, by P. Emilewicz. To the architectural works of Rzeszów, which contain floral motifs can be included, among others: tenement of family Różycki, building development at pl. Śreniawitów, villa at ul. Szopena 57.


Tożsamość miejsc w nowych czasach

Identity of Places in the New Times
Agnieszka Aleksandra Jaszczak

The character of small towns and villages is changing all the time. Former space assumes new functions and gains a new structure, which seems to be a natural consequence of spatial evolution. Such transformations are by no means anything new, not encountered previously, because the character of a given place has actually been shaped over the past centuries. Development of open areas is a desirable phenomenon, but it is even more essential how it is carried out. Over the past years, many investment projects for modernization and revitalization of rural areas have been executed in different regions of Poland and have brought about many benefits. Unfortunately, there have also been the ones which have caused damaging effects. In addition to some investment projects undertaken to improve infrastructure, transportation, communication or social activities, there are more and more 'new' ideas for the management of rural greens. Some fail to respect the character, history and specific features of a given place. This paper contains several examples of how green areas have been transformed or new ones arranged in Polish villages. The author has analyzed rural structures and emphasized that it is necessary to refer to the regional identity whenever planning to revitalize such structures.

Rewaloryzacja krajobrazu miejskiego jako element rewitalizacji zdegradowanej przestrzeni publicznej na przykładzie Placu Wałowego w Gdańsku
Urban Landscape Revalorysation as a Part of the Revitalization of Degraded Public Space on the Example of Wałowy Square in Gdańsk
Miłosz Zieliński

Revitalization as a process of synchronized actions of specialists in various fields should cover many aspects of life. One of them is undoubtedly revalorization and regeneration of valuable urban spaces, which the material quality in recent years declined. Revalorization of urban interior matter - public space - streets and squares is one of the tools offering real hope for a revival of the area. Another tool has to be cultural, economic, social activation, etc. Synergistic action of the ideas, which are putting into effect, gives impulse to the actual revival of degraded urban areas. This article is an attempt to present the way of thinking about the revalorization of urban interiors on the example of the award-winning concept program-spatial assumptions of the Wałowy Plac in Gdańsk. The paper presents the issues of aestheticization of space, making readable of the urban interiors and regeneration of urban matter intertwining with themes of social activation and cultural revitalization. The urban landscape is treated here as a scene for "occurring" of life. Creating of public spaces is done on the basis of easily adaptable scenography to current needs. The urban landscape becomes by it a frame for the selfprogramming events.


Łączność rodzajów sztuki w tradycyjnych rosyjskich parkach i ogrodach
Connection of Art Kinds in Traditional Russian Parks and Ardens
Elena P. Kabkova
Olga. V. Stukalova

W artykule podano opis parków w Rosji 18. wieku, stosując przykłady dwóch kompleksów parków przypałowych w rejonie Moskwy - Archangielskoje i Kuskowo. We wstępie przedstawiono ogólne cechy parków krajobrazowych, a dalej założenia parków w Archangielskoje i Kuskowo. Zarówno w ówczesnych, opisanych wyżej parkach jak też i pałacach istniała łączność różnych dziedzin sztuki - malarstwa, rzeźby, architektury, muzyki i teatru. Te skarby kultury rosyjskiej przetrwały do dzisiaj jako dziedzictwo narodowe.

Krajobraz kulturowy jako zespół różnorodnych właściwości
The Cultural Landscape as a Variety of Traits
Elena P. Olesina

W artykule przedstawiono różnorodne właściwości krajobrazu kulturowego na przykładzie parku Woroncowo, położonego w obrębie Moskwy. Przeprowadzono ankietę wśród odwiedzających posiadłość i poddano analizie ich wypowiedzi. Stwierdzono, że wszyscy respondenci jednomyślnie uznali konieczność rewitalizacji parku i rezydencji jako dziedzictwa narodowego, natomiast zależnie od wieku respondentów, zdania dotyczące poszczególnych właściwości krajobrazu kulturowego były zróżnicowane. Rozpatrując park jako obiekt przyrodniczy większość respondentów odpowiedziała pozytywnie. Nawiązując do zachowanych budynków rezydencji starsi respondenci opowiedzieli się za ich utrzymaniem i dalszą rewaloryzacją, natomiast młodzi skłaniali się bardziej do tworzenia obiektów sportowo-rekreacyjnych. W stosunku do istniejących na terenie parku cerkwi i krzyża wszyscy, niezależnie od przekonań religijnych, opowiedzieli się za ich utrzymaniem.


Wartości przyrodniczo-kulturowe jako podstawa przekształceń strukturalnych miasta poprzemysłowego
Natural-Cultural Value as the Foundation for Structural Transformations in an Industrial City
Barbara Sierecka-Nowakowska

Article reveals the spatial processes occurring in a post-industrial city on the example of Łódź. In the absence of opposing actions of these processes at the macro space scale, it indicates the possibility of rebuilding of the city. It accepts as the basis the natural conditions and the cultural heritage, which contributes to them. The recovered multi-hectare architectural- urban complexes, concentrated in the areas of valleys of river system of Łódź (currently spatially poorly readable) represent the potential for creating a new urban space, more eco-efficient (air flow channels in the system east - west), functionally giving a powerful software, structural crystallizing the city, giving the development the directional trends.

Presented text describes the contemporary issues of revaluation and revitalization historical gardens by example of garden at Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec. Adopted procedures in the case of revitalization historical gardens are confronted with the reality of the cloistral life. This leads to the necessity of verified the procedures and proposed new solutions. The guidelines formulated in the form of illustration based on the local map and the table of directives serve to protect the landscape values deriving from its unique location and prepare the conception of gardens representing different periods and styles in the history of garden art and provide the features that would convey the image of everyday life of the abbey. The guidelines pertain to i.a. the conception of plant materials, construction materials and appropriate garden forms. Important role in the formulating of our conception played the introduction within the gardens of several educational paths presenting history and life of Benedictine Order.
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu
ul. Grunwaldzka 55, 50-357 Wrocław
tel. +48 71 320 18 63

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