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Nr 4/2010, vol. 29 Inwestycje a ochrona krajobrazu Investment and Protection in the Landscape STRESZCZENIA str. 72 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (84,9 MB) |
PROBLEMY Infrastruktura narciarska w krajobrazie górskim Ski Infrastructure in the Mountain Landscape Marek Staffa STRESZCZENIEAny investment made in the mountains is in some way interference with their landscape, often with a loss for the scenic qualities. Recently escalate projects and realizations related with the ski infrastructure, also in areas particularly environmentally protected. They also tend to be a threat to other types of tourism by belittling of the "space tourist", they cause irreparable, or at least longterm losses for the landscape. Skiing has changed its character: from tourism and wander it came to the sport forms, even the playing field forms. Now dominates the model of different sizes and differently equipped so called ski stations, which consist of interrelated systems of lines and lifts, and connected with them ski runs and cross-country tracks. They occupy large tracts of the slopes, even to dorsal lots, require significant deforestation and consequently, instead of the beautiful natural panoramas it is observed artificially cut of the ski runs slopes. Mountains become the "wiring", and instead of trees the forest of supports and masts of the load-bearing, propulsion, lighting and snow making equipments grows on them. All these objects are part of a terrible landscape, and also hinder the other users to navigate in the mountains. Meanwhile, the natural climatic and snow conditions in the Polish mountains absolutely not support for such an intensive ski development, because the winter season takes them more than 3-4 months, while the devices reside in the landscape throughout the year. Laws should at least arise (like in other countries) that require owners of ski lifts removal or masking of them after the season. Działania na rzecz ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego w strefie pogranicza polsko-słowackiego Operations for the Cultural Landscape in the Borderland Between Poland and Slovakia Maria Hełdak STRESZCZENIEIn the work there were shown the operations of the authorities and other organizations for preserving of the cultural landscape in the borderland between Poland and Slovakia. In the commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska chosen for research there are located Podhale and Spi region villages. Despite the mixing of features, their cultural identities are still legible. The Polish state border formerly ran on the Białka river, and the Spi region villages were located outside the Polish border. The commune policy is directed to the cultural environment protection and supporting any forms and manifestations of activities promoting regional tradition and culture. Besides on the area of the commune the Tatra Museum operates in the form of "spatial museum" ("in situ" form of preservation of monuments) and there runs the Wooden Architecture Route. Unfortunately, the commune despite attempts, did not start cooperation with the communes located on the Slovak side in the scope of promoting the cultural values of the region. EKOLOGIA KRAJOBRAZU Ewolucja koncepcji zagospodarowania terenu inwestycyjnego Zielona Dolina w obszarze chronionego krajobrazu "Dolina Ciemięgi" The Evolution of Spatial Structure Design of the Green Valley Investment Ground on the "Ciemięga Valley" Landscape Protected Area Tadeusz Jan Chmielewski Agnieszka Kułak Aleksandra Niewada STRESZCZENIEThe river valleys have the great value for nature, culture and economy. In the past few decades, however, they were the subjects of anthropogenic pressure, especially in a large cities affective zone. The landscape protection area of the Ciemięga Valley established in 1990 is situated on the north from the Lublin city. The place is under a great interest of land selling for the individual suburban housing estate. What makes the site more attractive for the investments, the communication road bypass for Lublin city is planned to be built about 3 km south from the area. The 126,12 ha large terrain of The Green Valley, located in the landscape protection area, near to Snopków village, has been bought out by an estate developer, that at first intended to divide it into a small plots of land. Nevertheless, as a result of the cooperation of the teams of an ecologists and landscape architects, a totally new concept of spatial development plan for this site arose, even more attractive for future residents. Furthermore, it would protect the places most valuable for nature and landscapes, as a factor of the quality of life increase in this part of the Lublin Metropolitan Territory. PREZENTACJE Przywrócone miastu Restored to the Town Marek Liszewski Małgorzata Lipska STRESZCZENIE
Ostrów Tumski is a part of the islands group in the Old Town in Wroclaw. There valuable monuments of architecture as well as interesting gardens set, mainly baroque, are situated. During siege of Wrocław in 1945 year this area of the city was considerably destroyed. After the war the most valuable monuments were successfully rebuild, but "Bishops gardens" was revaluated only in 1999-2003 years. This set is situated in the back of Southern frontage of Katedralna street - main street leading to the Cathedra. The object consisted of the complex of gardens near the Bishops Palace and gardens of canonical court. It was small geometrically planned out garden, situated general on two levels declining in direction of river, with downstairs, balustrades and stone flowerpots sculptures. No elements of ancient lay out arrangements in general is preserved and only in some cases it was possible to apply the formula of reconstruction. In design and executive works the companies and person organized into associations "Ogrody Dolnośląskie" took part. Present the "Bishops gardens" became one of the most attractive walking places of Tumski Ostrów visited by occupants of Wrocław willingly. The gardens particularly interestingly presenting when looking at them from tower of the Cathedral. Na styku miasta i rzeki: uwagi o zagospodarowaniu terenów nadrzecznych we Wrocławiu i Głogowie Where the City Meets the River: Remarks of the Development of Riverside Areas in Wrocław and Głogów Justyna Zygmunt-Rubaszek STRESZCZENIEThe main issue of landscape architecture - the point of contact between the city and the river - is in this article strictly restricted to the theme of adaptation of the riverbanks and the river itself for recreation and deals with two examples: Wrocław and Głogów. This article presents forms and urban functions used and offered to the general public for the purposes of rest and recreation, which were gradually brought to riverside areas from the beginning of the 19th century. It describes the landscape and natural as well as architectural values of these areas and shows the present condition of old buildings and harbour. Moreover, the possible directions of development and further transformation of Odra riverside areas have been illustrated with author's concept of spatial development of the Neptune's Bay in Głogów. Several remarks have been also devoted to contemporary urban adaptations of the riverbank. ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Plac zabaw jako przestrzeń umożliwiająca różnorodne formy zabaw Playground as A-Space Enabling Wide Range of Forms of Play Magdalena Czałczyńska-Podolska STRESZCZENIEIn most cases playgrounds have little potential to stimulate various forms of play, but in fact specific forms of play can be effectively stimulated by means of selecting appropriate spatial features: arrangement of the space and specific equipment, tailored to the age and needs of children. Selection of spatial features that are to provoke various forms of play and creation of play scenery that would account for the subjects age are the basis for developing attractive and valuable play space. Drogi znikające z krajobrazu Roads Disappearing from the Landscape Klara Tomaszewska STRESZCZENIEMotorization development causes that more and more modern roads are being built. One can say that they often occupy the space of previous interesting types of old roads like f.e. those cobbled with fieldstones or with irregular granite flagstones, often with so called shoulde (wide sandy part along the road). They are usually copsed with trees, and create beautiful lanes. Their charm is sometimes appreciated and are covered by a legal protection, like in the case "Warcianka road" (between Murzynowo and two other villages: Warcin and Dębin in Lubuskie wojwodshaft. There are also old roadsstreets or small and narrow streets in the big cites. Some of them disappear (according authorities decisions or by nature), other are carefully preserved f.e. Wysoka Street in Poznań. FORUM Losy ośrodków wielkoprzemysłowej produkcji zwierzęcej na terenie Dolnego Śląska Fate of Industrial Animal Farms in Lower Silesia Province Hanna Houszka Hanna Marszałek STRESZCZENIERestructuring of Polish Agriculture had a great influence on animal production. The number of animals has, year by year, significantly decreased and many big farms went bankrupt. It concerned especially Lower Silesia. Only minor number of industrial farms is still in operation, part of them has changed their assignment for other branches, but most of them is unused and becomes a ruin. Entering Poland to the EU has positively influenced on agriculture condition, the interest in animal production has increased. There are new buildings being constructed, and the old ones in good shape, are being reactivated. Ciało w krajobrazie jako motyw poezji Sylvii Plath Body in the Landscape as the Subject of Sylvia Plath's Poetry Małgorzata Zimniak STRESZCZENIEThe article includes reflections on the human body in the landscape as a main subject of Sylvia Plath's poetry. The landscape and nature are real but distorted by subjective vision of poet's psyche. And the body is determined by this environment. Sometimes we can see two types of anatomy: human and natural. In Plath's poetry there is also seen the influence of the philosopher R. E. Emerson, who wrote that the human and the nature are in ideal unity. The landscape around person who speaks in Sylvia Plath's poems merges with her body. Nature seems to be the extension of the body. Element of the nature penetrate human organs. Sometimes the landscape in Sylvia Plath's poems is very unpleasant for the human body, is full of cold stones, thorns and poisonous fume. The flowers and the trees in Plath's poetry usually are personificated. Red flowers such as poppies or tulips are alive, their rich color is compare with wounds. In Poem for a Birthday there is shown the relationship between nature and human body. The metaphors there are similar to imaging in the poetry of Theodor Roethke. Special subject in Plath's poetry is water landscape. Water is the border that lyrical subject of poems can't across. In such a environment person can't move. Water in this poetry is usually dark and scary. |
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