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Nr 2/2010, vol. 27 Rola rzeki w krajobrazie miejskim i wiejskim Role of the River in the Urban and the Rural Landscape STRESZCZENIA str. 79 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (76,7 MB) |
PROBLEMY Kształtowanie krajobrazu dolin rzecznych miast europejskich Shaping the Landscape of River Valleys in European Cities Katarzyna Pluta STRESZCZENIEPublic water spaces are very important elements in the townscape of every city. A river with riverbanks, riverside areas, escarpments and bridges has often been an element, which determined the spatial - functional structure of the city. In the majority of European cities the river is one of the most important values, with harmoniously shaped landscape. The role of the river in a town is emphasized by location of the most important historical buildings and urban complexes in the close vicinity of the river. In recent years the landscapes of contemporary cities have become similar and uniform. Hence the increasing need for shaping the city's identity, including one of the most important elements of a city landscape, i.e. public water spaces with surrounding areas. The article presents the newest examples of shaping the landscape of European cities with the help of creation of large scale urban complexes. Detailed analysis relates to public spaces. The presented complexes are shaped by planning instruments such as urban design and urban composition. They are outstanding examples of harmonious supplementation of cultural landscape of European cities by new realizations. Skarpa Nadodrzańska: niewykorzystany potencjał w krajobrazie Szczecina The Slope above the Odra River: Szczecin Landscapes Unexploited Potential Halina Petryszyn Milena Wojtasik STRESZCZENIESzczecin and its surroundings is outstanding for its varied physiography and is divided into smaller lands. In the lowest part of the region, situated 0,5 meters above sea level, called Międzyodrze, the Landscape Park of Dolna Odra Valley was instituted. The slope above the Odra River reaches the valley with sharply shaped highly laid land. The central part has been the basis for the city and its fortifications formation and it is now a kind of visiting-card of Szczecin - the complex of Wały Chrobrego. The northern and southern parts of the slope, which cross the city borders, are seen in the river-city relation only occasionally. It is the northern part of the slope between two motorway bridges: Poznańska Motorway and the A6 motorway which was examined. The examination included physiographical conditions of the area, its history and history of villages. Many historical and natural objects of great worth, both commemorative and landscape value,were distinguished. The suggestions of creating a bicycle-path, a foot path and a river route were made. On height a scenic point was created, which is possible to access by the newly created bicycle-path and easy to get from place to moor by the river route. The point, with wide variety of functions, enables great visibility to the examined area. EKOLOGIA KRAJOBRAZU "Wyspy środowiskowe" - konflikt w funkcjonowaniu przyrodniczych struktur przestrzennych 'Environmental Islands' - Conflict in the Functioning of Environmental Spatial Structures Krzysztof Kasprzak STRESZCZENIE"Environmental islands" are created because of human activity. They are usually tops of hills surrounded by valleys, lakes or isolated woodlands. The separation of islands causes them to be the only environmental refuge in an encompassing landscape. Environmental islands are connected with problems of fragmentation of habitats, survival of species or protection of the environment. Linear distances between islands are the crucial factor in the creation of their systems. The series of "environmental islands" may species to migrate. The location of islands should be optimised when the landscape is created (according to rural-environmental programmes). The forest islands in the rural landscape should be treated as replacement forms of actual forests. They are quite resistant to synanthropization processes. Vegetation may preserve the character of forest associations. Rekreacja w dolinie rzeki na przykładzie małych dolin rzecznych Wrocławia Recreation in a River Valley on the Example of Small River Valleys in Wroclaw Aleksandra Lis Ewa Walter STRESZCZENIEIn the contemporary world of intense, fast and unhealthy lifestyle, a need for recreation is increasing; it is supposed to smooth out the physical passivity of everyday life. The appearance of an open water source is one of the basic components deciding on attractiveness of a recreational-holiday area. Wrocław is a city strongly shaped by its big river. Apart from the Odra there are four smaller rivers: the Widawa, the Bystrzyca, the Slęza and the Oława. They influence the landscape of the city and its structure. Within the area of each of the rivers exist organized and half-natural areas of green, which do not fully exploit the potential of the closeness of the natural watercourse. The present article presents the research on the role of green areas within small river valleys of Wroclaw. The authors attempt to determine the directions of action, which will enable an increase in the recreational effectiveness of the studied areas, with special consideration to the potential of closeness of the river. The areas have been explored with respect to their recreational function by conducting analyses and assessments of the possibilities and degree of satisfying the needs of recreational inhabitants of these areas. A model of the relations drawn up by A. Lis (2005) has been used in the research. PREZENTACJE Przemiany krajobrazu w dolinie rzeki Odry we Wrocławiu związane z ochroną przed powodzią w okresie ostatnich 200 lat Landscape Transformation in the Valley of the Oder in Wrocław Relating to Protection Against Floods During the Past 200 Years Agnieszka Faron-Okoniewska STRESZCZENIEThe specificity of the location of Wroclaw in the valley of the Odra river and its four major tributaries (Bystrzyca, Oława, Ślęza, Widawa), distinguishes it from other towns in Poland. The hydrographical network has always heavily influenced the urban landscape, creating an indissoluble bond with him. The objective of the pursued doctoral thesis is to analyze the dynamics of landscape transformation of the Odra in Wroclaw, including the regulation of the river in the XIX century and hydrotechnical facilities, which arose after the big floods in 1903 and 1997. The collected cartographic material will be used such as topographic maps, Messtischblatter, historical town plans, and the results of their landscape research in the years 2007-2010. Spatial analysis will be carried out mainly in the GIS software, based on the developed for this purpose Spatial Information System. The paper will set out the degree of interaction: hydrotechnical development of the Odra river valley and land development in Wrocław, and the major factors of the urban landscape changes occurring during the past 200 years will be determined. Rzeka Białka w krajobrazie wsi podhalańskie The Białka River in the Rural Landscape of Podhale Maria Hełdak STRESZCZENIEThe function and role of a river in the rural landscape of Podhale were analysed on the example of the Białka River. In the commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska, the river divides the area of Podhale and Polish Spisz. The villages of Brzegi, Jurgów, Czarna Góra and Białka Tatrzańska are located on the river. The river has always been an element of life in the local community. Czarna Góra, in the vicinity of Białka, is where Romany people live. The settlement is on a flood plain, close to the river, on the border between the villages of Czarna Góra and Bukowina Tatrzańska. At present, the river is an important element in the development of tourism in Białka Tatrzańska, especially in the summer season. The development of tourism is a threat to the natural environment and leads to increased pollution of the river. In order to preserve the precious ecosystem of the Białka River, there are plans to create a "Białka River" nature reserve. The natural biological lining accompanying the river is characterised by the presence of unique vegetation and is habitat for rare animal species. The Białka River basin is located in Natura 2000 region, in a Special Protection Area (SPA). Przemiany krajobrazu wsi Bielice w Sudetach Wschodnich Landscape's Transformation in the Village of Bielice in the Eastern Sudetes Hanna Ojrzyńska STRESZCZENIEBasing on cartographical materials, source literature and detailed terrain stocktaking of the village of Bielice, the evolution of the village's landscape since the beginning of the 20th century until nowadays has been presented. The changes in the landscape were related to functional and spatial structure changes taking place in Bielice. Special attention was paid to retiring from the agricultural function of the village, which resulted in intensive repeated forest succession on unused pastures. As a result there was observed agriculture-forest border lowering of over 100 meters in relation to the pre-war position. Before the 1980s the village was depopulating fast, threatening complete disappearance, which took place in the settlement of Nowa Biela. The chain structure of the village thinned out considerably, taking a distracted character, particularly in the central part of the village. As a result of the increasing interest in the village of Bielice taken by Wroclaw's intellectuals, its tourist function came back to life, which was important before World War II. Its location in Śnieżnicki Landscape Park, good skiing conditions and the landscape quality of the village were conducive to it. For the last twenty years most of the residential buildings, especially their farm parts, have been modernized to tourist and agrotourist service needs. Changes, positive from the economic side, had their various scale of impact on the state of visible landscape. The greatest danger concerns the regional character of Sudetes' architecture. The influence of the residents, who were sensitive to the beauty of the local architecture, meant that most of the pre-war buildings were correctly renovated, and most of the new buildings refer to regional architecture standards. There proved to be some legislative inaccuracies, which cannot protect the regional determinant of the visible landscape. STANDARDY Praktyka kształtowania elementów krajobrazowych Wrocławia w świetle uwarunkowań prawnych i ekonomicznych przy sporządzeniu miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego Practice of Shaping Elements of Wrocław City Landscape in View of Legal and Economic Aspects during Preparation of Local Space Management Plans Leszek Stanek STRESZCZENIEFast development of Wrocław city at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was related to its expansion to the neighbouring area. Smaller localities attached to the city kept their rural or provincial character. After the Second World War management and building of many settlements were subject to principal changes. Near the city centre high buildings were localized, the rule of complex and close buildings around the settlement squares was abandoned, multi-family buildings with more than 4 floors above the ground were built in peripheral areas. Buildings of this type spread as an effect of the de-urbanisation process on neighbouring communities, levelling their character. Some of the urban areas changed their appearance because of the new utilisation of the industrial area, solving waste and sewage management problems and protection of water-bearing territories. The precious agricultural lands disappear irretrievably. Disintegration and uncoordinated guidelines to the plans of space management allow for dissonance in roof constructions, breaking the harmony of the arrangement visible from a bird's eye view. FORUM Miejskie nabrzeża rzeki Xiang na przykładzie Czangsza w Chinach The Urban Quaysides of the Xiang River on Example of Changsha City in China Marta Weber - Siwirska STRESZCZENIEChangsha is the capital of Hunan province in south eastern China. It is also a university centre with 6 million people living there. Social life is concentrated in two places. One of them is the main promenade with numerous shops and the second is a waterside walkway. And exactly on the river bank of the Xiang River, which is a right-bank tributary of the Yangtze, it is possible to observe Chinese culture. Numerous eateries, areas for diverse play games and other entertainments are located on the promenades in order to meet the needs of residents and tourists. Flora is also important in the municipal grounds. Their species selection is determined by geographical latitude. The way of landscape shaping and spending free time originate from the local, long standing tradition, which in many aspects differs from European culture. Węzeł kolejowy Głuchołazy w krajobrazie miasta Railway Junction in Głuchołazy in the Towns Landscape Marek Konopka STRESZCZENIEThe interesting scenery of Głuchołazy is influenced by several elements. The town is located in a river valley, has a spa tradition and an extensive railway junction, which has, an exceptional in Poland,railway line serving municipal transport. From a passenger and cargo main railway station three lines stem: to Nowy Świętów, Jindřichov ve Slezsku, Mikulovice and the municipal line where two other stations in the town are located. Two almost parallel lines depart from the main station towards the south: one to Mikulovice and a municipal line. Both meander down the river valley among the town buildings, the municipal line below the other. This makes the towns landscape rich in railway buildings and constructions: railway crossing attendants houses, viaducts, trussing bridge over the river and old steel guardrooms controlling international traffic in the past. The most interesting landscape is that of the spa district, where the railway crosses the central square. Railway buildings and constructions in Głuchołazy are characteristic elements of the area and have great aesthetic and cultural value. Progressive degradation of the railway causes material damage to the landscape of the town. Adequate town planning actions should be taken to stabilize it and preserve it. |
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