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Nr 1/2010, vol. 26 Doliny rzeczne jako struktury przestrzenne River Valleys as Natural Spatial Structures STRESZCZENIA str. 86 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (69,5 MB) |
PROBLEMY Piliczańskie parki krajobrazowe - idea ochrony a praktyka The Pilica Landscape Parks - Idea of Preservation and Practice Małgorzata Milecka Anna Różańska STRESZCZENIEThe Pilica River - a left tributary into the Vistula River - directing its water from piedmont terrains to Mazovia plain stands out from various landscapes connected with the river and its tributaries. One of the most interesting landscape parts of the Pilica valley are its fragments near Przedborze, Sulejów and Inowłódz. The towns lost their important position in the course of time - at present they are small but charming centers offering plenty of relics of the past with their beautiful silhouettes reflecting in the river. The landscape of the valley and the areas of upland surrounding it are enriched by woodlands, which are remnants of the old Pilicka primeval forest with all its wealth preserved as numerous nature reserves. In order to get complex protection of the Pilica valley landscape a Group of the Pilica Landscape Parks was set up in the 1980s which includes the Przedborski, Sulejowski and Spalski Landscape Parks. In the area of the parks and the surrounding terrains there are plenty of valuable non-natural objects which form a cultural heritage of the region. The objects are important places of tourism, one should not also forget about a tourist attraction that is the Sulejowski Zalew (Lake). The areas are visited by numerous tourists, on the other hand they are under protection, recently widened on quite large Nature 2000 areas. The situation causes spatial and social conflicts. In the article some ideas concerning protection of the group of three landscape parks are presented and some chosen problems connected with including the protection of these parks in the region's life. EKOLOGIA KRAJOBRAZU Wybrane aspekty zagospodarowania karpackich dolin rzecznych Chosen Aspects of Development of River Valleys in Sub-Mountain Areas Piotr Krzyk STRESZCZENIERiver valleys, next to forests, are basic elements of the ecological structure of Poland's landscape. A considerable part of them are flood areas of rivers, which are at the same time significant elements of natural systems, both local and supralocal - since they constitute natural ecological corridors. Specific natural conditions prevail in sub-mountain and mountain river valleys. Issues related to the river valleys development are shown in the examples of sub-mountain communes: Wilamowice (Śląskie Voivodship) and Strzyżów (Podkarpackie Voivodship). The assessment of the conformity of the present and planned development of the river valleys of the above mentioned communes with physiographic conditions (localisation of buildings, flood threats and flood protection, soil-water conditions, surface and underground waters pollution) is the main aim of the paper. The issues connected with spatial development and its role in environmental development and the protection of water resources. Rospuda - studium ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu Rospuda - Landscape Assessment Study Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska STRESZCZENIEThe article presents the Landscape Impact Assessment, prepared by the author within the Environmental Impact Assessment report of Augustów Bypass, nearby the Rospuda Valley. This report is a final documentation, basic for a decision concerning the most controversial proposal in Poland in recent years. An original methodology has been presented. It has been of special concern to delimit the zone of visual influence of different bridge projects, crossing the most valuable part of the Rospuda Valley. Digital models of terrain, the river, and planned engineering objects enabled it to define the "visual envelope" and to create the visualisations of bridges, "located" in the pictures of real landscape. The adopted criteria of landscape impact assessment aimed to indicate the less harmful route alternative. The study shows the practical application of landscape architecture, and can serve as an argument for the implementation of Landscape Impact Assessment studies at Landscape Architecture departments. PREZENTACJE Krajobraz sakralny związany z ciekami wodnymi, na przykładzie "Szlaku kościołów drewnianych wokół Puszczy Zielonka" Sacred Landscape Connected with Water Flows, Based on the Study of 'The Trail of Wooden Churches in Zielonka Forest' Elżbieta Raszeja Ewa de Mezer STRESZCZENIESacred landscape is inseparably linked with the revelation of sanctity in human life space (hierophany and teophany in some cases). Profanum has to be symbolically submitted to res sacra to enable the element of sacrum to act in a proper way. It involves an appropriate exposition of sacred landscape elements, especially churches. They are not only visible dominants, but also domus dei and axis mundi in cultural landscape. For that reason churches are often situated in the most prominent places, making good use of natural landform features, first of all hills usually connected with valleys of water flows. 'The trail of wooden churches around Zielonka forest' consists of twelve churches that have become an inherent part of Wielkopolska cultural landscape. Seven of them are located in the area of river valleys, which determines landscape exposition. The aim of this article is to attract attention to the vital role of small water flows in the exposition of churches and the influence of valley forms on sacred landscape perception. Wykorzystanie walorów krajobrazowych doliny wiślanej w rejonie Wilanowa dla rozwoju turystyki Utilization of Values of the Vistula Valley Landscape in Wilanów Region for Development of Tourism Małgorzata Kaczyńska STRESZCZENIEThe area of the Vistula valley in the region of Wilanów has unique landscape, natural and cultural values on the background of Warsaw. They constitute great potential for sustainable tourism, recreation and leisure. The most important elements of the valley landscape, which decide about its usefulness for tourism development are: the Warsaw Scarp and the area at the foot of the scarp, the riverside terrains with hydrographical network, riparian forests and meadows, and also historical residential parks. Development and regulation of access to these terrains should be aimed at harmonious use of their values, taking into consideration requirements of the natural and historical values protection. An important element, related to the development of tourism and recreation within the valley is a system of the communication routes which allows proper control the tourist traffic. The communication routes can direct the tourist traffic to the areas attractive for recreation and leisure, which are more resistant to anthropopressure and frequently inactivated. An object of special meaning for tourism and recreation within the valley is the Wilanów Palace Museum. It is important to provide adequate infrastructure connected with services for the tourists visiting the museum and to improve its functionality. Przekształcenia przestrzenne ujścia rzeki Świny w Świnoujściu Spatial Transformations of the Świna River Estuary Alicja Biranowska-Kurtz STRESZCZENIECities close to the Baltic Sea were built in various times. Swinoujście belongs to the young cities, as it gained its civic rights as late as in 1765. Its history, begun in the early Middle Ages, gathered momentum after 1720, when people tried to solve the difficulties connected with water communication, substantially limited by the Swedish at the estuaries of the Odra river. Clearing of the river and adaptation for navigation on the Świna, which was absolutely not navigable and used only for fishing. Satisfactory results obtained during hydrographic works led to extraordinary growth of the citys creation and spatial development, changing unceasingly until nowadays. Where less than three centuries ago cliff shores existed, the sea roared and the sandbanks of Pomeranian Bay stretched, today we can admire the first public Spa Park, seaside holiday quarter, numerous, well preserved Prussian fortifications and military batteries, many engineering accomplishments and countless architectonic objects. Each of the former historic activities left their stamp in the river panorama and sea embankment. The city did not avoid the needs and pressures of the present day, which so far have forced liquidation of some fragments of forts or military fortifications. Rola dolin rzecznych w średniowiecznym paśmie obronnym Jury Krakowsko - Częstochowskiej The Importance of River Valleys in the Medieval Fortification Line of Jura Krakowsko - Częstochowska Michał Uruszczak STRESZCZENIEJura Krakowsko-Częstochowska constitutes one of the greatest centres of stronghold buildings in Poland. Such objects appeared in this area from the beginning of human settlement. Proof of that can be seen in fortification traces in Murek Cave, on Gołębiec Rock or in walls of a dwelling from the Lusatian culture in Udórz. The landscape, of huge differences in relative heights and water meadows, which occurs in many regions, is conducive to creating fortified buildings which, situated in naturally defensive places, apart from giving active protection were also efficient in passive protection. Medieval times prove by their remains that commonness of militaris architecture is one of the characteristics which distinguish them. Constant threat to the borders and frequent political, social and technical changes bought about perfection in borderland protection. The king who hugely administered to the increased protection of the Polish borders was Casimir III the Great. Within limits of military strategy, he personally founded many castles and watchtowers that were mentioned by the chronicler Jan Długosz. Many of Jura's objects are not only extremely valuable but also very picturesque examples of Polish architecture. The castle in Pieskowa Skała, in Podzamcze or Wawel - the royal castle in Cracow are called icons and pearls of Polish architecture. The Jura area, as a pioneering one, was included into a programme of natural and landscape values protection, in reserves like for example Dolina Ojcowska,or protection of singular elements in the form of nature monuments. STANDARDY Krajobraz doliny Karpnickiego Potoku. Zastosowanie systemów GIS w analizach historycznych krajobrazu Karpnicki Brook Valley Landscape. Application of the GIS System for Historical Analysis of Landscape Changes Justyna Jaworek Piotr Gołuch Adam Michalski STRESZCZENIEThe river and brook valleys of the Sudeten Mountains have played an important role in developing the area. Along the rivers there has formed a characteristic settlement landscape inextricably linked to the hydrographic network. Recent years have seen further transformations of the riverine areas, which has led to the disappearance of many historical landscape components. This raises questions about the nature of the present changes. The article is an attempt to present the dynamism of transformations of the Karpnicki Brook Valley landscape. A comparison of conditions from 1938, 1994 and 2004, has enabled the authors to determine the landscape development trends and to establish goals for the protection of the historical architectural-andlandscape composition. The analysis has been conducted using aerial photographs as the source material; thanks to this, it has been possible to obtain a comprehensive picture of changes to spatial relationships. The photos were used to make digital orthophotos, which then constituted the basis for developing maps in GIS. The maps made it possible to compare the condition of the landscape at various points in time. O krajobrazie w dolinie rzeki Ilmena About the Landscape of the Ilmenau Valley Agnieszka Aleksandra Jaszczak STRESZCZENIEThe Ilmenau, with 107 km length, is a left affluent of the Elbe and flows through the historical region of Lüneburger Heide in Germany. It begins near the town of Uelzen, which is known for its railway station, designed by Hundertwasser, then flows through the health resort Bad Bevensen, to get to Lüneburg, the town called "The Queen of Hanza" in the Middle Ages. The "wealth" of Lüneburg (also architectural) comes from the bed of salt. The Ilmenau, already as the Ilmenau Kanal joins the Elbe near Winsen. Unique natural and cultural values not only of big towns, but also villages located in the river valley decide on the possibility of development of different tourism forms. The peculiarity of landscape is created by numerous hills, moorlands, forests, areas covered by juniper, alleys as well as borders of agricultural and forest areas lined by birch and ererratic boulders. Characteristic halftimbered buildings, typical village and farm systems, village buildings with domination of German hallhouses, palaces as well as numerous monasteries are of a huge cultural value. The goal of this work is analysis of the current state of landscape in the Ilmenau valley (Germany) as well as defining the possibilities of its balanced management in the future. FORUM Zagrożenia dla przyrodniczego i kulturowego rozwoju doliny Strugi Świebodzińskiej Threats for the Natural and Cultural Development of the Struga Świebodzińska Valley Anna Bazan-Krzywoszańska Marta Skiba STRESZCZENIEEffectiveness of spatial planning, expressed in planning tools and concrete methods of strategic management has a great influence on town development. Taking into consideration the state of the green area of Świebodzin, we should assume that its ecological status ought to be a priority for further development. The assumptions, within whose frames economy compels the technology of the town development, thus negating the natural rhythm of nature, should be eliminated. The town is a biosocial organism, and so it requires promoting of balanced ecological, social and cultural actions. Analiza elementów kompozycji wybranych wsi Drawskiego Parku Krajobrazowego Analysis of Special Systems Elements of Chosen Villages in Drawski Landscape Park Anna Dudzińska Barbara Szpakowska Piotr Urbański STRESZCZENIELandscape parks were created to protect natural, cultural and landscape resources. Many resources very often contribute to the intensive touristic development of these areas. The landscape of Drawski Park was created by the carving activity of a glacier. There are many lakes and rivers in the studied area, which contributed to the development of villages. One of the most famous rivers in this area is the Drawa river. The Drawa river and numerous lakes created convenient conditions for active leisure. Tourist development could utilize the resources of cultural and natural heritage based on the principles of sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to estimate the transformation of chosen villages situated in Drawski Landscape Park and establish directions of further development, including genius loci. Przekształcenia układów historycznych wsi w gminie Purda w latach 1996-2005 Transformations of Historical Countryside Layouts in Purda District in the Years 1996-2005 Sławomir Sobotka STRESZCZENIEThe article contains information about the placement of one family housing (including summer houses) in Purda commune. Attention has been paid to the connection between the increased building movement, increase in the population and the transformation of the spatial structure of the village. |
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