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1/2010 - Doliny rzeczne jako struktury przestrzenne / River Valleys as Natural Spatial Structures

AK 1-2010 CD   Nr 1/2010, vol. 26

Doliny rzeczne jako struktury przestrzenne
River Valleys as Natural Spatial Structures



Piliczańskie parki krajobrazowe - idea ochrony a praktyka
The Pilica Landscape Parks - Idea of Preservation and Practice
Małgorzata Milecka
Anna Różańska

The Pilica River - a left tributary into the Vistula River - directing its water from piedmont terrains to Mazovia plain stands out from various landscapes connected with the river and its tributaries. One of the most interesting landscape parts of the Pilica valley are its fragments near Przedborze, Sulejów and Inowłódz. The towns lost their important position in the course of time - at present they are small but charming centers offering plenty of relics of the past with their beautiful silhouettes reflecting in the river. The landscape of the valley and the areas of upland surrounding it are enriched by woodlands, which are remnants of the old Pilicka primeval forest with all its wealth preserved as numerous nature reserves. In order to get complex protection of the Pilica valley landscape a Group of the Pilica Landscape Parks was set up in the 1980s which includes the Przedborski, Sulejowski and Spalski Landscape Parks. In the area of the parks and the surrounding terrains there are plenty of valuable non-natural objects which form a cultural heritage of the region. The objects are important places of tourism, one should not also forget about a tourist attraction that is the Sulejowski Zalew (Lake). The areas are visited by numerous tourists, on the other hand they are under protection, recently widened on quite large Nature 2000 areas. The situation causes spatial and social conflicts. In the article some ideas concerning protection of the group of three landscape parks are presented and some chosen problems connected with including the protection of these parks in the region's life.


Wybrane aspekty zagospodarowania karpackich dolin rzecznych
Chosen Aspects of Development of River Valleys in Sub-Mountain Areas
Piotr Krzyk

River valleys, next to forests, are basic elements of the ecological structure of Poland's landscape. A considerable part of them are flood areas of rivers, which are at the same time significant elements of natural systems, both local and supralocal - since they constitute natural ecological corridors. Specific natural conditions prevail in sub-mountain and mountain river valleys. Issues related to the river valleys development are shown in the examples of sub-mountain communes: Wilamowice (Śląskie Voivodship) and Strzyżów (Podkarpackie Voivodship). The assessment of the conformity of the present and planned development of the river valleys of the above mentioned communes with physiographic conditions (localisation of buildings, flood threats and flood protection, soil-water conditions, surface and underground waters pollution) is the main aim of the paper. The issues connected with spatial development and its role in environmental development and the protection of water resources.

Rospuda - studium ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu
Rospuda - Landscape Assessment Study
Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska

The article presents the Landscape Impact Assessment, prepared by the author within the Environmental Impact Assessment report of Augustów Bypass, nearby the Rospuda Valley. This report is a final documentation, basic for a decision concerning the most controversial proposal in Poland in recent years. An original methodology has been presented. It has been of special concern to delimit the zone of visual influence of different bridge projects, crossing the most valuable part of the Rospuda Valley. Digital models of terrain, the river, and planned engineering objects enabled it to define the "visual envelope" and to create the visualisations of bridges, "located" in the pictures of real landscape. The adopted criteria of landscape impact assessment aimed to indicate the less harmful route alternative. The study shows the practical application of landscape architecture, and can serve as an argument for the implementation of Landscape Impact Assessment studies at Landscape Architecture departments.


Krajobraz sakralny związany z ciekami wodnymi, na przykładzie "Szlaku kościołów drewnianych wokół Puszczy Zielonka"
Sacred Landscape Connected with Water Flows, Based on the Study of 'The Trail of Wooden Churches in Zielonka Forest'
Elżbieta Raszeja
Ewa de Mezer

Sacred landscape is inseparably linked with the revelation of sanctity in human life space (hierophany and teophany in some cases). Profanum has to be symbolically submitted to res sacra to enable the element of sacrum to act in a proper way. It involves an appropriate exposition of sacred landscape elements, especially churches. They are not only visible dominants, but also domus dei and axis mundi in cultural landscape. For that reason churches are often situated in the most prominent places, making good use of natural landform features, first of all hills usually connected with valleys of water flows. 'The trail of wooden churches around Zielonka forest' consists of twelve churches that have become an inherent part of Wielkopolska cultural landscape. Seven of them are located in the area of river valleys, which determines landscape exposition. The aim of this article is to attract attention to the vital role of small water flows in the exposition of churches and the influence of valley forms on sacred landscape perception.

Wykorzystanie walorów krajobrazowych doliny wiślanej w rejonie Wilanowa dla rozwoju turystyki
Utilization of Values of the Vistula Valley Landscape in Wilanów Region for Development of Tourism
Małgorzata Kaczyńska

The area of the Vistula valley in the region of Wilanów has unique landscape, natural and cultural values on the background of Warsaw. They constitute great potential for sustainable tourism, recreation and leisure. The most important elements of the valley landscape, which decide about its usefulness for tourism development are: the Warsaw Scarp and the area at the foot of the scarp, the riverside terrains with hydrographical network, riparian forests and meadows, and also historical residential parks. Development and regulation of access to these terrains should be aimed at harmonious use of their values, taking into consideration requirements of the natural and historical values protection. An important element, related to the development of tourism and recreation within the valley is a system of the communication routes which allows proper control the tourist traffic. The communication routes can direct the tourist traffic to the areas attractive for recreation and leisure, which are more resistant to anthropopressure and frequently inactivated. An object of special meaning for tourism and recreation within the valley is the Wilanów Palace Museum. It is important to provide adequate infrastructure connected with services for the tourists visiting the museum and to improve its functionality.

Przekształcenia przestrzenne ujścia rzeki Świny w Świnoujściu
Spatial Transformations of the Świna River Estuary
Alicja Biranowska-Kurtz

Cities close to the Baltic Sea were built in various times. Swinoujście belongs to the young cities, as it gained its civic rights as late as in 1765. Its history, begun in the early Middle Ages, gathered momentum after 1720, when people tried to solve the difficulties connected with water communication, substantially limited by the Swedish at the estuaries of the Odra river. Clearing of the river and adaptation for navigation on the Świna, which was absolutely not navigable and used only for fishing. Satisfactory results obtained during hydrographic works led to extraordinary growth of the city’s creation and spatial development, changing unceasingly until nowadays. Where less than three centuries ago cliff shores existed, the sea roared and the sandbanks of Pomeranian Bay stretched, today we can admire the first public Spa Park, seaside holiday quarter, numerous, well preserved Prussian fortifications and military batteries, many engineering accomplishments and countless architectonic objects. Each of the former historic activities left their stamp in the river panorama and sea embankment. The city did not avoid the needs and pressures of the present day, which so far have forced liquidation of some fragments of forts or military fortifications.

Rola dolin rzecznych w średniowiecznym paśmie obronnym Jury Krakowsko - Częstochowskiej
The Importance of River Valleys in the Medieval Fortification Line of Jura Krakowsko - Częstochowska
Michał Uruszczak

Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska constitutes one of the greatest centres of stronghold buildings in Poland. Such objects appeared in this area from the beginning of human settlement. Proof of that can be seen in fortification traces in Murek Cave, on Gołębiec Rock or in walls of a dwelling from the Lusatian culture in Udórz. The landscape, of huge differences in relative heights and water meadows, which occurs in many regions, is conducive to creating fortified buildings which, situated in naturally defensive places, apart from giving active protection were also efficient in passive protection. Medieval times prove by their remains that commonness of militaris architecture is one of the characteristics which distinguish them. Constant threat to the borders and frequent political, social and technical changes bought about perfection in borderland protection. The king who hugely administered to the increased protection of the Polish borders was Casimir III the Great. Within limits of military strategy, he personally founded many castles and watchtowers that were mentioned by the chronicler Jan Długosz. Many of Jura's objects are not only extremely valuable but also very picturesque examples of Polish architecture. The castle in Pieskowa Skała, in Podzamcze or Wawel - the royal castle in Cracow are called icons and pearls of Polish architecture. The Jura area, as a pioneering one, was included into a programme of natural and landscape values protection, in reserves like for example Dolina Ojcowska,or protection of singular elements in the form of nature monuments.


Krajobraz doliny Karpnickiego Potoku. Zastosowanie systemów GIS w analizach historycznych krajobrazu
Karpnicki Brook Valley Landscape. Application of the GIS System for Historical Analysis of Landscape Changes
Justyna Jaworek
Piotr Gołuch
Adam Michalski

The river and brook valleys of the Sudeten Mountains have played an important role in developing the area. Along the rivers there has formed a characteristic settlement landscape inextricably linked to the hydrographic network. Recent years have seen further transformations of the riverine areas, which has led to the disappearance of many historical landscape components. This raises questions about the nature of the present changes. The article is an attempt to present the dynamism of transformations of the Karpnicki Brook Valley landscape. A comparison of conditions from 1938, 1994 and 2004, has enabled the authors to determine the landscape development trends and to establish goals for the protection of the historical architectural-andlandscape composition. The analysis has been conducted using aerial photographs as the source material; thanks to this, it has been possible to obtain a comprehensive picture of changes to spatial relationships. The photos were used to make digital orthophotos, which then constituted the basis for developing maps in GIS. The maps made it possible to compare the condition of the landscape at various points in time.

O krajobrazie w dolinie rzeki Ilmena
About the Landscape of the Ilmenau Valley
Agnieszka Aleksandra Jaszczak

The Ilmenau, with 107 km length, is a left affluent of the Elbe and flows through the historical region of Lüneburger Heide in Germany. It begins near the town of Uelzen, which is known for its railway station, designed by Hundertwasser, then flows through the health resort Bad Bevensen, to get to Lüneburg, the town called "The Queen of Hanza" in the Middle Ages. The "wealth" of Lüneburg (also architectural) comes from the bed of salt. The Ilmenau, already as the Ilmenau Kanal joins the Elbe near Winsen. Unique natural and cultural values not only of big towns, but also villages located in the river valley decide on the possibility of development of different tourism forms. The peculiarity of landscape is created by numerous hills, moorlands, forests, areas covered by juniper, alleys as well as borders of agricultural and forest areas lined by birch and ererratic boulders. Characteristic halftimbered buildings, typical village and farm systems, village buildings with domination of German hallhouses, palaces as well as numerous monasteries are of a huge cultural value. The goal of this work is analysis of the current state of landscape in the Ilmenau valley (Germany) as well as defining the possibilities of its balanced management in the future.


Zagrożenia dla przyrodniczego i kulturowego rozwoju doliny Strugi Świebodzińskiej
Threats for the Natural and Cultural Development of the Struga Świebodzińska Valley
Anna Bazan-Krzywoszańska
Marta Skiba

Effectiveness of spatial planning, expressed in planning tools and concrete methods of strategic management has a great influence on town development. Taking into consideration the state of the green area of Świebodzin, we should assume that its ecological status ought to be a priority for further development. The assumptions, within whose frames economy compels the technology of the town development, thus negating the natural rhythm of nature, should be eliminated. The town is a biosocial organism, and so it requires promoting of balanced ecological, social and cultural actions.

Analiza elementów kompozycji wybranych wsi Drawskiego Parku Krajobrazowego
Analysis of Special Systems Elements of Chosen Villages in Drawski Landscape Park
Anna Dudzińska
Barbara Szpakowska
Piotr Urbański

Landscape parks were created to protect natural, cultural and landscape resources. Many resources very often contribute to the intensive touristic development of these areas. The landscape of Drawski Park was created by the carving activity of a glacier. There are many lakes and rivers in the studied area, which contributed to the development of villages. One of the most famous rivers in this area is the Drawa river. The Drawa river and numerous lakes created convenient conditions for active leisure. Tourist development could utilize the resources of cultural and natural heritage based on the principles of sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to estimate the transformation of chosen villages situated in Drawski Landscape Park and establish directions of further development, including genius loci.

Przekształcenia układów historycznych wsi w gminie Purda w latach 1996-2005
Transformations of Historical Countryside Layouts in Purda District in the Years 1996-2005
Sławomir Sobotka

The article contains information about the placement of one family housing (including summer houses) in Purda commune. Attention has been paid to the connection between the increased building movement, increase in the population and the transformation of the spatial structure of the village.

2/2010 - Rola rzeki w krajobrazie miejskim i wiejskim / Role of the River in the Urban and the Rural Landscape

AK 2-2010 CD   Nr 2/2010, vol. 27

Rola rzeki w krajobrazie miejskim i wiejskim
Role of the River in the Urban and the Rural Landscape


Kształtowanie krajobrazu dolin rzecznych miast europejskich
Shaping the Landscape of River Valleys in European Cities
Katarzyna Pluta

Public water spaces are very important elements in the townscape of every city. A river with riverbanks, riverside areas, escarpments and bridges has often been an element, which determined the spatial - functional structure of the city. In the majority of European cities the river is one of the most important values, with harmoniously shaped landscape. The role of the river in a town is emphasized by location of the most important historical buildings and urban complexes in the close vicinity of the river. In recent years the landscapes of contemporary cities have become similar and uniform. Hence the increasing need for shaping the city's identity, including one of the most important elements of a city landscape, i.e. public water spaces with surrounding areas. The article presents the newest examples of shaping the landscape of European cities with the help of creation of large scale urban complexes. Detailed analysis relates to public spaces. The presented complexes are shaped by planning instruments such as urban design and urban composition. They are outstanding examples of harmonious supplementation of cultural landscape of European cities by new realizations.

Skarpa Nadodrzańska: niewykorzystany potencjał w krajobrazie Szczecina
The Slope above the Odra River: Szczecin Landscape’s Unexploited Potential
Halina Petryszyn
Milena Wojtasik

Szczecin and its surroundings is outstanding for its varied physiography and is divided into smaller lands. In the lowest part of the region, situated 0,5 meters above sea level, called Międzyodrze, the Landscape Park of Dolna Odra Valley was instituted. The slope above the Odra River reaches the valley with sharply shaped highly laid land. The central part has been the basis for the city and its fortifications formation and it is now a kind of visiting-card of Szczecin - the complex of Wały Chrobrego. The northern and southern parts of the slope, which cross the city borders, are seen in the river-city relation only occasionally. It is the northern part of the slope between two motorway bridges: Poznańska Motorway and the A6 motorway which was examined. The examination included physiographical conditions of the area, its history and history of villages. Many historical and natural objects of great worth, both commemorative and landscape value,were distinguished. The suggestions of creating a bicycle-path, a foot path and a river route were made. On height a scenic point was created, which is possible to access by the newly created bicycle-path and easy to get from place to moor by the river route. The point, with wide variety of functions, enables great visibility to the examined area.


"Wyspy środowiskowe" - konflikt w funkcjonowaniu przyrodniczych struktur przestrzennych
'Environmental Islands' - Conflict in the Functioning of Environmental Spatial Structures
Krzysztof Kasprzak

"Environmental islands" are created because of human activity. They are usually tops of hills surrounded by valleys, lakes or isolated woodlands. The separation of islands causes them to be the only environmental refuge in an encompassing landscape. Environmental islands are connected with problems of fragmentation of habitats, survival of species or protection of the environment. Linear distances between islands are the crucial factor in the creation of their systems. The series of "environmental islands" may species to migrate. The location of islands should be optimised when the landscape is created (according to rural-environmental programmes). The forest islands in the rural landscape should be treated as replacement forms of actual forests. They are quite resistant to synanthropization processes. Vegetation may preserve the character of forest associations.

Rekreacja w dolinie rzeki na przykładzie małych dolin rzecznych Wrocławia
Recreation in a River Valley on the Example of Small River Valleys in Wroclaw
Aleksandra Lis
Ewa Walter

In the contemporary world of intense, fast and unhealthy lifestyle, a need for recreation is increasing; it is supposed to smooth out the physical passivity of everyday life. The appearance of an open water source is one of the basic components deciding on attractiveness of a recreational-holiday area. Wrocław is a city strongly shaped by its big river. Apart from the Odra there are four smaller rivers: the Widawa, the Bystrzyca, the Slęza and the Oława. They influence the landscape of the city and its structure. Within the area of each of the rivers exist organized and half-natural areas of green, which do not fully exploit the potential of the closeness of the natural watercourse. The present article presents the research on the role of green areas within small river valleys of Wroclaw. The authors attempt to determine the directions of action, which will enable an increase in the recreational effectiveness of the studied areas, with special consideration to the potential of closeness of the river. The areas have been explored with respect to their recreational function by conducting analyses and assessments of the possibilities and degree of satisfying the needs of recreational inhabitants of these areas. A model of the relations drawn up by A. Lis (2005) has been used in the research.


Przemiany krajobrazu w dolinie rzeki Odry we Wrocławiu związane z ochroną przed powodzią w okresie ostatnich 200 lat
Landscape Transformation in the Valley of the Oder in Wrocław Relating to Protection Against Floods During the Past 200 Years
Agnieszka Faron-Okoniewska

The specificity of the location of Wroclaw in the valley of the Odra river and its four major tributaries (Bystrzyca, Oława, Ślęza, Widawa), distinguishes it from other towns in Poland. The hydrographical network has always heavily influenced the urban landscape, creating an indissoluble bond with him. The objective of the pursued doctoral thesis is to analyze the dynamics of landscape transformation of the Odra in Wroclaw, including the regulation of the river in the XIX century and hydrotechnical facilities, which arose after the big floods in 1903 and 1997. The collected cartographic material will be used such as topographic maps, Messtischblatter, historical town plans, and the results of their landscape research in the years 2007-2010. Spatial analysis will be carried out mainly in the GIS software, based on the developed for this purpose Spatial Information System. The paper will set out the degree of interaction: hydrotechnical development of the Odra river valley and land development in Wrocław, and the major factors of the urban landscape changes occurring during the past 200 years will be determined.

Rzeka Białka w krajobrazie wsi podhalańskie
The Białka River in the Rural Landscape of Podhale
Maria Hełdak

The function and role of a river in the rural landscape of Podhale were analysed on the example of the Białka River. In the commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska, the river divides the area of Podhale and Polish Spisz. The villages of Brzegi, Jurgów, Czarna Góra and Białka Tatrzańska are located on the river. The river has always been an element of life in the local community. Czarna Góra, in the vicinity of Białka, is where Romany people live. The settlement is on a flood plain, close to the river, on the border between the villages of Czarna Góra and Bukowina Tatrzańska. At present, the river is an important element in the development of tourism in Białka Tatrzańska, especially in the summer season. The development of tourism is a threat to the natural environment and leads to increased pollution of the river. In order to preserve the precious ecosystem of the Białka River, there are plans to create a "Białka River" nature reserve. The natural biological lining accompanying the river is characterised by the presence of unique vegetation and is habitat for rare animal species. The Białka River basin is located in Natura 2000 region, in a Special Protection Area (SPA).

Przemiany krajobrazu wsi Bielice w Sudetach Wschodnich
Landscape's Transformation in the Village of Bielice in the Eastern Sudetes
Hanna Ojrzyńska

Basing on cartographical materials, source literature and detailed terrain stocktaking of the village of Bielice, the evolution of the village's landscape since the beginning of the 20th century until nowadays has been presented. The changes in the landscape were related to functional and spatial structure changes taking place in Bielice. Special attention was paid to retiring from the agricultural function of the village, which resulted in intensive repeated forest succession on unused pastures. As a result there was observed agriculture-forest border lowering of over 100 meters in relation to the pre-war position. Before the 1980s the village was depopulating fast, threatening complete disappearance, which took place in the settlement of Nowa Biela. The chain structure of the village thinned out considerably, taking a distracted character, particularly in the central part of the village. As a result of the increasing interest in the village of Bielice taken by Wroclaw's intellectuals, its tourist function came back to life, which was important before World War II. Its location in Śnieżnicki Landscape Park, good skiing conditions and the landscape quality of the village were conducive to it. For the last twenty years most of the residential buildings, especially their farm parts, have been modernized to tourist and agrotourist service needs. Changes, positive from the economic side, had their various scale of impact on the state of visible landscape. The greatest danger concerns the regional character of Sudetes' architecture. The influence of the residents, who were sensitive to the beauty of the local architecture, meant that most of the pre-war buildings were correctly renovated, and most of the new buildings refer to regional architecture standards. There proved to be some legislative inaccuracies, which cannot protect the regional determinant of the visible landscape.


Praktyka kształtowania elementów krajobrazowych Wrocławia w świetle uwarunkowań prawnych i ekonomicznych przy sporządzeniu miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego
Practice of Shaping Elements of Wrocław City Landscape in View of Legal and Economic Aspects during Preparation of Local Space Management Plans
Leszek Stanek

Fast development of Wrocław city at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was related to its expansion to the neighbouring area. Smaller localities attached to the city kept their rural or provincial character. After the Second World War management and building of many settlements were subject to principal changes. Near the city centre high buildings were localized, the rule of complex and close buildings around the settlement squares was abandoned, multi-family buildings with more than 4 floors above the ground were built in peripheral areas. Buildings of this type spread as an effect of the de-urbanisation process on neighbouring communities, levelling their character. Some of the urban areas changed their appearance because of the new utilisation of the industrial area, solving waste and sewage management problems and protection of water-bearing territories. The precious agricultural lands disappear irretrievably. Disintegration and uncoordinated guidelines to the plans of space management allow for dissonance in roof constructions, breaking the harmony of the arrangement visible from a bird's eye view.


Miejskie nabrzeża rzeki Xiang na przykładzie Czangsza w Chinach
The Urban Quaysides of the Xiang River on Example of Changsha City in China
Marta Weber - Siwirska

Changsha is the capital of Hunan province in south eastern China. It is also a university centre with 6 million people living there. Social life is concentrated in two places. One of them is the main promenade with numerous shops and the second is a waterside walkway. And exactly on the river bank of the Xiang River, which is a right-bank tributary of the Yangtze, it is possible to observe Chinese culture. Numerous eateries, areas for diverse play games and other entertainments are located on the promenades in order to meet the needs of residents and tourists. Flora is also important in the municipal grounds. Their species selection is determined by geographical latitude. The way of landscape shaping and spending free time originate from the local, long standing tradition, which in many aspects differs from European culture.

Węzeł kolejowy Głuchołazy w krajobrazie miasta
Railway Junction in Głuchołazy in the Town’s Landscape
Marek Konopka

The interesting scenery of Głuchołazy is influenced by several elements. The town is located in a river valley, has a spa tradition and an extensive railway junction, which has, an exceptional in Poland,railway line serving municipal transport. From a passenger and cargo main railway station three lines stem: to Nowy Świętów, Jindřichov ve Slezsku, Mikulovice and the municipal line where two other stations in the town are located. Two almost parallel lines depart from the main station towards the south: one to Mikulovice and a municipal line. Both meander down the river valley among the town buildings, the municipal line below the other. This makes the town’s landscape rich in railway buildings and constructions: railway crossing attendant’s houses, viaducts, trussing bridge over the river and old steel guardrooms controlling international traffic in the past. The most interesting landscape is that of the spa district, where the railway crosses the central square. Railway buildings and constructions in Głuchołazy are characteristic elements of the area and have great aesthetic and cultural value. Progressive degradation of the railway causes material damage to the landscape of the town. Adequate town planning actions should be taken to stabilize it and preserve it.

3/2010 - Architektura krajobrazu w nauce i praktyce / Landscape Architecture in the Science and the Practice

AK-3-2010   Nr 3/2010, vol. 28

Architektura krajobrazu w nauce i praktyce
Landscape Architecture in the Science and the Practice


Badanie cech przestrzeni społecznej w środowisku mieszkaniowym. Propozycje metodologiczne
Features Study of the Social Area in the Housing Environment – Methodological Proposals
Aleksandra Lis

The article presents the method used in the research program conducted in 2006-2009, which issue was related to the functioning and evolution of the open spaces in the residence environment having the characteristics of the social space. There has been studied the relationships between man and the environment of residence, referring to the impact of the land development method and its impact on human behavior and feelings. The research area consisted of some settlements incurred in the 70's and 80's of the Twentieth century in Wrocław. The dependence image based on the analysis of the functional, territorial, interactive and visual characteristics of the space. Here was briefly presented the key elements of the research methodology, adopted units of analysis and directions for the procedure in the scientific use of the obtained results to develop a (target) a zone model of the open spaces on housing estates, which could be the basis for the development programming of these areas. The selected elements of research results illustrating the accepted units of analysis are shown in the example of a residential housing complex in the estate Pilczyce in Wroclaw.

Rola architekta krajobrazu w kreowaniu przestrzeni na terenach wiejskich
The Role of Landscape Architect in the Creation of Space in the Rural Areas
Bogusław Wijatyk

The landscape consists always of two extremely sensitive activity systems: the natural and cultural system. They are inextricably connected and demonstrate the value of landscape. Today, we can very quickly change our immediate environment, but we know that reconstruction of that what was once is practically impossible. Paradoxically, in today’s democratic is highly valued right to property, and often completely ignored the public interest. It is therefore extremely important role of the landscape architect in order to eliminate the negative phenomena. Given that the landscape needs to be protected and aware planning and the fact that it is a common heritage the Voivodeship Government went to meet the expectations and implements a program entitled. "Renewal of the Lower Silesian Village" The village renewal is the largest and longest running regional program of activation of the local communities. The program was launched in the voivodeship Opole in 1997. It is based on the long-term planning strategy for the beneficial enterprises on the level of a village council office. The solutions and methods developed in the voivodeship Opole have gained followers across the country. The program is successfully implemented in the voivodeship Pomerania (Pomorze) and Silesia (Śląsk), and from 2009 also in the voivodeship Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk). The aim is to create a favorable environment for present and future generations in relation to the little homelands in an increasingly globalized world. Our Lower Silesian program "Renewal of the Lower Silesian Village " supports activities that serve to initiatives aimed at the activation and integration of rural communities. Renewal of Village as a program supported by the Voivodeship Government is also an alternative, a concrete proposal against the trend to urbanization of village and also a chance for preserving the existing character of that without resignation of the use of the achievements and successes of the modern world.


Edukacja ekologiczna a architektura krajobrazu
Ecological Education and Landscape Architecture
Krzysztof Czaja

The eternal exploration of Nature, the brutal interference with her rights, economic determinism in the name of pervasive consumerism, make that we violate the foundation of our existence - living in symbiosis with Nature. And here, precisely, is a huge space for action in the area of "environmental education". Promoting the objectives of sustainable development and environmental protection the Department of Education has partnered with the Institute of Landscape Architecture, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, which result is program realization of "Grey into green". The program subject is "greening" of sites for educational institutions by: trees, shrubs and ground-cover plants planting (including the creation of so-called. "green screens", thematic gardens, ornamental greenery planting), the realization of elements of the "small architecture" related to the arrangement of green zones (such as trellises, pergolas, retaining walls, support for plants) and the rescue and care work in the existing tree stand. This is a program that not only enriches the aesthetics of places, but also improves the safety conditions of charges living in schools and kindergartens.


Rozpoznanie konserwatorskie wartości architektonicznych, krajobrazowych i kulturowych kleszczowego Fortu Prusy w Nysie
Conservation Recognition of the Architectural, Landscape and Cultural Values of the Tenaille Fort Prusy in Nysa
Jerzy Potyrała

The fort "Prusy" is an impressive for its size citadel of the Nysa fortress of the 18th century. Rarely met in other parts of our country the tenaille trace works of the major fortifications of the defensive work and a good status of preservation, even the eighteenth century fort elements qualify it to take under the special protection. The centre of the defence setting- up of the Fort Prusy is a fivepointed star surrounded by a dry main moat. Behind it is a ring of ravelins and counterguards. From the outside, the second dry moat with the shaft on counterscarp runs and only on fragments preserved by a hidden road. In the north, before the ravelin Pomorze are the remains of flashes Diericke. In the southern part run two connecting shafts to the Bombardier Fort and External Jerusalem Ramparts. The construction of the fort which was started in 1743 was completed in 1745, then it was expanded and modernized several times, until the eighties of the nineteenth century. Built to defend and deter, raw in its military function was patinated over time. Although the sun, water, and further green significantly deformed its historical form it arouses admiration and interest for its creators. On one hand, today we would like to see ravelins, salients and counterguards in their original form, and even live staging of the historic battle on their reconstructed slopes. On the other hand, the invasive green-clad fortress attracts us with its mystery, it becomes a place of rest, not only to commune with history, but also with nature. The area of the fort is also an excellent training ground for teaching of students the development of conservation plans and implementation of project work, where the space formed with a human hand is filled with green areas with large natural and landscape values, but also with green threatening the structure of walls and slopes. The author has made an important substantive contribution to the preparation of materials which enable to enter the facility in the register of monuments

Zachowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego na obszarach wiejskich
Preservation of the Cultural Heritage in the Rural Areas
Zbigniew Kuriata

Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak

The beauty and uniqueness of country lies in its character, shaping the space, existing buildings, as well as the surrounding landscape. Hence it is important to properly recognize all the elements, and specify dependencies that occur between them. This gives basis to the demarcation of the main directions of the correct and harmonious development of the space of the entire locality. In this paper the assumptions have been presented, which guided the development of village development plans, course of conduct which was adopted for field work and the scope of the study papers. Works were carried out in 2002-2008 in the province of Lower Silesia and Opole. There were different rules of the villages' selection in different provinces the method of preparation and the final effect in the form of the submitted documents remained unchanged. Summary consists of proposals concerning the different provinces, both the differences that could be observed in the studied villages, and repeated elements, the approach to the problem of local communities to improve the environment in which they live and the quality of the ongoing projects. It is important that, as in this work were involved as many as possible people and institutions that it is an ongoing process, and the same development plan includes the entire village. Satisfying social needs included in the plan or project the natural both and culture landscape must be properly shaped and not lose anything of its quality and form.

Kształtowanie terenów zieleni miasta Wrocławia na przestrzeni 10 lat działalności Zarządu Zieleni Miejskiej
Shaping of the Urban Green Areas of the City Wrocław Within the 10 Years of Activity of the Management of Urban Greenery
Joanna Koniecka

Szymon Rozalski

Wrocław has long been seen as a green city, and its individual settlements grew in its realizations parts of the garden city. Beginning of the nineteenth century was a milestone when it began to appoint units involved in the shaping and management of green areas (i.e. Construction Deputation, Beautifying Commission or Promenades Deputation). As a result of their operations arose in the city promenades, wooded avenues and parks. During this period, began the development of green areas system as rings and wedges. This system on the map of Wroclaw, we can see even today, and the fundamental document defining its formation is Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development. Since the beginning of 2000, in order to improve the quality and standards of urban greenery, a specialized managing, investing and co-ordinating unit was created in Wroclaw, for the development of urban green areas - Green Municipal Board. Under the supervision of the Board is currently about 39% of the total area of green areas in the city, including urban green areas representing 13% (45 parks, 147 greens, street green and woodlands), as well as urban agricultural lands. The authors of the paper approached the theme of development of green and natural landscape in Wroclaw in the time frame of ZZM activity. The study focused on issues such as areas management, the scope of work of unit, funding, completed realizations and planned investment and cooperation with scientific environment in Wrocław.


Kamienie użytkowe i dekoracyjne na Dolnym Śląsku
Building and Decorative Stones in Lower Silesia
Marek W. Lorenc
Sławomir Mazurek

Stones used as both building and/or decorative material represent three genetic groups of rocks: magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic ones. Each of them is characterized by their very specific mineral composition and their internal structure too. Various kinds of rocks were and still are exploited in Lower Silesia, as well in the Sudetes Mountains as on the Sudetic foreland. One of the most popular and very well known rocks are granites. Very special kind of granite characterized by pink colored feldspar is exploited in Szklarska Poręba, near Jelenia Góra (Sudetes Mountains). On the Sudetic foreland 97 gray colored granites are exploited on the area between Strzegom and Sobótka, in the vicinities of Strzelin, and in Kośmin near Niemcza. Sandstones used as decorative material occur in several areas of Lower Silesia. High quality red colored variety is exploited between Nowa Ruda and Słupiec. Yellow and beige colored rocks occur in Żerkowice, Wartowice and Czaple near Bolesławiec. Another variety of sandstone in various colors occurs in Stołowe Mountains (part of the Sudetes Mountains) near Radków, Długopole and Szczytna Śląska. Slightly metamorphosed limestone, which on the cross section shows very picturesque design is exploited in another part of the Sudetes Mountains near Wojcieszów. Marble is a kind of metamorphic rock, which for a long time is exploited in both the Sudetes Mountains and on the Sudetic foreland. In the mountainous region, white, pink and green colored marbles occur in the southern part of the Kłodzko district, near Stronie Śląskie. Quarries of white, gray, yellow and black colored marble is located in Sławniowice (eastern Sudetes) and in Przeworno, near Strzelin (Sudetic foreland). Serpentinite is a green colored metamorphic rock, mostly used as decorative stone. It is exploited from prehistoric times till now in the vicinities of the Ślęża Hill near Sobótka, mainly in Nasławice on the Sudetic foreland. All the mentioned above rocks were in the past and very recently are commonly used as both building and/or decorative material in many towns of Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Some examples of sculptures and buildings made of these stones are given on the photos attached to the text.


Iluminacja krajobrazu miasta na przykładzie Lyonu
City Landscape Illumination on an Example of Lyon
Magdalena Zienowicz

Art of illumination came from the phase of the artistic lighting of buildings and became a part of integrated planning studies, taking the typical for them methods of treatment. They lead to change the overnight image of whole cities or other units of landscape, changing both their compositional and functional layout. They are not just stressing what is emphasized in the day, but they bring out sometimes from the darkness the surprising features of the "everyday landscapes", create new spatial differentiators, enable a specific recycling of the neuter, neglected, avoided spaces. Obtainment of the desired illumination effect is the result of a series of actions and choices made at different stages of the project. Increasingly, it is necessary in this respect close cooperation of architects, landscape architects and designers of light, united by a common sense of artistry, technical knowledge and ethics, whose primary canon is responsibility. Often, moderation, a reference to the noble simplicity and restraint in the space shaping with light may be the best way for night creation. This is demonstrated by the judges election at international competitions rewarding primarily for sensitivity to the environment, sustainable design and the art of changing the image of place. Recognition also gain these projects, in which light is the "mediator", influence positive the space, its identity, encourages to meetings and social interaction, shows the ordinary elements in an extraordinary way. Key criterions for assessing the implementation are efficient use of energy and innovative technical solutions. The implementation of artificial light should be the result of professional and interdisciplinary design process. It depends on designers and authorities to decide whether illumination will be the result of understanding the landscape and contribute to bringing "new value", or accelerate the exploitation and environmental degradation. Will it be treated as a "conquest" of landscape by man, or as an expression of respect for nature and cultural heritage.


Architektura krajobrazu w ochronie dziedzictwa kulturowego wsi opolskiej
Voivodeship Conservator of Monuments in Opole
Iwona Solisz

The paper discusses the institutional measures taken to preserve the cultural heritage of the Opole country. One of the aims of this work was an integral and comprehensive treatment of valuable elements also the landscape features as important premises to include in protection the rural areas.

Formalno -prawne aspekty usuwania drzew w świetle ostatnich zmian w przepisach
Formal and Legal Aspects of the Removal of Trees in the Light of Recent Changes in Legislation
Bogdan Łukaszewicz

Eleonora Wiśniewska

The subject represents mainly the significant changes in the Nature Conservation Act for removal of trees and shrubs, which are valid from 19 July 2010 (the Act of 21 May 2010 amending the Law on Provision of Information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and on environmental impact assessments and other acts). They regulate, inter alia, the process of taking decisions, making some changes as to the relevance of the body, they also include modifications to the contents of the proposal to remove the tree or shrub, lengthen the tree age, which does not require a permit to remove and describe the acceptable procedures within the tree crown. The speech also contains informations important for applicants about the competence of the Department of Environment and Agriculture within the scope of decisions rendering. In addition, it informs about the statistics data of land in Wroclaw in the rendered administrative decisions, about the number of removed trees and compensation planting commitments in the years 2005-2009 and about the draft subsequent amendments in the Nature Conservation Act of the government bill of 22 September 2010.

Dydaktyka a zagadnienia konserwatorskie na kierunku architektura krajobrazu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu
Teaching and Conservation Issues at the Field of Study Landscape Architecture at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Renata Gubańska

In this paper was presented, that the issue of conservation is an important element in the education of the future landscape architects at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. During the study, young people explore the issues in the field of conservation, restoration and revitalization, not only from the theoretical, but also practical side. The implemented methodics of the conservation conduct during the course activities, is an attempt to raise awareness for young people that the maintenance and revalorization is not only a strict or outdated patterns of behavior, but above all to adapt to modern needs in accordance with the respect of traditions of the place, the conservation principles and investor expectations. On the three cases outlined in the article was illustrated the diversity of architecture - landscape complexes and contents of work performed on those objects in a course, and during which the creative process mainly focuses on the skilful combination of conservation issues with adaptation activities to contemporary needs and the technical design requirements. It should be aware of the fact that the selected complexes are predominantly a cultural heritage which, if it is completely destroyed, is lost forever. For that reason, important issues are the timing and conservation awareness and proper conduct in accordance with the principles of conservation.

Między rozumem a intuicją. Architektura krajobrazu w teorii i praktyce Zakładu Kształtowania Środowiska Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Between mind and intuition. Landscape architecture in the theory and practice of the Division of Environmental Development of Wroclaw University of Technology
Artur Kwaśniewski

Łukasz Dworniczak

This article primarily relates to teaching landscape architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology. Art design in our understanding, is based on a combination of creative imagination with common sense practicality. Emphasizing the role of reason and intuition in the teaching process, is the formation of a designer with imagination, but a critical and inquiring at the same time. The method and system of teaching described with a context of history and contemporary activities of the Division of Environmental Development. Therefore, this article is also an attempt to summarizing the past 25 years the work of Division of Environmental Development.

4/2010 - Inwestycje a ochrona krajobrazu / Investment and Protection in the Landscape

AK 4-10 CD   Nr 4/2010, vol. 29

Inwestycje a ochrona krajobrazu
Investment and Protection in the Landscape



Infrastruktura narciarska w krajobrazie górskim
Ski Infrastructure in the Mountain Landscape
Marek Staffa

Any investment made in the mountains is in some way interference with their landscape, often with a loss for the scenic qualities. Recently escalate projects and realizations related with the ski infrastructure, also in areas particularly environmentally protected. They also tend to be a threat to other types of tourism by belittling of the "space tourist", they cause irreparable, or at least longterm losses for the landscape. Skiing has changed its character: from tourism and wander it came to the sport forms, even the playing field forms. Now dominates the model of different sizes and differently equipped so called ski stations, which consist of interrelated systems of lines and lifts, and connected with them ski runs and cross-country tracks. They occupy large tracts of the slopes, even to dorsal lots, require significant deforestation and consequently, instead of the beautiful natural panoramas it is observed artificially cut of the ski runs slopes. Mountains become the "wiring", and instead of trees the forest of supports and masts of the load-bearing, propulsion, lighting and snow making equipments grows on them. All these objects are part of a terrible landscape, and also hinder the other users to navigate in the mountains. Meanwhile, the natural climatic and snow conditions in the Polish mountains absolutely not support for such an intensive ski development, because the winter season takes them more than 3-4 months, while the devices reside in the landscape throughout the year. Laws should at least arise (like in other countries) that require owners of ski lifts removal or masking of them after the season.

Działania na rzecz ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego w strefie pogranicza polsko-słowackiego
Operations for the Cultural Landscape in the Borderland Between Poland and Slovakia
Maria Hełdak

In the work there were shown the operations of the authorities and other organizations for preserving of the cultural landscape in the borderland between Poland and Slovakia. In the commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska chosen for research there are located Podhale and Spiš region villages. Despite the mixing of features, their cultural identities are still legible. The Polish state border formerly ran on the Białka river, and the Spiš region villages were located outside the Polish border. The commune policy is directed to the cultural environment protection and supporting any forms and manifestations of activities promoting regional tradition and culture. Besides on the area of the commune the Tatra Museum operates in the form of "spatial museum" ("in situ" form of preservation of monuments) and there runs the Wooden Architecture Route. Unfortunately, the commune despite attempts, did not start cooperation with the communes located on the Slovak side in the scope of promoting the cultural values of the region.


Ewolucja koncepcji zagospodarowania terenu inwestycyjnego Zielona Dolina w obszarze chronionego krajobrazu "Dolina Ciemięgi"
The Evolution of Spatial Structure Design of the Green Valley Investment Ground on the "Ciemięga Valley" Landscape Protected Area
Tadeusz Jan Chmielewski
Agnieszka Kułak
Aleksandra Niewada

The river valleys have the great value for nature, culture and economy. In the past few decades, however, they were the subjects of anthropogenic pressure, especially in a large cities affective zone. The landscape protection area of the Ciemięga Valley established in 1990 is situated on the north from the Lublin city. The place is under a great interest of land selling for the individual suburban housing estate. What makes the site more attractive for the investments, the communication road bypass for Lublin city is planned to be built about 3 km south from the area. The 126,12 ha large terrain of The Green Valley, located in the landscape protection area, near to Snopków village, has been bought out by an estate developer, that at first intended to divide it into a small plots of land. Nevertheless, as a result of the cooperation of the teams of an ecologists and landscape architects, a totally new concept of spatial development plan for this site arose, even more attractive for future residents. Furthermore, it would protect the places most valuable for nature and landscapes, as a factor of the quality of life increase in this part of the Lublin Metropolitan Territory.


Przywrócone miastu
Restored to the Town
Marek Liszewski
Małgorzata Lipska


Ostrów Tumski is a part of the islands group in the Old Town in Wroclaw. There valuable monuments of architecture as well as interesting gardens set, mainly baroque, are situated. During siege of Wrocław in 1945 year this area of the city was considerably destroyed. After the war the most valuable monuments were successfully rebuild, but "Bishops gardens" was revaluated only in 1999-2003 years. This set is situated in the back of Southern frontage of Katedralna street - main street leading to the Cathedra. The object consisted of the complex of gardens near the Bishops Palace and gardens of canonical court. It was small geometrically planned out garden, situated general on two levels declining in direction of river, with downstairs, balustrades and stone flowerpots sculptures. No elements of ancient lay out arrangements in general is preserved and only in some cases it was possible to apply the formula of reconstruction. In design and executive works the companies and person organized into associations "Ogrody Dolnośląskie" took part. Present the "Bishops gardens" became one of the most attractive walking places of Tumski Ostrów visited by occupants of Wrocław willingly. The gardens particularly interestingly presenting when looking at them from tower of the Cathedral.
Na styku miasta i rzeki: uwagi o zagospodarowaniu terenów nadrzecznych we Wrocławiu i Głogowie
Where the City Meets the River: Remarks of the Development of Riverside Areas in Wrocław and Głogów
Justyna Zygmunt-Rubaszek

The main issue of landscape architecture - the point of contact between the city and the river - is in this article strictly restricted to the theme of adaptation of the riverbanks and the river itself for recreation and deals with two examples: Wrocław and Głogów. This article presents forms and urban functions used and offered to the general public for the purposes of rest and recreation, which were gradually brought to riverside areas from the beginning of the 19th century. It describes the landscape and natural as well as architectural values of these areas and shows the present condition of old buildings and harbour. Moreover, the possible directions of development and further transformation of Odra riverside areas have been illustrated with author's concept of spatial development of the Neptune's Bay in Głogów. Several remarks have been also devoted to contemporary urban adaptations of the riverbank.


Plac zabaw jako przestrzeń umożliwiająca różnorodne formy zabaw
Playground as A-Space Enabling Wide Range of Forms of Play
Magdalena Czałczyńska-Podolska

In most cases playgrounds have little potential to stimulate various forms of play, but in fact specific forms of play can be effectively stimulated by means of selecting appropriate spatial features: arrangement of the space and specific equipment, tailored to the age and needs of children. Selection of spatial features that are to provoke various forms of play and creation of „play scenery“ that would account for the subjects‘ age are the basis for developing attractive and valuable play space.

Drogi znikające z krajobrazu
Roads Disappearing from the Landscape
Klara Tomaszewska

Motorization development causes that more and more modern roads are being built. One can say that they often occupy the space of previous interesting types of old roads like f.e. those cobbled with fieldstones or with irregular granite flagstones, often with so called shoulde (wide sandy part along the road). They are usually copsed with trees, and create beautiful lanes. Their charm is sometimes appreciated and are covered by a legal protection, like in the case "Warcianka road" (between Murzynowo and two other villages: Warcin and Dębin in Lubuskie wojwodshaft. There are also old roadsstreets or small and narrow streets in the big cites. Some of them disappear (according authorities’ decisions or by nature), other are carefully preserved f.e. Wysoka Street in Poznań.


Losy ośrodków wielkoprzemysłowej produkcji zwierzęcej na terenie Dolnego Śląska
Fate of Industrial Animal Farms in Lower Silesia Province
Hanna Houszka
Hanna Marszałek

Restructuring of Polish Agriculture had a great influence on animal production. The number of animals has, year by year, significantly decreased and many big farms went bankrupt. It concerned especially Lower Silesia. Only minor number of industrial farms is still in operation, part of them has changed their assignment for other branches, but most of them is unused and becomes a ruin. Entering Poland to the EU has positively influenced on agriculture condition, the interest in animal production has increased. There are new buildings being constructed, and the old ones in good shape, are being reactivated.

Ciało w krajobrazie jako motyw poezji Sylvii Plath
Body in the Landscape as the Subject of Sylvia Plath's Poetry
Małgorzata Zimniak

The article includes reflections on the human body in the landscape as a main subject of Sylvia Plath's poetry. The landscape and nature are real but distorted by subjective vision of poet's psyche. And the body is determined by this environment. Sometimes we can see two types of anatomy: human and natural. In Plath's poetry there is also seen the influence of the philosopher R. E. Emerson, who wrote that the human and the nature are in ideal unity. The landscape around person who speaks in Sylvia Plath's poems merges with her body. Nature seems to be the extension of the body. Element of the nature penetrate human organs. Sometimes the landscape in Sylvia Plath's poems is very unpleasant for the human body, is full of cold stones, thorns and poisonous fume. The flowers and the trees in Plath's poetry usually are personificated. Red flowers such as poppies or tulips are alive, their rich color is compare with wounds. In Poem for a Birthday there is shown the relationship between nature and human body. The metaphors there are similar to imaging in the poetry of Theodor Roethke. Special subject in Plath's poetry is water landscape. Water is the border that lyrical subject of poems can't across. In such a environment person can't move. Water in this poetry is usually dark and scary.

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