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Nr 1/2009, vol. 22 Dzieła człowieka a zieleń Human Actions and Greenery STRESZCZENIA str. 75 DOWNLOAD ALL (62,4 MB) |
PROBLEMY Wieżowiec i park publiczny - relacje funkcjonalne i krajobrazowe, część I The High-Rise and the Public Park: Functional and Landscape Relations, Part I Krystyna Pawłowska STRESZCZENIE
Shocking though this juxtaposition may seem, an analysis between the relations between the high-rise at the public park brings interesting conclusions concerning the manner in which a city develops. The article presents a short theoretical introduction followed by a number of case studies from New York, Tokyo, Kraków, and Gdańsk, with the idea behind being to draw conclusions useful in the current development of Polish cities. Naturally, the sizes and numbers of high-rise buildings in Polish cities cannot stand comparison to the skyscraping "forests", yet the ambitions of the authorities of Polish cities, specialists in urban matters, and developers alike frequently reach those heights and models. In Polish cities, the relationship between the dynamic development (which may be symbolised by the skyscraper) and natural and recreational values of the place (concentrated in the public park) increasingly often as sumes the form of a conflict. Standing on one side of the barricade are the developers and those who use the effects of their work, while on the other, there are the residents - neighbours of the places where the construction is to take place. Developers want to build, residents protest because they do not want to lose greens in their vicinity. Conflicts of this type as a rule last long and bring no result that could be considered a win-win situation for all the parties involved. Finding space for public parks is far more difficult in the extreme conditions of great metropolises than in Poland, yet there such dilemmas have been known far longer than here, which has allowed foreign municipal authorities, planners and resident groups to acquire greater experience in finding sites, and establishment and maintenance of parks, and more successes in conflict solving. Following their examples, one may learn how to achieve the balance between "hard" i.e. developed and "soft" i.e. natural structure of the city. The Polish case studies in turn allow observing characteristic barriers that make maintaining the balance in cityscapes harder. Their number includes:
1. lack of planning instruments to allow efficient balancing in the development of the "hard" and "soft" structures in the city, 2. lack of skill or at times goodwill to use the existing instruments, 3. lack of tradition of co-operation and also of trust between the three sectors of the economy: private, public and social. Reforma rolna w Iranie i jej skutki w krajobrazie wiejskim - istotna lekcja na przyszłość Land Reform in Iran and its Effects on Rural Landscapes: Enormous Lessons for the Future Amin Rastandeh STRESZCZENIE
The paper makes an effort to indicate how the land reform in Iran (1962-1971) contributed to the indepth changes in rural landscapes across the country in Pahlavi era (1925-1979). It will show that after the land reform, the factors creating rural landscapes were changed and this, in itself, led to pronounced effects on Iran's rural landscapes in many aspects. To clarify the effects and changes derived from the land reform operations, the researcher, having investigated in more than fifty villages in the variant climates and distinctive geographical areas, analyzed the differences and pursued their main roots to conclude that there is a divergence between Iran's rural landscapes before and after the land reform. The paper emphasizes the fact that there are common grounds on the rural landscape change issues which can be useful, adaptable, and applicable in many ways for the related authorities in Iran and other similar developing countries. In addition, the paper aims to provide policy guidance to governments and planners in the field of rural landscape changes in developing countries for the future.
PREZENTACJE Zespoły i obiekty w przestrzeni dostrzegane jako simulacrum krajobrazowe Sets and Objects in Space Noticed as Landscape Simulacrum Janusz Skalski STRESZCZENIE
Modern landscape consists of many spatial situations built from various objects which visually seem real to us. However, after penetrating analysis of what we see, we discover that they are artificial creations and their visual parts were matched and designed in such a way as to mislead our perception process. For research purposes run within the limits of landscape architecture, such situations can be properly classified and named. The name landscape simulacrum, which characterizes it the best, came into existence while researching such domains like art history and sociology. Landscape simulacrum described and shown in the article are only chosen examples which are noticed the most and can be already seen on all continents.
Wieże i punkty widokowe w krajobrazie ziemi kłodzkiej Towers and Viewing Points in Kłodzko Land Landscape Marek Staffa Agnieszka Latocha STRESZCZENIE
Increasing belief that former forms of touristic management, with simultaneous interest of self-governments and social organizations, in development of various form of tourism based on searching for new "touristic products" which can be sold with a profit caused a surprisingly high interest in viewing towers so characteristic for the Sudeten. The apogee of their creation was on the brink of the 19th and 20th century. Only a few of them which were erected at that time were preserved until now in good technical shape and serve the initial purpose. Most of them were devastated or completely disappeared from the landscape. Others lost their viewing value because of the growth of trees surrounding them. Many self-governments from the Sudeten region are presently planning (most commonly basing on expected European Union resources) rebuilding or more often building viewing towers in their areas. The problem increases, especially if we take into consideration the fact that each tower is a far-reaching intrusion on the landscape, regularly already protected by law or deserving such protection. Even an open-worked, light tower becomes a landscape dominant mark, due to its location at altitude. To control the situation and direct such tendencies an attempt was made, in co-operation with self-governments, to define the scale of the problem and pointing out possible locations of towers and viewing points in the area of Kłodzko Land with use of the objects which already exist, both managed and those which were not exploited up to now.
ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE "Żywe ściany" - niezwykłe rozwiązania "Living Walls" - Unusual Solutions Daniel Skarżyński STRESZCZENIE
Vegetation has been mans natural companion for centuries, being the manufacturer of oxygen, reducing noise, pollution filter and most of all taking a recreation and aesthetic function. Today, in an era of rapid development and pursuit of time it becomes an important issue in creating a relaxing environment. Transposition of the non-used elevation allows us to regain biologically active sites. Transforming walls into vertical gardens creates a positive impact by improving the microclimate and correcting significantly the biological aspects of human existence. Living walls can also get a number of interesting viewpoints and spatial connections with the environment, which is not always possible because of limitations of the space. By unusual form vertical gardens are becoming one of the many local showplaces, attracting crowds of tourists in many European countries, Asia and North America, where they are an example of combining art, ecology and architecture.
Przekształcenie nieczynnej linii kolejowejw promenadę w Zielonej Górze Transformation of Dormant Railway Line in a Promenade in Zielona Góra Marta Skiba STRESZCZENIE
In recent years several proposals of how to utilize the abandoned railway line connecting Zielona Góra and Kożuchów have been put forward. First it was envisaged using it for a tramway line, and later as a bicycle path. This strip of land, meandering around the city centre, urgently needs quick and comprehensive action. The potentiality of the adaptation of the land along the old railway line seems to be a unique chance for redefining urban space in the core of the city, at the same time conveniently linking it with forest recreation grounds surrounding Zielona Góra. However, only comprehensive action of re-developing the old railway line can give us the chance of an attractive and valuable public area.
Zieleń w otoczeniu współczesnej cerkwi, koncepcja projektowa w Bielsku Podlaskim Greenery Around the Contemporary Orthodox Church, Project Conception in Bielsk Podlaski Agnieszka Kępkowicz Adam Gawryluk STRESZCZENIE
Podlaska Land is situated on the verge of a junction sharing Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian culture, which makes it a multi-cultural and multi-national region. The orthodox community is concentrated, almost 100%, in the south-eastern part of the Voivodeship in the area of five districts: Hajnowski, Bielski, Siemiatycki, Białostocki and Sokólski. In recent years many new Orthodox churches have been built and new ones are being built now. The surroundings of these churches is unrecognizable and seldom can be identified with a particular temple. Lacking most of all structural connection among a temple, its architectonic and religious function and closest nature and landscape. The aim of the work was to elaborate a conceptual project of management of the area around the orthodox church of Dormition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Bielsk Podlaski. In the elaborated concept of arrangement of the surrounding of the orthodox church, plants traditionally planted by Orthodox churches, symbolism of numbers, colours and geometrical figures were taken into consideration. The motive of a circle, which is a symbol of God and as a main composition element is repeated in various places in forms of an arch and semicircle, was used in the whole concept of the church surroundings.
FORUM Zasady ładu przestrzennego na przykładzie parku krajobrazowego "Dolina Baryczy" Regulations of Spatial Order. Example of "Dolina Baryczy" Landscape Park Beata Warczewska STRESZCZENIE
Spatial order is a component of integrated order. Shaping it refers to the context of balanced development. Objectively appearing internal and external conditions decide about the rational direction of development of a specific area in striving to achieve integral order. The article pays attention to spatial diversity of development conditions, which force an individual approach in defining the direction of development of each area. Shaping spatial order is a vital assignment of local community which is represented by self-governments of towns and communes. Formulation of individual regulations which are to be a base of rational shaping of spatial order should take place in cases of every administrating unit, and every area which is a subject to protection because of its values like for instance landscape Park "Dolina Baryczy". Proposals for establishment of spatial order regulations for this exceptional place were proposed in the article.
Ocena stanu krajobrazu wiejskiego w okolicach zbiorników wodnych i jego przekształcenia Evaluation and Transformations of Rural Landscape in the Areas Located near Water Reservoirs Agnieszka Jaszczak STRESZCZENIE
The hydrological system raises the usable, ecological and visual values of landscape. Large water reservoirs - the lakes, play a significant part in it. They are very sensitive elements of the water system because of the small possibility of self - purification. The aim of the research is analysis of the hydrological system and evaluation of rural landscape in the areas located near water systems in the Municipality of Biskupiec (Warmia and Mazury voivodeship). Results of the research showed that the main reason for pollution is recreational use. Transformations of the areas located near water reservoirs are connected with changes from the agricultural to the recreational function. After the liquidation of government farms, arable lands located near water reservoirs (most lakes) have been renamed for non arable areas, divided and sold as recreational. There are numerous small plots near lakes - Dadaj, Wegoj, Stryjewskie, Jelmun, Raszag, Tejstymskie. This turnover of ground led to a reduction of usable values. Recreational plots (especially near Dadaj Lake) are fenced, In the coastal zones there are non-permitted elements like arbours, shelters, roofs. There are problems with uncultivated lands and succession.
Waloryzacja krajobrazu na potrzeby miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego Landscape Evaluation for the Requirements of Local Development Plans Michał Kuriata STRESZCZENIE
The problem of valorization of landscape for needs of local spatial management plans and its protection is not a novelty from the point of view of landscape architects, unfortunately it is not noticed by town planners who are responsible for their realization. Many methods of landscape valorization exists; most of them bases on map layouts which takes only two dimensions into consideration and do not provide for the third one - height - which is exactly what an average man notices when is inside the analyzed area. By doing that we disregard the space surrounding us and its sequences. There is a necessity to elaborate such a method of research which considers all three dimensions. The presented method of valorization of landscape allows, after analyzing all elements, to consider the third dimension in the moment of elaborating of spatial management of a certain area. It can be used in the process of planning landscape protection against its degradation and destruction.
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