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Nr 3/2009, vol. 24 Kształtowanie i ochrona krajobrazu dolin rzecznych Shaping and Protection of River Valleys Landscape STRESZCZENIA str. 78 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (5,17 MB) |
PROBLEMY Skarb przeszłości, problem teraźniejszości, zagadka na przyszłość - czyli o dolinach rzecznych Lublina Treasure of the Past, Contemporary Issues, Riddle for the Future - the Landscape of Lublin River Valleys Ewa Trzaskowiska Katarzyna Sobczak Paweł Adamiec STRESZCZENIE
Water is one of the main elements that defines humanity and allows civilization to occur. Water has a substantial influence on the quality of human life, from its basic function as a source of food to its utilitarian uses in security, transportation and economy. The spatial arrangement of Lublin was also conditioned to a large extent by three rivers: The Bystrzyca, the Czechówka and the Czerniejówka. The frequent development of their valleys with service facilities, with a simultaneous loss of potential recreation areas and landscape values, is a worrying process. In the article the conclusions concern the future development of the river areas of Lublin in the context of a recreational system within the urban landscape and the problem of showing their refreshment potential.
Studium krajobrazowe miejsca UNESCO w dolinie rzeki na przykładzie otoczenia kościoła w Sękowej Landscape Study of a UNESCO Site in a River Valley - the Setting of a Church in Sękowa Urszula Forczek-Brataniec Zbigniew Myczkowski STRESZCZENIE
The article applies to the creation and protection of the mountain valley of the river Sekówka and to one of the aspects of managing a site which represents an outstanding universal value in scope of formation of the landscape context of a World Heritage site - the church in Sękowa and its setting. The authors would like to show the relationships between the site and its setting in the river valley, as well as the mutual impact on the values represented. In July 2003, following the resolution by the General Assembly of UNESCO in Paris, six Polish wooden Gothic churches from Lesser Poland and the Carpathian Highlands were included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of UNESCO. Among others there was the church in Sękowa. It represents one of the most valuable and picturesque monumental examples of sacral wooden buildings in Poland. Even in the 19th century its outstanding aesthetic, architectonic and landscape values were admired. The main idea of this presentation is connected with the expression of connections between these unique values and the architecture of the church and its landscape context with its surroundings. The issue deals with the most fundamental tasks: protection of the object as well as tourist movement service at the place of a unique value,and the activity connected with religious practice of the local parish.
Specyfika i kierunki ochrony krajobrazu Doliny Środkowej Wisły na odcinku Puławy - Maciejowice Specificity and Directions of Landscape Protection in the Middle Vistula River Valley, Puławy - Maciejowice Section Barbara Żarska STRESZCZENIE
The aim has been to define individual features of landscape in the Middle Vistula River Valley, in the section between Puławy and Maciejowice, and to indicate directions of space planning from the aspect of unique natural and cultural values protection. The layout of landscape ecological structure has been recognized and analyzed using Forman and Gordon's method of patches and corridors, and more important cultural and visual elements have been identified with special consideration to individual traits distinguishing river valley landscape from other areas. Among others, such unique attributes are: striped pattern of landscape ecological structure and individual characteristic elements in settlement units which were important cultural and trade centers in the past and then lost their meaning, among others because of river course changes. Directions of landscape planning and protection have been defined from the aspect of conservation and better exposition of the unique attributes of landscape features as well as creation of additional values on this basis.
PREZENTACJE Problematyka zagospodarowania przestrzennego doliny Bogdanki w zachodnim klinie zieleni w Poznaniu Problems of Spatial Management of the Bogdanka River Valley and in the Western Green Wedge in Poznań Maria Chojnacka Agnieszka Wilkaniec STRESZCZENIE
The system of green areas in the city of Poznań is based on the existence of river valleys, as well as rings of former fortification areas. Watercourse valleys create a crossshaped pattern in the urban structure, running in north-south and east-west directions. Areas connected with these watercourse valleys, due to the high level of ground waters and diverse surface features, were never used for building development. This system was observed on the 1930's and used when designing a system of green areas for the city. The concept of maintaining four green wedges has survived and in essence it is being realized. These areas as attractive recreation areas are desirable environs for many functions in the urban landscape, e.g. for sports facilities or building development. The pressure connected with finding new, attractive areas for housing is particularly strong. These activities frequently aim at the limitation of green areas within the wedges or increasing the intensity of building development in their immediate vicinity. Recently problems connected with spatial management of the western wedge, based on the Bogdanka valley, have become especially pressing.
Możliwości ochrony krajobrazu w dolinie Odry na obszarze projektowanego Lubiąsko - Głogowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego Opportunities for Landscape Protection in the Odra Valley on the Territory of the Designed Lubiąsko-Głogowski Landscape Park Piotr Krajewski STRESZCZENIE
The landscape of the Odra valley, as we can see now, has been shaped for ages under the influence of some factors for example human activities. This area is being exposed to strong anthropopression and intensely transformed as a result of progressive management. River control, changes in water conditions and excessive exploitation by agriculture and industry have brought natural landscapes in the Odra valley to degradation. The area between Brzeg Dolny and Głogów, the territory of the projected Lubiąsko-Głogowski Landscape Park, is one of the most attractive with regard to its nature and landscape values. Complexes of valuable riparian forests (Salici-Populetum, Ficario-Ulmetum and Galio-Carpinetum)of international importance can be found here. In spite of rich documentation and numerous attempts to create a landscape park on this territory, only a part of it is protected now as Nature 2000 area under the name "Łęgi Odrzańskie". The main task of this article is to show necessity for protection of this area and possibilities for its further evolution on the basis of analyzing the landscape's sensitivity and capacity.
Bulwary nadwiślańskie w Warszawie - rozwiązania studentów Boulevards on the Vistula River Bank - Students' Projects Kinga Rybak Kinga Zinowiec-Cieplik STRESZCZENIE
A contest on boulevards on the Vistula riverbank and a discussion on the topic of their management required the students to prepare some projects on the course of "The City Scenery Planning". The projects presented in this article show that lack of professional experience could become a merit leading to original and interesting solutions. The presented works were prepared in groups of 4-5 people, each of them dealing with a different part of the boulevard, and all of them suggested a nonconventional way of approach. The students' projects created in this way became a new voice in discussion about the relation of the city and the river landscape in Warsaw. Each of the students' works attempts to define the context of space, landscape and scenic conditions, conservation of cultural heritage and, simultaneously, the problem of environmental preservation. The results of the students' workshops could lead to defining the identity of Warsaw's boulevards on the Vistula riverbank
STANDARDY Ekologiczne i krajobrazowe znaczenie dolin rzecznych w organizacji rekreacyjnej funkcji miasta Poznania The Ecological and Scenic Significance of River Valleys in the Recreational Function of Poznań Magdalena Szczepańska STRESZCZENIE
The city of Poznań is distinguished by the wedge and ringshaped system of the green belt which corresponds with the physiographical conditions. The four natural green belts which have survived to the present day were formed in the valleys of the rivers flowing through the city: the Warta (the northern and southern green belt), the Bogdanka (western) and the Cybina (eastern). The valleys meeting in the city centre bring together the flora of the surrounding meadow floodlands, wetlands, municipal forests, city parks and allotments. The advantage of the system based on the river valleys and enriched with natural and artificial lakes is an unbroken continuity and density of the greenery area. This creates favorable conditions for the ecological corridors and influences the boost of the fauna and flora within the city boundaries. Moreover, such a system determines the local microclimate as well as the air circulation in the urban area, improving sanitary and health conditions. As a result, the rich natural and scenic values of the green belts provide excellent conditions for the development of tourism. At the same time, if appropriately developed, the belt areas can become an attractive place for active and passive recreation.
Zmiany krajobrazu w Dolinie Wisły Środkowej okolic Kazimierza Dolnego w latach 1953 -2003 Landscape Change and Biodiversity Values in the Surroundings of Kazimierz Dolny over the Period 1953-2003 Marta Woźniak Rob Leuven Rob Lenders STRESZCZENIE
The article presents changes in the landscape which occurred in the structure of utilization of the grounds in the years 1953 - 2003, concerning a segment of the Vistula river in the proximity of Kazimierz Dolny. The river is distinguished by its outstanding natural and landscape values. Its present values of biodiversity are high in comparison with other rivers in western Europe. The changes in the landscape were investigated on the basis of an analysis of the ecotopes from two time intervals (1953, 2003) which were performed with the use of photointerpretational techniques and GIS software. The created maps mainly presented the differences in the course of the riverbed, but also showed the changes in the units connected with natural plant succession, which could have resulted from the growing intensity of crop cultivation and the influence of regulatory works in the Vistula valley.
FORUM Rola doliny Wisłoka w Rzeszowie w opinii mieszkańców miasta The Role of Wisłok Valley in Rzeszów in the Opinion of the Town's Citizens Agata Ćwik STRESZCZENIE
River valleys in large cities are not only precious environmental elements in their area, but they can also be an aim of a higher pressure on acquiring new areas for the settlement. In turn, the intensive settlement nearby a river can worsen the visual attractiveness of the river's vicinity and lead to such disadvantageous environmental effects as intersection of plants' and animals' migration channels, worsening of town's aeration and occasionally even an increased flood wave in a river bed narrowed by man. On the other hand,the main role of rivers and their banks in towns is often a recreational one. That is why it seems that not only local authorities and planners, but also the rest of the citizens, should influence the spatial management of river valleys. This assumption was a base for an introductory research on Rzeszów citizens' opinion on the Wisłok valley, which was conducted in March this year. 132 people living, working or studying in Rzeszów were surveyed. Over 40% knew the Wisłok valley well, because they go to the river bank several times a month. More than 80% of the questioned people especially liked the parks, alleys and natural green areas. In turn, they had a negative opinion on the increase in built-in areas at riverbanks. The results show that in Rzeszów citizens' opinion recreational, sporting and environmental functions of the Wisłok neighborhood are most acceptable. All this leads to a question if the Rzeszów society should take a greater part in the spatial planning process regarding the immediate vicinity of the Wisłok. It seems that the river flowing through the city needs some promotion so that its real value could be perceived.
Rekreacja czynna osób wieku dojrzałego Active Recreation of Elderly People Małgorzata Chybalska STRESZCZENIE
Contemporary society is quickly ageing, due to positive reasons (the development of medicine), as well as to negative ones (the decrease of birthrate). An important issue, from the point of view of public health, is maintaining activity and physical efficiency of elderly people. The sense of balance and motor skills are important factors in preventing falls, which are frequent causes of injuries leading to premature death. The stereotype of passive rest of seniors (walks, social meetings in their own circles) is commonplace. The phenomenon of active relaxation of elderly persons has appeared only recently. Some types of physical activity, known as all age sports, may be safely performed in public green areas, e.g. bowls, cricket or mini golf. "Playgrounds" or even parks designed especially for elderly people, enabling fitness improving exercises, have appeared on the international market. Presently many facilities, aimed at keeping fit or even rehabilitation (e.g. the system of LifeTrail routes) exist in Japan, Great Britain, Germany and Spain. They show an entirely new image of the elderly, who should have full rights to use public spaces.
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