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Nr 1/2008, vol. 18 Zieleń towarzysząca architekturze The Greenery Accompanying the Architecture STRESZCZENIA str. 64 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (87,2 MB) |
PROBLEMY Zieleń Żoliborza Historycznego zróżnicowanie oraz potencjalne zagrożenia Urban Greenery of Żoliborz Historyczny - Variety and Potential Threats Dorota Kiełsznia {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Warsaw's Żoliborz Historyczny comprises the area around Warsaw Citadel, where during the twentyyear Polish independence interwar period a new town-planning establishment was created; a residential district shaped on a completely new basis, different from the compact and narrow downtown. Greenery was of great importance there. Nowadays, after nearly 80 years, this greenery, as much as the building and infrastructure, creates the subtle tissue of the district, deciding about its specific character, vitalizing its area, stressing and completing the existing structures. The territory of Żoliborz Historyczny is subject to the conservator's preservation; not only the layout of the buildings, but also the greenery arrangement are protected. On the basis of the research, the following arrangements and elements creating the greenery of Żoliborz Historyczny have been distinguished: city parks, squares, small homestead gardens, superficial forestation, alleys, groups of trees, hedges and single trees.{/mooblock} Ewolucja miasta utrwalona w krajobrazie Bystrzycy Kłodzkiej Evolution of a City Preserved in the Landscape of Bystrzyca Kłodzka Mieczysław K. Leniartek {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Several elements such as background (region), second plan (surrounding) and foreground (the town) can be distinguished in the landscape of an old town. Various contents: aesthetical, economical and social which create layers during historical changes and create tradition of the place, can be read through analyze of planning and structure. In the present work, in the example of Bystrzyca Klodzka, a process of changes in the cultural landscape and its following phases has been presented starting from the location period, until the present one, defining stylistic characteristics typical for each époques. The analyze of his sort allows one to define interiors and architectonical and landscape units and rules of preservation and management in their area. It has also been indicated in the present work that the study of changes in ancient structures and their dynamics allow definition of the phases in a city life cycle: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation stagnation and fall or renewal. The identification of the changes phase and knowledge of the rules in a city life cycle allow one to diagnose its future fate and defining the intervention methods in a complex historical environment. They also allow one to avoid false function and space decisions, such as industrial mono-culture development in place of simultaneously carried out various pro-development strategies: residential, industrial, tourist and environmental.{/mooblock} Zieleń zabytkowego ogrodu przy dawnej willi Teicherta w Legnicy The Monumental Garden Greenery of the Former Teichert's House in Legnica Ewa Lenard {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} A great advantage of old gardens, especially those at splendid villas, was undoubtedly their large surface, which made it possible to establish gardens composed not only of small trees but also big ones. Such a garden was created at the Teichert's house in the 1st half of the 20th century. Its additional decorative feature was the formal composition with a ground terrace and a vista from a glade. This original design with the precious multispecies tree-stand, still exists today.{/mooblock} PREZENTACJE Walory przyrodnicze, stan obecny i zagrożenia wybranych alei gminy Lubin Nature Value, Present State and Threats of Chosen Alleys from Lubin Region Klara Tomaszewska Adam Kopcza {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} A lot of beautiful lanes can be found in Lubin commune in Lower Silesia. Six of them, selected in the way that enables showing the trees differentiation resulting from localization, species composition and age, were analyzed. Quercus petrea, Populus x canadensis, Quercus rubra, Acer platanoides, Aesculus hippocastaneum, Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos, Salix alba, Prunus avium and Alnus glutinosa were used for planting. Trees were set in one-species alleys, multi-species alleys with mixed individuals of particular species, and also in a more decorative manner, so that each of the species created a separate espalier. The most interesting one in respect of the arrangement and adaptation for performer function was a three-part lane in Liściec, regarding its decorative values - two-species (chestnut-maple) stand densely situated along the road from Chojnów to Karczowiska. Just there Acer platanoides and Aesculus hippocastaneum create separate espaliers on both sides of the road. The preservation state of plants is not the same. Cherry (in Chróstnik) and willow (in Bukowno) lines are slowly disappearing from the agricultural landscape, which is most upsetting. Well-kept lanes, where all gaps caused by falling trees are refilled up-to-date, are met relatively rare; the trees planted along the estate road to a palace in Krzeczyn Mały are such a praiseworthy exception. Not the health status of trees, but the fact that they are growing too close to roadways is the reason for anxiety as to the future of some lanes. Trees were planted along the roads which looked different than nowadays, and fitted for different road traffic. Old trees are especially amazing. For that reason, many trees that reached dimensions qualifying them as nature monuments can be found there. It is worth trying to give them legal protection, and especially care about those species that are more and more seldom found by the roads, such as cherry and willow.Przyrodnicze uwarunkowania zagospodarowania doliny Warty w Poznaniu Nature Conditions of Warta Valley Management in Poznań Beata Raszka {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Conditions of Warta Valley management resulting from the presence of protected areas have been defined in the article. They were characterized in the set of conservatoire and system protection. It was stated that for the appropriate prognosis and spatial development planning (functional and spatial frame), it is necessary to run an analyze of the relation: conditions of the environment- social needs- economical development. It is necessary to introduce into town planning practice the entire (holistic), nature style of thinking based on theoretical and methodical environment and natural resources researches.{/mooblock} Rola zieleni towarzyszącej budynkom inwentarskim The Function of Greens Accompanying the Livestock Buildings Małgorzata Drożdż-Szczybura {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The greens accompanying the farm buildings, in the main, perform the function of protection, but it is necessary to consider their usability (production) and decorative (social and cultural) function. They protect the buildings and its environs against winds, noise, fires, excessive insolation, snow and dust. The trees and bushes form the most efficient acoustic protection. It is necessary to form protective zones around the animal farms (large livestock farms) with a large percentage of greens. The width of the protective zones is determined individually depending on the farm size, livestock, building orientation and the frequency of oriented winds. On ecological farms there is almost always a diversified cropped area belonging to the farm. The type of animal raised decides on cropland character, type and system. On a tourism farm the predominated greens depend primarily on the role played by animals and livestock building. The aesthetic values of the greens - Their diversity and decorative forms and shapes as well as structure, design, facing and colours become landscape elements along with accompanying buildings.{/mooblock} TWORZYWO Zieleń towarzysząca dolnośląskim założeniom pałacowo-folwarcznym Greenery Accompanying Lower Silesia Palace - Grange Set Renata Gubańska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Garden, palace or palace-garden sets which bordered directly with palace grange sets were most of all the place for a walk and rest of the inhabitants of mansions. In inventoried objects we can distinguish two basic spatial compositions. The first characterizes by geometry, regularity of sets and often axis. The second one characterizes by freedom which refers to natural landscapes. Former gardens and parks which have accompanied palace-grange sets since the beginning of their existence, similarly to granges, influenced and shaped the cultural landscape of the place where they were created. In every historical period, various styles in composition existed both in garden and palace ones. They often created the only high greenery point in the neighborhood. And sometimes they were directly connected to the areas of woods lying near by. It is necessary to remember that some landowners apart from gardens and parks were planting trees at road sides. Present old alleys, and sometimes hedges were created in such a way. In the modern rural village set both former palace-garden sets as well as the above mentioned alleys are the only forms or organized greenery. It is a pity that they appear to have remained without care and attention. The only thing we can do is hope that together with the rise of social conscience and rationalization of legal regulations, their situation will decisively improve.Krótka charakterystyka klasycznych ogrodów chińskich Brief Analysis of Classical Chinese Garden Zhou Zhanxi {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The classical Chinese garden has a long historical standing. Some conceptions can inspire a modern landscape architect. Especially the unification of human beings and universe bring about profound impacts to landscape architecture. Chinese gardens are opposite of geometric and emphasize the natural environment. According to the ownership, Classical Chinese garden is divided into three parts: a royal garden, a private garden and a temple garden. Except the temple gardens, the other two types are not open to the public. Royal gardens belong to the royalty. They always have large areas. In order to show the power of the royalty, the gardens are full of grandeur in the main part. They are high-colored and look splendid with yellow glazed tiles and red walls. Compare to the royal garden, private gardens are small and exquisite. Most of them are located in the south of China. The owners are always scholars or former politicians. They built their own gardens, which are simple but elegant, in order to enjoy their picture and poetry in a beautiful scenery. The Chinese word for landscape, "Shan Shui", means literally "mountains and water" and a common phrase for making a garden, again translated literally, is "digging ponds and piling mountains." Although the architectural composition of the main part in a royal garden is regular or symmetrical, the remaining area is comely. When visitors are in the garden, they feel as if were surrounded by the nature.{/mooblock} Drzewo rodzinne Familiar tree Janusz Janecki FORUM Drzewa na terenach zurbanizowanych w obliczu silnych wiatrów Urban Area Trees in the Face of Strong Winds Marta Weber-Siwirska Marek Liszewski {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} During the last several years, as a consequence of the greenhouse effect, an increasing number of storms was observed in Poland. Storms are often categorized as catastrophic. This article demonstrates the main factors leading to serious damage of trees. Breaking and falling down trees or branches causes significant property damages and may contribute to deaths. It would be possible to prevent some accidents if there were any diagnostic methods that could predict imminent fracture of trees. In many cases competent care is enough, especially in canopy pruning and planting planning. To reach this goal, it is necessary to raise public awareness in this field.{/mooblock} |
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Nr 2/2008, vol. 19 Udział wody w krajobrazie Participation of Water in the Landscape SUMMARIES str. 83 |
PROBLEMY Unifikacja krajobrazów miejskich. Znaczenie procesu percepcji w jakościowej ocenie przestrzeni publicznej Warszawy The Unification of Urban Landscapes. The Importance of Perception in Quality Evaluation of the Public Space in Warsaw Janusz Skalski {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Wide varieties of travelling make possible for landscape architects to run a visual comparison of physiognomic characteristics of various cities. On that base it was possible to notice that cities became similar. The result of such unification can be among others that watching a photographic documentary from the places we visited very often, we cannot recognize what city they present. The occurrence of physiognomic unification of city landscapes is an alarming signal for town planers, architects and landscape architects. Gradually cities lose what they had most precious - their landscape identity and character. Facing this physiognomic unification, which appears to be a process difficult to suppress, it is advisable to pay a greater attention to the sound and odour sphere of cities. The city, where the attempt of perceptive noticing and description of such occurrence was made, was Warsaw. Based on repeatedly executed observations, it can already be concluded that Warsaw as a city has lost a lot of its unique landscape identity. The occurrence of perception of Warsaw unification annihilates the great financial and medial strain with which the city's authorities sought to promote the capital and its tourist values. Simultaneously for the city inhabitants it can create an unwanted phenomenon which can in future result in the diminishing of local patriotism. There is no universal way to stop that occurrence. A lot depends on perceptivity and sensibility which landscape architects should manifest and their ability to use them during designing.{/mooblock} Współczesne przemiany wód powierzchniowych na terenie wsi Modern Transformations of Surface Water in the Area of a Village Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The water is invariably connected with village landscape. Ponds appeared not only inside villages but also on their edges. They fulfilled utilitarian function, the inhabitants used to water the cattle in them and used them in case of a fire. The neighbourhood of water-courses and also existing water reservoirs was taken by location into consideration. Sometimes new ponds were created on the base of the rivers. They were located inside, on the edge of villages and also as an inseparable element of the parks close to manors and palaces. During the last century the number of water surfaces was considerably on the decrease, however at present people started to appreciate their value again. The former utilitarian function of the retainer water surfaces changed into decorative, recreational or fishing ones. It is alarming that ponds disappear gradually from the country area. The part of the neglected ones dry up because of the lowering of the level of the underground water, but a lot of ponds disappear because of the purposeful activity of man. In the place of the covered ponds new recreational areas arise or they are designed for building areas. At the same time they small ponds are placed on private properties, which confirms the natural needs of the people to commune with water. However, we may show a lot of the interesting examples of the development of water surfaces as regards both the landscape and the use. For the inhabitants of Pietna village in Krapkowice commune the existing ponds and the river are of the main value, which is the base for the new projects exhibiting the unique character of the village.{/mooblock} Pasy brzegowe jako ważny element krajobrazu dolin rzecznych Riverbanks as an Important Element of River Valleys Landscape Alicja Krzemińska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Riverbanks play a very important role within river valleys. These stripes determine creation of buffer zones which protect river waters against polluting agents. They also form very valuable breeding places for amphibians, reptiles and other animals. Riverbank vegetation shows great diversity, which results in biodiversity of the area. The width of riverbanks is a controversial issue nowadays and their different designs depend on the way they are used. However, they should be included in spatial management plans or river restoration projects not only because of their natural assets, but also regarding their environmental importance. Riverbanks design alongside the riverbed will allow an increase in tourist capacity as well as protection of riverine areas, and will influence their landscape values improvement through increas;p.ing the habitat mosaic.{/mooblock} PREZENTACJE Przeobrażenia układu hydrograficznego Warty w granicach Poznania i poznańskiego obszaru metropolitalnego Transformations of Hydrographic Shape of the Warta River within the Limits of Poznań City and Poznań Metropolitan Area Beata Raszka {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Changes to the Warta river on its Poznań section, in the historical approach, has been presented in the work. Economical circumstances supporting the change of this hydrographical set were shown and the spatial consequences of the introduced changes have been pointed out. The abandoned concept from the 19th century and the limits of works of the carried out rebuilding in the 1960s were discussed in detail. The inaccuracy of the chosen concept was stressed and the need for renaturalization of the river beds was raised, together with examples given of such actions on the area of Poland and Europe.Zrównoważone gospodarowanie wodą - moda czy konieczność? Sustainable Water Management - Fashion or Necessity? Ewa Kozłowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Despite the fact that the supply of water is renewable, the deficiency in water is deepening the world over. The problem no longer remains the concern of hot countries with a dry climate and poor in water, but more and more often huge urban agglomerations. It is the effect of incompetent water management. The solutions which are to bring balance into the water system are actions to locate and use alternative sources of water, recovering it and managing the water supply in such a manner that most of it remains in a hydrological circle. Such aims can be reached within limits of Sustainable Water Management, often also called Water Management (WM), Water Resources Management or Watershead Protection. Sustainable water management engages not only authorities and non-government organizations. It is also directed at society and calls for its support too. Acknowledging water to be a deficiency agent should promote its saving on many levels of social and economical life. Promoting watersaving technologies and creating regional water and sanitary programs especially in big urban agglomerations should serve this purpose. Balanced actions in regulating water supply in urban areas concern saving the biggest amount of drinking water. Management of rain water called Stormwater Management (SWM) or rainwater harvesting is the vital part of Water Management. Within limits of SWM such programs and strategies are used so as to gain, retention and using rain water. They include various techniques and equipment to manage rain water (rainwater harvesting techniques), combining them into one sustain able drainage system (SDS). SDS is mostly valued in urban areas. In the scale of the city actions of SWM there are among others, those directed to minimalising the threat of a flood by regaining retention and absorption areas. SDS equipment is opened and of a landscape character therefore it has a vital influence on creation urban space.{/mooblock} Wykorzystanie terenów zalewowych a ścieżki dydaktyczne Floodplains Use and Didactic Trails Magdalena Medwecka, Anna Dzikowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} River valleys are among particularly valuable areas concerning their natural, landscape and tourist assets. Inundated areas, located in the closest neighborhood of the river, might be exploited with the exclusion of water stagnation periods, and the influence of anthropopression in these changed areas is strictly related to their location. The combination of flood control, tourism and education has a different dimension in cities and in non-urbanized areas, especially polder areas. The scope of this article focuses on tourist and recreational use of such anthropogenically transformed grounds. Managed polders located within the boundaries of Grądy Odrzańskie NATURA 2000 Site, Ujście Warty National Park, Stobrawski Landscape Park and Brodnicki Landscape Park pose a tourist attraction on a regional scale. Urban inundated grounds are i.e. active and passive leisure locations for city inhabitants. This article briefly describes examples of floodplains revitalization in Kassel on Fulda, Porvoo on Porvoo as well as in Wrocław on Odra, where these areas have a big tourist-recreational potential. Inundated grounds, often unused or poorly developed, with the proper funding can turn into weekend destinations.{/mooblock} TWORZYWO Wierne wodzie Trees Faithful to Water Janusz Janecki ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Użytkowe i estetyczne walory oczyszczalni hydrofitowych Usable and Aesthetical Amenities of Wetlands Ewa Burszta-Adamiak, Magdalena Kęszycka, Bogumiła Ryglewska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Presently in landscape natural swamp ecosystems owing to their organic and inorganic suspension's holding capacity and biodegradability create both invaluable and unique environment. With reference to these ecosystems constructed wetlands came into being in which water with a high amount of suspensions treatment tasks are realized effectively. The constructed wetlands, grooved with properly selected plant species blend into the natural landscape. Their effectiveness, stability and naturalness mean they are more often in grace and can be perceived as an alternative to traditional water treatment systems.FORUM Sekcja "Architectura Militaris" Studenckiego Koła Naukowego Architektury Krajobrazu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu Section "Architectura Militaris" of the Students Scientific Group at Landscape Architecture, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science Jerzy Potyrała {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The section of Architectura Militaris" has existed within the limits of the Students's Scientific Group at Landscape Architecture since it's creation in 2001. This organization acts at the landscape Architecture department of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science and it's scientific custodian is dr eng. Arch. Jerzy Potyrała. Scientific activities of this section includes problems connected with revalorization of historical fortifications landscape. And the main area of their activity are Prussia and Silesian fortresses from the 18th and 19th century. The research works, mainly, are architectonical stock taking of fortification objects, deontological tock taking of greenery in the area of a fortress geodesy measurements of earth batters. That is the reason this section closely cooperates with Students's Scientific Group of Building department and Students's Scientific Group of Geodesy department which act at our university. Field researches are carried out within the limits of the students' scientific camps and are the base to performing documentation and architectonical design concepts of revalorization of fortification buldings.Refleksje z międzynarodowych warsztatów studenckich z zakresu architektury krajobrazu Impressions from International Student's Workshop of Landscape Architecture Marta Weber-Siwirska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} In July 2000, a group of students from Poland, Hungary and Germany in the custody of professor Marek Siewniak and professor Gerhard Han-Herse took part in a two-week student workshop. Which was held in Dresden (the first week) and in western Germany (the other week). Students were divided into working teams. Each of them obtained its own subject of the work. One of the teams performed revalorization of the historical garden Schloss Albrechtsberg. From 1853 the castle was a residence of Prince Albrecht and his family. In 1925 the oldest son of Prince Albrecht sold the castle to the city of Dresden. Since the autumn of 1990 the City Council of Dresden has been implementing a new concept of using Castle Albrechtsberg. This concept focuses on the castle as an architectural monument with its characteristic historical and cultural charisma and the uniqueness of the entire castle estate. To re-emit the renaissance character of the place according to Bogdanowski [1999] an action was taken. First of all, a valorization based on the worth of plants (their age, retention and species) was made and then historical facts about progress phases of garden composition and its elements of small architecture were taken into account. At the end the project of revalorization was made.{/mooblock} Założenia parkowo-dworskie w krajobrazie kulturowym ziemi częstochowskiej Manor-Park Foundations in the Cultural Landscape of the Częstochowa Region Sebastian Wróblewski {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} In the cultural landscape of the Częstochowa region there are still noticeable, actions by the 19th and early 20th century owners of the local estates. Apart from the cemeteries, the only old tree groups in the country are former manor-parks and gardens. The influence of landowners is visible in spatial planning, farm plans, tree-lanes etc. The majority of the manor-parks were established in the 19th century. However, the best reconstructed are the changes in the history of the park in Kruszyna. This 17th century geometric park was reshaped in the centuries that followed, but traces of the old formation are still noticeable. A few large landscape-parks were formed in the 19th century. Some of them were designed by the famous green areas designers - Franciszek Szanior and Walerian Kronenberg. Nevertheless, the majority of the parks had the character of large gardens - smaller than 1 ha area. The integral parts of the park set were orchards- presently non-existent. The vital role in the composition of a manor-park was played by water. The rivers Warta and Wiercica were used in the plans of the parks. Ponds were planned not only for serving a purpose but also for aesthetic reasons. Other aspects of landscape planning were tree lanes and rows planted by the roads from manor to farms and other estates. Nowadays, progress of the degradation of the cultural landscape is ever noticeable. The majority of the manor-parks were demolished after 1945. Those parks which have survived are still neglected. Of numerous manor-ponds only few have remained. The rest were drained and the former water system was transformed. In recent years the progression of destroying tree lanes could be observed. Among the many reasons for these processes are: the lack of awareness of the cultural landscape - importance in local society and the lack of strict legal regulations to preserve local landscape.{/mooblock} |
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Nr 4/2008, vol. 21 Zachowanie różnorodności krajobrazu Protection of Landscape Diversity STRESZCZENIA str. 60 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (64,7 MB) |
PROBLEMY Zasada zrównoważonego rozwoju w architekturze krajobrazu (zagadnienia prawne) The Principle of Balanced Development in Landscape Architecture (Legal Aspects of the Issue) Marcin Sobota {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The article contains a discussion on theoretical concepts and definitions of balanced development and landscape, occurring in the commonly obligatory legal rules The constitutional basis for landscape protection have been pointed out, with particular consideration for the concept of balanced development as a principle shaping the landscape. The author also concentrated on indicating the factors shaping landscape, based on the obligatory legal rules in the sphere of environment protection, and made an attempt at evaluating the influence of the above factors on rational shaping of landscape and mutual conditioning between the effective protection of the environment, rational landscape configuration and the principle of balanced development. The analysis conducted by the author and the interpretation of the legal rules provides for solutions accepted on the national and international levels. The author's considerations take into account law courts' decisions as well as literature and views of the doctrine in the range of the subject.{/mooblock} Rynki małych miast i wsi o tradycjach miejskich - wartościowe wnętrza krajobrazowe Market Squares of Small Towns and Villages Having Urban Traditions as Valuable Landscape Interiors Zuzanna Borcz {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} At Lower Silesia many small towns and villages which formerly had civic laws are to be found, but in the course of time they lost them. The considered settlements date back mostly to 13th century, they often went through severe trials, e.g. wars, fires, or floods. They obtained the civic laws as a result of a number of factors, then often they lost them, or sometimes recovered them again. The main elements of small towns are the market square and streets coming out of it. The frontages of the market square mostly have a compact building, often, even in small towns a town hall is to be found in the centre of a market square. The settlements in the piedmont terrains are especially picturesque, the market square forms there an interesting landscape interior. In the conclusion there is pointed out that systems of small towns and villages having urban traditions require a suitable space planning and a conservator's protection.{/mooblock} Tradycyjny krajobraz rolniczy w trakcie przemian - przyszłościowy model zrównoważonej ochrony bioróżnorodności na terenie Polski Traditional Agricultural Landscapes in Transition - Thoughts Regarding a Future Model for Sustainable Protection of Biodiversity in Poland Michael Link {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} This paper deals with the basic aspects of the far -reaching changes in the agricultural landscapes of Central Europe over the course of time, and specifically with the impact on biodiversity brought about by the transformation process after Poland became a member of the EU. The main controls on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes are the diversity of land use types (structure of agricultural land use, types of farming, boundary line density) and the diversity of sites (soil nutrient and water balance, potential yield). The agricultural landscape of Poland is characterized by a medium to high phytodiversity on huge areas. There are considerable differences in spe61 cies diversity caused by the type of land use. The basis for the political decisions and planning acts to protect biodiversity and historical landscape structures of Poland are mainly: (1) the site factors, (2) the structure of the elements of the historical agricultural landscape, (3) the intensity of land use as well as (4) the profitability of the land use types. The following principal aspects should be considered concerning the protection of biodiversity and historical landscape structures in the agricultural landscape of Poland: (1) sustainable nature and landscape conservation are only useful as well as possible within sustainable farming, (2) nature and landscape conservation services managed by farmers must be financially supported by the public administration and (3) the intensity of land use has to be related to the site factors.{/mooblock} PREZENTACJE Przyrodnicze aspekty lokalizacji obiektów małej retencji wodnej na przykładzie przesuszonych lasów olsowych Natural Aspects of Location of Small Water Retention Objects, an Example of Arid Alder Forests Piotr Krzyk {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} There are 31,500 golf courses around the world. Each golf object is built with stable elements which create it's construction, landscape and character, and water reservoirs are their necessary part. Water reservoirs on a golf course fulfill vital ecological, aesthetical, economical and psychological functions. Golf courses are mainly created within close range of urbanized areas or directly in the city structure. That is the reason why the functions of water reservoirs need to be considerate not only in the scale of golf courses.Tożsamość miejsca - przykład Parku Krajobrazowego "Dolina Baryczy" {/mooblock} Przywołanie zapomnianej Arkadii - ogrodów rezydencjonalnych Hrabstwa Kłodzkiego {/mooblock} TWORZYWO Zwyczajne sosny The Scots Pines Janusz Janecki ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Rozwój "zielonych dachów" na przestrzeni wieków Development of Green Roofs in the Course of the Centuries Ewelina Szajda {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Green roofs have a long tradition worldwide and their history dates back thousands of years. The oldest and most famous green roofs were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. More recent forebears of engineered green roofs are the sod - covered homes of Northern Europe, where sod roofs and walls have been used as construction materials for hundreds of years. Green roofs serve as a type of insulation and historically have been used to insulate against both low and high temperatures. In Europe modern green roofs were developed in Switzerland in the 1960s and a few years later in Germany and have spread to many countries around the whole world. Today it is estimated that about 10% of all German roofs have been "greened".{/mooblock} |
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Nr 3/2008, vol. 20 Water in the Cultural Landscape Woda w krajobrazie kulturowym STRESZCZENIA str. 55 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (77,2 MB) |
PROBLEMY Przywrócić rzekę miastu: Tarasy Odrzańskie nad Zatoką Neptuna w Głogowie Restoring the River to the City: The Odra River Terraces at the Neptune Bay in Głogów Justyna Zygmunt-Rubaszek Paweł Amarowicz Andrzej Sobolewski {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} A design concept of Tarasy Odrzańskie (Odra Routes) presented in the article was awarded second prize in a contest for management of the terrains near the Odra River in Neptune Bay in Głogów in May 2008. The analyze of the actual solutions was preceded by theoretical deliberation on the relation between rivers and cities which are situated in the nighbourhood of rivers. It was noticed that the degree of urbanization of river banks varies and depends on the size and character of a city, its history and also the modern needs of its inhabitants. In Głogów, the city the project was designed for, a minimal interference in the natural landscape of many places situated within the limits of the study (i.e. peninsula), leisure and recreation function were proposed, a revalorization of the port buildings in the zone of contact with the city was designed, which existed there long before the Second WorldWar, and moreover there were plans to introduce new objects which would increase the visual and functional attractiveness of the area. The terrains around Neptune bay have a chance to become a green oasis of Głogów and an interesting point on the route to the cities lying near by the Odra river.{/mooblock} Kopalne dęby Quercus robur z pradoliny Odry we Wrocławiu - analiza geologiczna, paleobotaniczna i radiometryczna Fossil Oak Trees Quercus Robur from Odra Ice-marginal Valley in Wrocław - Geological, Paleo-botanic and Radiometric Analyze Marek W. Lorenc Andrzej Chlebicki {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The geological profile of Quaternary deposits was excavated at the northern district of the city of Wrocław in an artificial ditch of about 200 m long and 6 m deep. Lower part of the profile, starting from the depth of 3,2 m below the surface down to the base of the ditch consisted of light-yellow sand with partly fragmented intercalations of plant debris (0,2 m thick) at the depth of 4,0 m. The lowermost bed of plant debris marks the same level in which numerous logs of sub-fossil oak (Quercus robur) were found. The excavations along the ditch revealed 22 such logs, the thickness of which is in rang of 0,4-1,4 m. They occurred at the depth of 3,9-5,4 m. Morphology, color and qualities of the sub-fossil wood were very good indicators of the changing conditions of the river transport and sedimentation. Among the dendrochronologically analyzed oak samples, two generations of different ages were recognized and local chronologies were produced. The first one was dendrochronologically dated against the Southern Poland oak standard to the period 1796-1526 BC. This dating is in perfect agreement with the earlier produced result of radiocarbon analysis 3180 50 BP. The second chronology (4890 60 BP and 5000& 40 BP) indicate that the oaks of that generation grown at the end of the Atlantic Period. Radiocarbon dating also enabled identification of& trunks older than 5000 BP (5580 40 BP and 5330 40 BP), as well as of an age intermediate between these both chronologies (4370 50 BP). The analyses carried out indicate that the analyzed profiles contain mostly oak trunks from the Atlantic and Subboreal periods. They enable dating of the youngest part of the alluvial series to around 1500 BC.{/mooblock} PREZENTACJE Peterhof koło Petersburga unikatowy zabytek pałacowych fontann i sztuki ogrodowej Peterhof near St.-Petersburg, a Unique Monument of Palace Fountain and Garden Art Nikolay Dymchenko {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The article is devoted to the unique masterpiece of world's landscape architecture - Peterhof (Petrodvorets) in Russia. The architectural ensemble appeared in the first quarter of the 18th century as the main summer imperial residence of Peter I. Within the present borders of Peterhof there are several ensembles of palaces and parks united with separate historical and architectural suites of the 18-20th centuries. There you can see the two parks - the Upper Garden and the Lower Garden, Seven other gardens and parks of landscape type. The unique architectural and artistic complex of palaces and parks made Peterhof world famous. The world fame of Peterhof was brought by a constellation of palaces, collections and, first of all, fountains and cascades. At present fourteen parks stretched along the shore of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic sea are opened for walks and sightseeing. The parks and buildings of Peterhof are decorated by magnificent sculptures, four cascades and 150 operating fountains. Peterhof is usually called "Capital of Fountains". Peterhof along with Versailles and other groups of palaces and parks in Europe is an example of splendor in the design of technological ideas.{/mooblock} Rola i kształtowanie zbiorników wodnych na polach golfowych na przykładzie 'Toya Golf & Country Club' koło Wrocławia The Role and Shaping of Water Reservoirs on Golf Courses: Based on the Example of 'Toya Golf & Country Club' near Wrocław Iwona Orzechowska-Szajda Anna Cała {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} There are 31,500 golf courses around the world. Each golf object is built with stable elements which create it's construction, landscape and character, and water reservoirs are their necessary part. Water reservoirs on a golf course fulfill vital ecological, aesthetical, economical and psychological functions. Golf courses are mainly created within close range of urbanized areas or directly in the city structure. That is the reason why the functions of water reservoirs need to be considerate not only in the scale of golf courses.{/mooblock} TWORZYWO Klonowe pieczęcie pod chlebem Maple "Stamps" under Bread Janusz Janecki ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Kolej i rzeki - mosty w Górach Opawskich Railways and Rivers - Bridges in Opawskie Mountains Marek Konopka {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} A bridge is an element of a landscape and needs to be analysed in relation to the surrounding environment and its users. On examining two railway bridges in Głuchołazy and Moszczanka we will see how different the impact of a bridge on a river and the surrounding landscape can be. Both bridges are similar in form but operate differently on the visual space. Both have historic, aesthetic, functional and technical values. The bridge in Głuchołazy is neutral in the panorama of the town while the bridge in Moszczanaka is a predominant feature over the valley. Yet, the location of both bridges in the landscape may be considered an advantage.{/mooblock} Właściwości retencyjne "zielonych dachów" "Green Roof's" Retention Capability of Rainwater Ewelina Szajda {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Green roof's retention capability of rainwater are the basic function of green roofs. Water is stored in the substrate and then taken up by the 57 plants from where it is returned to the atmosphere through transpiration and evaporation. A green roof will have a noticeable impact on the air humidity, air quality and reflected heat in the surrounding neighbourhood. In conjunction with other green installations, green roofs can play a role in altering the climate of the city as a whole. In the 1970's scientists began to research the green roof's retention capability of rainwater with various effects. At the close of 2001, a binding regulation for the measurement of a discharge coefficient/ runoff index was developed, which is portrayed in the new edition of the FLL - Guidelines "Planning, Installation, and Maintenance of Green Roofs" of early 2002.{/mooblock} FORUM Szkoła w zieleni School in Greenery Agnieszka Lisowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century experts underlined the vital meaning of light, greenery and kind of materials in equipping new school buildings. School buildings were surrounded by greenery which gave them shade and protected them from wind. Together with introducing nature as a subject into the teaching program small botanical gardens were designed near buildings. Gym classes were also very important. Sports grounds an playgrounds for smaller children became an inseparable element of schools. A well with drinking water was usually placed next to them.{/mooblock} Walory przyrodnicze parku przypałacowego we wsi Dłużek koło Lubska (woj. lubuskie) Natural Value of the Palace Park in Dłużek Village near Lubsko (LubuskieProvince) Klara Tomaszewska Małgorzata Przybysz {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Park in Dłużek, established at a turn of XVIII and XIX century, was inscribed into monuments register in 1977. Unfortunately it is not under a proper care, elements of a spatial composition are being fading away and it is more and more transforming into wood-park. In such a situation, not only trees, but herb plants as well are decorative elements. A definite majority of trees in the park are representatives of a national flora. Thirty three species of threes and bushes were found in total, including only 3 species of gymnosperm. Park in Dłużek should be included into moderately rich ones from the point of view of dendroflora. It is an old premise, so as many as 20 trees (from 4 species) could be covered with a protection as nature monuments. Relief of the ground where the park had been established is diversified. Herb plants have a huge influence on the appearance, not only in woodland part, but on clearings, in streams and ponds as well. A hundred species belonged to 34 families were fund, including some very decorative ones, like snowdrop Galanthus nivalis, wood anemone Anemone nemorosa, wood violet Viola reichenbachiana, Water Forget- -me-not Myosotis palustris, Narrow Leaf Cattail Typha angustifolia, common reed Phragmites australis. There are 4 species under a legal protection in the park, that definitely increases a natural value. The lack of funds for a restoration to an old splendour is a problem of numerous old premises. However, nothing stands on the way to design composition elements increasing decorative values.{/mooblock} |
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