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Nr 3/2007, vol. 16 Różnorodność krajobrazu miejskiego Diversity of Town Landscape STRESZCZENIA str. 64 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (65,3 MB) |
PROBLEMY Losy białostockich placów.Rynek Sienny - pamięć o przestrzeni History of Białystok Squares. Sienny Market Square - a Memory of Space Jadwiga C. Żarnowiecka STRESZCZENIE
Every town or city has its main square, traditionally called a market. This used to be a place where traditional fairs were held, gathering inhabitants of towns and villages from near and afar. In Bialystok during the Inter-War period three market places functioned in the central urban area: Rynek Kosciuszki, Rybny Rynek and Sienny Rynek. Rynek Sienny has remained in the common perception as an important site in the space of the city and as a name. Comparing the plans of the city of Bialystok from various periods it is possible to trace how this square kept "moving", how its size and shape changed. Not only the geometry of the square changed but also its environment. The changes were caused by the destructions during various wars, but also the earlier re-locations. Currently the frontage is highly diverse. The frontage of Mlynowa Street is covered by small scale buildings – one or two storey houses, usually with steep roofs. In most cases these houses are in a dire need of repairs. New multiple storey buildings – either completed or under construction – create formal chaos.
Walory przyrodniczo-krajobrazowe doliny Bystrzycy w Lublinie The Natural and Landscape Amenities of Bystrzyca Valley`s Ewa Trzaskowska Katarzyna Sobczak STRESZCZENIE
River valleys are one of the most significant features of the urban landscape, for they contain both natural landscape elements as well as those of the architectural or built environment. River valleys aesthetically improve the scenery of the urban landscape, while their benefit towards society can be assessed in terms of both their intrinsic ecological value as well as their instrumental touristic and recreational worth. Early development of the town of Lublin centered on the River Bystrzyca, where it featured prominently as the central and integral landscape element. This has ceased to be the case, however, and as a result the town of Lublin has lost its direct historical connection to the river. It is now as if the town has grown and developed with its ‘back’ to the river, losing the connectedness that the two once shared. Local planners seem indifferent to the significance and natural value of Lublin’s river valley, since they have not come up with a plan to develop it according to historical precedent. There are still some significant views of the river in Lublin: from local bridges, from urban districts on the high river banks and a partial view from Zygmuntowski Alley, though it is safe to say that the presence of the River Bystrzyca in Lublin’s cultural landscape is not emphasized nearly enough. The purpose of this article is to assess the natural and cultural landscape value of the River Bystrzyca and guide future development with best management practices, emphasizing cultural landscape preservation and sustainable recreation.
Rzeki w krajobrazie małego miasta Siechnice Rivers in the Landscape of a Small Town Siechnice Eleonora Gonda-Soroczyńska STRESZCZENIE
The river in the town, albeit so small as Siechnice is its important component, forming to some extent a tradition. The river takes part in landscape transformations, influencing its panorama. Three rivers – Odra, Oława and Szalona are situated in Siechnice district. Siechnice is a town for only 10 years, up to 1997 it was a village, where the agriculture was a main function, and rivers, especially Oława played in this time an important role. The localization at the riverside is a characteristic feature of Siechnice; it should be pointed out that terrains of this town require a suitable management.
PREZENTACJE Trwałe ruiny historycznych obiektów w krajobrazie miast Permanent Ruins in Landscape of Historical Cities Mirosław Przyłęcki STRESZCZENIE
Among many valuable historical and cultural relics, ruined and abandoned buildings, not serving any purpose,deserve special attention. Buildings such as the Roman Coliseum, Athenian Acropolis, Ephesus ruins in Turkey or Pompey in Italy are so called “permanent ruins”. Also in Poland there are many interesting objects viewed as permanent ruins which are more and more often visited by tourists, secured and maintained as a technical destruct. Among them are for example the castles of Cracow- Częstochowa Jura, a castle in Janowiec or in ZąbkowiceŚląskie. Remains of defensive walls of many Lower Silesia cities can also be counted in their number. They co-create in a picturesque way the landscape of the cities. And sometimes are dominants of such landscapes and their identifiers and discriminants.
Panoramy zespołów urbanistycznych aglomeracji wałbrzyskiej. Osiedla podmiejskie (1900–1945) Panoramas of Town Planning Sets in Walbrzych Agglomeration. Suburban Settlements (1900-1945) Bogna Ludwig STRESZCZENIE
In course of time, the settlements and dwelling quarters localized around medieval towns Wałbrzych and Boguszów, along with neighboring villages underwent an enlargement to form agglomerations. The transformation of agricultural and weaving centres started about 1850 as a result of development of industry, especially coal mining. At the beginning of 20th century the progress of town planning of Wałbrzych took place, after the First World War the erection of so called “small settlements”, followed about 1930 by building of individual houses for miners occurred. These settlements are today a characteristic feature of Wałbrzych landscape.
Parking - elementem krajobrazu miasta Parking Places - an Element of a City Landscape Jacek Burdziński STRESZCZENIESquares with parking places are inseparable spatial elements which co-create the landscape of big cities. Each city which concentrates a variety of public services, needs connectivity to parking places. Many characteristics such as the size of the place itself, introduced surface, lighting elements and most of all, appropriately chosen protective greenery decide if the parking place harmonizes well or badly with the landscape surrounding it. Apart from the decorative function it also plays the part of protection by minimalizing the negative sides of motorization. Most parking places in cities are situated in street-side parking areas. However, most terrain parking places in cities are concentrated on housing estates and squares of houses in streets. The larger sized car parks are situated near big shopping centers. Similar, but perhaps, not so big parking places are found adjacent to company buildings, offices and other establishments There are also big parking areas in cities near to railway or coach stations. In many cities parking places are built underground or in multi-storey buildings. Parking places for family cars, whilst perhaps not a city decoration, are a very distinctive and omnipresent accent of our époque – time of motorization. Parking places can have a positive influence on a city’s landscape as long as they are connected with an appropriate amount of decorative greenery. Aesthetics of parking places in Polish cities is very far from ideal. It can then become an interesting field for actions of creative landscape architects and communication architects. TWORZYWO Projekty przestrzennego odtwarzania pól bitew Designs of a Spacial Regeneration of Battle Fields Janusz Janecki STRESZCZENIE
The history of Poland is especially abundant in numerous battle fields where our ancestors were fighting for independence of our country. Now of a great importance is to keep alive pictures of these battles in mind and in memory; especially young people should know more about history. An example is the panorama of victorious battle of Poles, having place near Racławice, however such type of memory reminding is unsatisfactory for the idea. Therefore a large area for creative action of landscape architects exists.
Legnicki Kwadrat - ostoja zabytkowej zieleni Kwadrat of Legnica - Monumental Greenery Refuge Ewa Lenard STRESZCZENIE
Kwadrat of Legnica – Monumental Greenery RefugeThe Southern Part of Tarninów in Legnica, which was called “Kwadrat” (Pol. square) at the time of the Soviet Army’s stay in Poland, has the richest greenery of all residential quarters of the city. Trees and shrubs at the houses and those in the wide alleys had thoughtfully been planted since the quarter’s establishment in 1910-1920 until the beginning of World War II. An analysis of the old post-German plantings of trees and shrubs, which only here exist in relative abundance, enables one to determine the species composition and numbers of particular species. Native species of trees were mainly planted, including Littleleaf lime, Bigleaf lime, Common lime, Norway maple, European ash as well as European hornbeam, the last as a formal (trimmed) hedge. The trees of alien origin commonly used were: Horse chestnut, Blue spruce and Douglas- Fir. Shrubs frequently planted were Sweet mock orange and Common lilac, at the richer houses also English hawthorn, Catawba rhododendron or English yew. Along wide avenues lime trees and Lombardy poplar were planted, whereas along small streets trunk forms of Swedish whitebeam and ‘Nanum’ Hedge maple. The most numerous self-sown trees represented the species: Black locust, Norway maple and European hornbeam, followed by Boxelder, European white birch and Horse chestnut.
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