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Nr 1-2/2005, vol. 10 Architektura krajobrazu wiejskiego Odnowa wsi Landscape Architecture of Villages Village Renewal STRESZCZENIA str. 105 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (85,6 MB) |
PROBLEMY Zmiany w krajobrazie wsi na przełomie XX i XXI wieku Changes in the Rural Landscape at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Century Zuzanna Borcz {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} For many years or even centuries the traditional rural landscape was idealized by painters, landscape artists, extolled by poets and novelists, as a quiet area, full of green and close to nature. Villages change in respect of buildings, social-economical relations and landscape. Currently villages are multifunctional and only part of their inhabitants deal with agriculture. Particularly submissive to non-agricultural function development are villages situated in the suburban zone, where single-family building is developing dynamically. Taking into consideration the subject of the rural landscape it is necessary to realize the variety of functions which the buildings are to meet and special management of village areas. The agricultural landscape undergoes changes, which are influenced by intensifying mechanization, chemicalization and changes in the structure of farming. Conclusions, defining priorities of actions of local authorities, planners and dwellers in respect to the landscape are preserving the landscape of a village as an entirety, more detailed plans of special management, preservation and revitalization of green areas, preservation and management of surface water, popularizing regulations of regional architecture and landscape preservation among inhabitants of villages, social and educational organizations and local authorities.{/mooblock} Odnowa wsi jako środowisko zachowania i zgodnego z dziedzictwem kulturowym kształtowania krajobrazu wiejskiego Village Renewal as an Environment of Prevention and Pliant to Cultural Heritage in Shaping the Rural Landscape Ryszard Wilczyński {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE } The renewal of the village is an innovational concept of development of rural areas which occurred in German speaking countries at the turn of 70s and 80s as a reaction to the then increasing crisis in rural areas. The basis for this current of rural area development is belief that modernization of villages according to urban pattern and agriculture based on industrial production methods do not solve village problems but on the contrary deepen them. There is a future in front of it if its specific is considered in the approach to the development. It determines competition growth and successful chances in market conditions. Renewal of the village became a way of transforming an agricultural village into a post-agricultural one, with full preservation and development of its current values. The village remained itself keeping its attractiveness, avoiding the "pseudo-city" syndrome which touched Polish villages in the way which makes achieving conditions of stable development difficult. In Poland renewal of villages is known thanks to the Opole program of Village Renewal (accessed by more than 300 soletstvoes), which was initiated in 1997. It is the biggest and the longest active regional program of local societies activation. As the first in the country it introduced the rule of grounding village development on a strategy drawn up by soletstvo (village renewal program). As a result of promotional actions of the region the expression of renewal became known throughout the country. It is possible to define a model of the progress of the village renewal process - from the initiating moment to the state when the village gains a stable bases of its development. Four phases where allocated: initial, starting, advanced and panoptical. Each of them has a characteristic, separate set of characteristics (states), each following phase is more capacious as to the matter and complexity of achievable states, and is, at the same time, longer and requiring exponential increase in costs. For village societies, the presented model has a value of general instruction on how to lead the village renewal in a most efficient way and in accordance with the logic of the process and what quality targets should be taken in the said moment of village renewal process advancement.{/mooblock} Przemiany wizerunku wsi opolskiej pod wpływem odnowy wsi Changes to Opole Village's Image Influenced by Village Renewal Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Revitalization of rural areas, their efficient functioning together with preserving specific "country" character is a value appreciated in European Union countries. Very useful in those domains is the program of Village Renewal, which, through positive thinking of the parts participating in it, brings calculable effects such as increase in social and local activity, improvement of standard and quality of lives of village inhabitants, together with coincident preservation of the identity of the place, tradition and the landscape surrounding it. Opole villages have a very important characteristic, mostly they are of compact development which did not relent to dispersal during the centuries as it occurred in Lesser Poland area. Most of the elaborated villages did not submit to intensive development, hence well preserved, clear special sets and often undisturbed panoramas and entrances to the villages. Additional value is a characteristic yard development with well preserved architectonical details. It can constitute a base to determine directives constituting a base for protection of the identity of the place. The assignment of inhabitants is creating a new image of the village while saving those traditional elements.{/mooblock} Metoda opracowania planu rozwoju miejscowości A Method of Elaboration of Town Development Plan Zbigniew Kuriata {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Przyszłość architektury ludowej czyli krótka rozprawa między rolnikiem, architektem a konserwatorem A Farmer, an Architect and a Conservator in a Short Debate on Future of Folk Architecture Krystyna Pawłowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Regarding founations, membership in the EU is a great opportunity for Polish rural areas. What does it mean so far as architecture and cultural landscape are concerned? Viewpoints on the issue can fundamentally differ.1. Why Polish people neglect Polish folk architecture and would like to replace it with the other, preferably urban or foreign ones? 2. Why people from the cities have an interest in primitive, half ruined buildings and in some cases their demolition is being forbidden? 3. Why design proposals and regulations introduced in local spatial development plans encouraging to build new housing according to traditional patterns are not accepted by village dwellers? These tree questions summarise a controversy on the future of rural architecture in dispute among monument conservators, the inhabitants and architects. Type of the edifice, which conquered today's landscape is a house of overdone solidity, built in brick and finished according to social aspirations of the owner and building supermarkets aesthetics. Contemporary adaptations of old buildings and patterns appeal more to urban dwellers visiting villages at the weekends than to their inhabitants. Moreover, using old patterns bears often resemblance to rather foreign traditions. Taking advantage from the European rural areas renewal programme, specific features of Polish villages should be exposed; for this purpose are given below: 1. Changing form of communication between professionals and village inhabitants. Public participation and dialogue are more effective than administrative obligation and sermonizing. 2. Agrotourism in its folk and ecological aspect is an opportunity. 3. Good practice popularization regarding contemporary design based on tradition and their implementation by formulating guidelines in local plans of spatial development. 4. Preparing and promoting an offer of building materials, which would contribute to the continuity of building tradition. {/mooblock} Tożsamość, trwałość, rozwój; Ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego w projektach odnowy wsi Identity, Durability, Development; Cultural Landscape Protection in Projects of Village Renewal Elżbieta Raszeja {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} When facing growing endangerment of cultural heritage and village landscape caused by modern tendencies and development processes, it is necessary to encircle with protection not only particular objects but also all spatial sets and landscape forms. These problems should be included into village renewal projects, and individual solutions have to be preceded by comprehensive examinations. In modern programs of village renewal the need to rebuild spatial identity, based on durable values preserved in the cultural landscape of a village, is underlined. The ability to read these values and to respect them is connected with it. The article presents three projects connected with widely understood village renewal. One of them is an Irish project, ranging from researches to records of cultural heritage in the Belcoo region, carried out mutually by scientists, artists and village inhabitants. Within its limits commodious archival material was gathered and the history of this region which had been recorded in archeological, architectonical and spatial heritage was recreated. The next example originates from the region of Sławno in Middle Pomerania, where complex researches (archeological, architectonical, scenic, biological) on cultural landscape have been run in the River Wieprza valley over last few years. It is a specific terrain due to its natural values, and also the stage of preservation of cultural landscape resources. It is characterized by cultural apposition - Slavic origin, medieval settlements based on German law and German influence in 19th and 20th century village building. The region of Nowy Tomyśl in Great Poland is an example of cultural landscape, created by colonization of 18th century Dutch settlers. In the place of stumped forest this homogeneous landscape structure was created which has lasted in an almost unchanged form until today. The research run at Pomerania and in Great Poland included identifica ion of cultural landscape resources, choice and character of the elements defining its specification, evaluation of the stage of preservation of characteristics and traditional forms and the study of landscape perception. {/mooblock} Możliwości rewitalizacji wiejskich osiedli w ramach programu odnowy wsi w Słowacji Possibilities of Rural Settlements Restoration in the Programme of the Village Renewal in Slovakia Anna Krsáková {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Na Słowacji program odnowy wsi jest bardzo znany, popularny i jest jednym z narzędzi przyczyniających się do rozwoju terenów wiejskich. Bazuje on na stronie materialnej i duchowej życia na wsi. Punktem startowym programu jest wzrost aktywności mieszkańców – na poziomie indywidualnym, jak również społecznym. Głównym celem programu odnowy wsi jest zachowanie wsi i jej charakteru z jednoczesnym podniesieniem standardu i ochroną cech szczególnych oraz tożsamości. Na polu środowiska materialnego program jest szczególnie skierowany na planowanie i rozwiązania architektoniczne z poszanowaniem zaniedbanych, niedocenianych starych domów, czy całych kompleksów przestrzeni publicznej. Do przeprowadzania analiz i planów rozwoju wsi i środowiska w programie odnowy wsi używa się wielu interaktywnych metod i form opracowań przy współudziale jak największej części społeczeństwa i ekspertów. Przy kreowaniu nowej architektury ważne jest aby odpowiednio wkomponować ją w otoczenie przy użyciu tradycyjnych detali i lokalnego materiału budowlanego. {/mooblock} Ocena jakości krajobrazu w planowaniu przestrzennym Esthetic Quality of Landscape Space and its Estimation in Muncipal Territorial Planing Aija Ziemelniece {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Jednym z ważniejszych priorytetów we współczesnym planowaniu przestrzennym jest kreowanie architektury z uwzględnieniem ochrony środowiska naturalnego. Dziedzictwo historyczne i cywilizacyjne ma odzwierciedlenie w środowisku jako regionalizm oraz kultura całego narodu. Nie tylko oddzielnie postrzegane miejsca, ale również otoczenie determinuje odbiór krajobrazu w całości, zarówno środowiska miejskiego jak i wiejskiego. Wszystkie formy przestrzenne oraz środowisko powiązane są z sobą w nierozerwalny związek. Rozwój regionu Zemgale jest związany z procesami integracyjnymi na świecie. Jej terytorium obejmują takie projekty jak VIA Baltica, VIA Hanza z powodu trasy tranzytowej do Rosji. Przyczynia się to do rozwoju infrastruktury ale pociąga za sobą jednocześnie szereg zagrożeń dla środowiska naturalnego i krajobrazu. {/mooblock} PREZENTACJE Rozważania nad problemami infrastruktury w rewitalizacji wsi podlaskiej Remarks on Problems of Infrastructure in Revitalization of Villages in Podlasie Witold Czarnecki {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The article describes the infrastructure state in villages situated in the area of the so called the Eastern Wall. By mutual agreement "the Eastern Wall" is a border area, east of Białystok and runs south, along the border of the country. This area is a border region of the former Polish Republic Boundary, and definite Boundary of interwar Poland. In those days this area was described as "Poland B", backward, cut off from the world. The village did not posses any technical infrastructure at all. It did not have electricity, sanitary facilities but did have dismal roads - mostly dirt tracks and often, on wetlands, made with wooden deals. Currently villages posses electricity lines, the telecommunication system has been developed, and mobile telephony provides the possibility of common communication. The water mains network is developed irregularly, the situation with the sewer network is worse, but roads are mostly good. It is possible to state then that within the range of infrastructurethe needs of revitalization do not exist, simply, further development of this domain is needed.The problem of revitalization of Podlaskie villages, including "the Eastern Wall" without a doubt occursin domains of: culture, service and trade, which is socio-economical infrastructure. The future of this area will probably be tourism. Mainly it will be horseback, cycling and trekking tourism, and of course by car, but also resident tourism such as agri-tourism, especially in wood areas and at the lagoon. And in this particular area I can see the necessity for reviving native regional culture and the whole infrastructure and services connected with it.Koncepcja wsi tematycznej a problemy ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego na przykładzie Starej Wsi koło Przedborza Theme Village Concept and Problems of Cultural Landscape Protection for Instance Stara Wieś Near Przedbórz Beata J. Gawryszewska Krzysztof Herman {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The text connects problems of village renewal, especially a new approach for development of the countryside - a conception of the "thematic village" and need for protection of cultural landscape. In the landscape of Stara Wieś near Przybórz a newly found Japanese sportsand culture center will be a strong spatial and cubature accent. Also, it will have a significant influence on existing cultural and social values. This investment will become a differing element for the village. On such a base a thematic village can be created. Social participation takes a key role in it's correct functioning - due to which the local population will identify with the "theme" of their village. Stress has also been laid in this work on the estimation of the influence of this investment on changes in spatial order and forming a new spirit of place (genius loci). Recapitulation leads to the conclusion, in which the concept of a "thematic village" has been systemized. A "Thematic village" can also function, when differing elements (just like in Stara Wieś) are introduced artificially, in the form of a new and significant investment.{/mooblock} "Dom Warmiński" - budowanie tożsamości regionalnej Warmii "Warmian House" - Building of Regional Identity of a Warmia Wanda Łaguna Agnieszka Jaszczak Marian Juszczyński {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The imagination of Warmia as an attractive tourism region was dominated by popularity of Mazury. This is the reason why the tourism movement and tourism potential on the domestic and international market isn't used. Also competitiveness and activity of the investment, especially in rural areas. The goal should be based on the contemporary reasoning of regionalism, including the regional identity of Warmia, as an element of the universum, the European area of history, culture and nature. Basing strategy of the Warmian Huose Program is creating a good image in the frame of revitalization of the regional identity. Introduction to the Warmian House Program projects, which consist of native, Warmian tourist project, will be motivation to develop rural tourism enterprise. This project will be created in different areas:A. Cultural and natural heritage of region B. Public tourism infrastructure (routes and tourism attractions) C. Tourism enterprise D. Promotion of the region and the Warmian House Program. {/mooblock} ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Świetlica wiejska niezbędnym elementem krajobrazu wiejskiego The Country Common Room the Indispensable Element of Country's Scenery Bogusław Szuba {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The article represents the method of realization of objects which can be used as country common rooms, from utilization of universally accessible, cheap renewable materials (clay, straw, stone e.t.c.) Both, the technology of realization of these objects as well as simplicity of its construction have to lead to wider facilities of this type of building - particular for the less well-off community of the village. The country common rooms, entirely raised from natural materials, can express the integrative needs of countrymen and can stand the durable element of country scenery.{/mooblock} STANDARDY Edukacja architektoniczna dla potrzeb wsi - retrospektywa i dzisiejsze potrzeby Architectonic Education for the Needs of a Village - Retrospective and Current Needs Miriam Wiśniewska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Settlement landscape shaping on a rural area is a complex assignment,long-lasting process which requires multidiscipline in theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in the range of architecture, special planning, architecture, ecology, sociology and other technical domains. The current elaboration of the image of a Polish village does not fill one with optimism, and such a state is the result of generally known historical, political and socio-economical reasons. Events occurring in the last 15 years have caused the necessity for reform of the agricultural system and reconstruction and renewing of the countenance of a Polish village by means of modification and deep, structural transformations. Decisions by the government and political realm are needed to carry out this aim and also a professional team who will lead these transformations in the right direction. The way architectonical education was carried out during various historical stages, national threats and constrictions in the example of the Department of Architecture of Warsaw Polytechnic, and the current state of the department and the direction of the education of the architects and planners, shows the period of the last few decades of the Department of Villages Architecture and Planning functioning which is celebrating its 60th anniversary. The period of the crisis in 1989 and a change to the political system resulted in the need for restructuring of many social and economical domains, including restructuring of agriculture and settlements. Unfortunately those changes had a negative impact on educational programs at architecture departments not only in Warsaw, and the problem of villages underwent substantial limitations. Lack of a complex view in the management of rural areas concludes on one hand from imperfect legislative regulations, on the other hand from insufficient education and the catastrophic lack of educated planner's cadre in rural communes. The fact that the manager of an architecture and building section is a professional architect is rare. Designing architectonical, tenement, economical and servicing objects in most cases lies in the hands of building technicians or building engineers. Thus educating a professional cadre which will care for renewing the countenance of the Polish village and modern, cultural landscape is a priority assignment.FORUM Zasady kształtowania przestrzeni wiejskich - rozważania o wartościach wymiernych i kulturowych The Rules of Creating Rural Spaces - Measurable and Cultural Values Aldona Kożan Krzysztof Balcerek {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The traditional form of rural urbanization is a result of social, cultural, economic factors and natural contitions. Nowadays, changes of these forms transform the village. It looses settlement individuality and its functions become unified. The study deals with a problem, which we can put into questions: what composes a character of rural urbanization, what kind of forms have influence on a perception of the space, how do present obligatory planning rules rise its quality, how to develop forms and rurles of creating rural area? To find answers to these questions the study includes analysises of 226 local plans of the spatial management, that were made for communities near Wrocław. Two of them were distinquished. First describes settlements, that concern rules of creating urbanization and area management. Second analysis shows a process of replacing various settlements by legal regulations which are not an effective instrument in keeping law. During analyzing we can see, that there are some values in the project development, which are important elements for the spatial order. For example: of a place/form: originality, individuality, unique; function's types: symbolic function, a tradition, a rank, specificity and attractiveness of place.Odnowa wsi i marketing miejsca - stymulatory współczesnego funkcjonowania wsi Village Renewal and Region's Marketing - Stimulator of Modern Villages Functioning and Development Jerzy Oleszek {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Nowadays, while economical transformation is ongoing the image of the village is being changed. Factors that form conditions and quality of life should be transformed. The tool that enables realization is village renewal. This system is defined as a region's modernization and revitalization campaign. The issue of former consideration was mainly of a technical and formal aspect. Thus the main question of the taken analysis is the level of adaptation of "maturity" of the region to renewal process. The object of analyze is as follows: level of identification of inhabitants with a village with the site, degree of social integration, and social involvement in villages' problems. The variables function's dependence was specified and the range of continuity of function was identified - it is being interpreted as a point where actions of modernization of current tendency of the village development should be taken. It was proven that the set of actions should be a system that is known as a region's marketing.{/mooblock} |
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Nr 3-4/2005, vol. 11 Krajobraz wsi odnowionej Landscape of Renewed Village STRESZCZENIA str. 117 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (72,8 MB) |
PROBLEMY Wieś jako istotny punkt otwartych krajobrazów osiedlowych Dorf als Festpunkt in offener Siedlungslandschaft Dirk Manzke Hubertus von Dressler {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Praca przedstawia idee, projekty i realizacje programu odnowy wsi na przykładzie miejscowości Dolnej Saksonii w Niemczech. Tradycja programu odnowy wsi w Niemczech trwa już od 1977 r., stąd metody i zasady realizacji są już sprawdzone w praktyce. Podstawą sukcesów jest udział w projekcie aktywnych inicjatyw społecznych, co uzyskuje się poprzez kontakty z mieszkańcami i Radą Gminy. Na podstawie dostarczanych przez nich informacji i nowych tematów wybierane są kluczowe tematy i kierunki rozwoju oraz metody pracy. Istotnym zagadnieniem jest utrzymanie wiejskiego charakteru h miejscowości, przy czym wieś musi pozostać ośrodkiem pracy i życia mieszkańców, a nie miejscem muzealnym. W ramach programu rozpatrywane są poszczególne elementy przestrzeni wiejskiej, m.in. drogi i place, wejście do wsi, infrastruktura, ochrona przeciw-powodziowa, renaturalizacja wód oraz zmiany w otwartym krajobrazie rolniczym. Wieś musi współpracować z sąsiednimi jednostkami na zasadzie łączności w regionie. Jednym ze sposobów realizacji programu jest wsparcie finansowe ze środków unijnych, które przeznaczane są m.in. na infrastrukturę, nierolnicze zajęcia alternatywne mieszkańców, ochronę zadrzewień śródpolnych, zmianę użytkowania obiektów rolniczych itp. {/mooblock} Proponowana metoda SEKTOROWEJ ANALIZY wnętrz krajobrazowych Propsed Method of Sector Analyses of Landscape Interiors as an Integral Part of Elaboration for Village Renewal Program Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Landscape perception and its valorization is not easy. Most of all we have to remember that the landscape is not only what we see but it also consists of a very important part which is overlooked. And it is connected with history, tradition, customs and also the needs of people who contributed to its present shape. These are also expectations which are a symptom of interest in the landscape, not only of the inhabitants of such a place, who play a part, but also expectations of local authorities who have enormous influence on it`s shaping by making decisions which can irreversibly change the look of the space which surrounds us. The presented analyses of landscape interiors are a part of the elaboration performed within the limits of the program Village Renewal, and which aim at defining individual character of the place, searching for elements which identify the village and which can be its visiting card in future. In the presented elaboration an attempt has been made to estimate those elements, putting the main stress on the visual side of an analyze. For an open landscape, in which silhouette of the village is visible, analyzes varied a little to those created for interiors. The presented methods of analyzing landscape interiors and rural panoramas allow an exact estimation of chosen parts of the village from various angles. Stock-taking and analyzes run only in plans are not enough because of the lack of the fourth dimension, very important for formulating any conclusions and taking design decisions. It is important while dealing with defining new areas for inhabiting or service functions, but also while introducing singular elements. It considers not only building objects together with detail, colour or wall surface quality, but also greenery which can constitute a wonderful supplement to existing interiors. It is particularly important in the case of well preserved, former village sets, together with their unshaken panoramas and interior climate. The localization of new functions on the outskirts of these types of places should be precluded by serious analyze of results of such actions in panoramas and entrances to them, not only by economical prognosis.{/mooblock} Współczesne znaczenie architektury w wiejskim krajobrazie rodzimym Contemporary Meaning of Architecture in the Rural Domestic Landscape Anna Grabowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} To-day the rural home landscape is filled with different types of content imprinted by the past centuries. The respect for material and non-material values through inherited cultural home landscapes manifest in understanding their essence. Remaining home landscape typical for the certain region and different from other lands are coming out of the tradition which is called 'genius loci' and is of non-material value. Our contemporary efforts to protect the significative layer of culture landscape cannot be limited only to protect its heritage forms but also its meaning of sense. That is a very significant task to give back the importance of the contents in the contemporary shaping process of the home landscape. Non-material values are eternal and their protection is the duty of modern societies. When those meanings are not fully valued or unconscious there's the duty for intellectual elites - architects and urban/landscape planners to act for changing this position. Prevention with protection and a meaningful layer of home landscape enrichment could not only bring emotional and intellectual value and satisfaction but real material benefits. Show-places and attractiveness improvement of certain places through significant modern architecture placement could be one of the methods of home landscape management influenced for quality of citizens` life. We cannot refuse leaving our 'footprints' if we cannot accept 'noone-land'. That processes has to be steered to a certain degree to imprint the most important points for local society. The architects equipped with the tools that help them to find important meanings in home architecture and cultural landscape would find the meaning of those values for protection and preservation because this type of information has to be as important as the technical, historical, ecological and sociological knowledge. The question is what the targets and directions in Polish rural landscape architecture are, for instance at the regeneration process. Surely it is not the uncritical respect for tradition, not only reservation protection and unrestricted architectural expression.{/mooblock} Rewitalizacja obszarów i układów ruralistycznych - chorwackie doświadczenia Revitalization of Area and Rural Systems - Croatian Experience Zofia Mavar {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} With its area and population, Croatia is a midsize and sparsely populated - country. According to the statistics, it is a country of scattered small settlements whose spatial organization, number, size, shape, as well as structure are region-specific. Traditionally, Croatia was an underdeveloped agricultural country. Abrupt industrialization-based economic development after the WWII had an adverse effect on the development of rural economy. Accelerated growth of towns was the reason for intensified demographical, social and economic decline of the villages. Over the years, large areas in some regions, far away from the economic centers and market places, especially islands and highlands, have been depopulated. In spite of this, efficient revitalization measures for these deserted and neglected territories were not applied through government strategy, and therefore they were not applied in professional practice either. The situation was aggravated by the last war, when the war-inflicted areas, and especially the villages, were deserted. After the war few inhabitants are returning to their family homes and this situation has left deep traces in the landscape. Cultivable land, vineyards and orchards overgrown with weed are turning into wild country, and buildings are falling into ruins. The situation is best illustrated by comparing the latest statistics with the older ones, for an example from the 1960s, when almost half of Croatia's population (43,9%) were farmers. It should be noted that long time economic decline is compensated by natural rehabilitation and a relatively well preserved cultural landscape, which is favorable to new development possibilities. The problems of the villages' revival have been intensively considered in the last decade only. The first programs were in fact related to the return of the refugees. That was a huge chance for the new policy towards the rural areas. Unfortunately, among others, with a completely disregarded need for preservation of traditional buildings and cultural landscape. Conservators' efforts were only partially successful. Lately, the situation has started to improve. Conventions, professional international organizations' programs and foreign experiences stimulate a new development policy of rural areas.{/mooblock} Zadania rozwoju wsi w okresie przejściowym na przykładzie zrównoważonego rozwoju wsi w Saksonii od 1991r Challenges for Rural Development In Transition: the Example of the Sustainable Rural Development in Saxony Since 1991 Henning Kuschnig {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} {/mooblock} Problemy ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu kulturowego wsi w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej The Preservation and Creation of the Countryside Cultural Landscape Versus Market Economy Barbara Wycichowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The introduction of a market economy intensified certain socioeconomic phenomena occurring in the countryside, which negatively affect the space and cause problems as regards the preservation and creation of the countryside cultural landscape. The low cost-effectiveness of agricultural production based on the present system (small, parceled and scattered farms) led to a massive sell-out of private land. Set against the worsening conditions for residential building in cities, the low prices of plots and the clean natural environment encouraged many city inhabitants to invest in rural areas. Unfortunately, the specifically Polish approach to one's own property, i.e. identifying the property rights with a full freedom of activity, led to littering rural areas with destructive "urban development". The building line is beginning to dangerously dominate the greenery line, so far unthreatened in the panorama of the traditional Polish countryside. The total negligence of the landscape composition and aesthetics results in a complete loss of the desired historical hierarchy of cultural elements and structures of the countryside panorama. Thus market economy has brought about the degradation of the cultural landscape of rural areas. The Polish countryside needs a proper agricultural development policy, which will adjust the economically and culturally neglected historical space to the new living and working conditions modified by market economy. Any activity which regards landscape and nature (creating a complex cultural landscape preservation system), as well as spatial planning (introducing changes in the local legal regulations), should consider the consequences of the social, economic and cultural transformations in the country, as they significantly affect the space. Creating a cultural landscape means caring for the areas and buildings which are already protected by law, as well as consistently raising the space aesthetics in accordance with the cultural features of a given region (propagating regional architecture).{/mooblock} PREZENTACJE Szansa rozwoju wsi dolnośląskiej na przykładzie adaptacji zespołu pałacowo-folwarcznego w Mańczycach The Chance of Evolution of a Lower Silesian village based on the Example of an Adaptation of the Old Farm in Mańczyce Renata Gubańska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The modern suburban Wrocław landscape is shaped and received above all by the picture and character of a Polish village. Village buildings do not account for important diversification - not too high tenement and farm buildings do not discriminate in a meaningful way. The situation only undergoes an alteration in cases when the village is an integral part of a former estate. Then within limits of farm buildings, other overall forms of dimension appear. To date the culture creating and landscape shaping role of palace - farm sets has unfortunately disappeared and the new social-political situation contributed to their gradual degradation. Perhaps it is worth remembering that farm sets constitute an element of our rural culture heritage and that is why they should be preserved from ruin and moreover from destruction. It is enough to find an appropriate function, preferably pliant to the tradition of the place, to allow the selected assumption to function, develop and constitute testimony to its former brilliance, most of all, for future generations.{/mooblock} Zachowanie drewnianych domów wiejskich i ich otoczenia metodą pozostawienia in situ obszarze Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej The Preservation of the Wooden Cottages and their Surroundings in the Area of Jura Krakowskona -Częstochowska Using the Methodof Leaving in situ Anna Bach Michał Uruszczak {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Scientists have been researching the problem of how to protect wooden buildings for a long time. Wood, which is a non-durable material is also the symbol of traditional, folk architecture in Poland. In general, the technical condition of the buildings in the area of Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska is not good. There are many reasons for that. Some of them are considered by F. Midura in his article The protection of folk architecture in the period of PRL. He says, that many wooden houses have been ruined because of the lack of qualified artisans who have knowledge of traditional building methods, and also because of legislation negligence or out of law situation [Midura 1989]. The researchers point out, that the main reason for the bad condition of historical folk architecture is lack of social consciousness, lack of relations with tradition, underestimation of the role of cultural heritage in social and economic life, and also a break-down with a general sense of aesthetics in rural societies. The salvation for the still existing wooden buildings is to adapt them to the new function that they could fulfill. Janusz Bogdanowski in his work Polish decorative gardens considers this problem in the aspect of regionalism. The matter consists of obtaining and adapting the old regional houses as recreation places (as second houses). That way, they can be rescued [Bogdanowski, 2000]. This adaptation should be done with respect to all conservation regulations. It should be followed by wellgrounded research of regional forms of architecture, and also by detailed analysis of the preserved building. In this article there are presented various ways of preservation of wooden houses using the method of leaving in situ in the area of Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska. The first one is to leave an intact building and its surroundings. The example is the cottage in Sadowie. The outside and inside design has not been changed since the 19th century, when it was built. The second one is an adaptation of the building to its new function with some little changes in its outside appearance. The examples are two houses in Czatachowa and Czernichów. The last method is the process of revaluation of a house by its extension and using regional materials. The example is a house in Siedlec near Krakow.{/mooblock} Obszary wiejskie w przestrzeni stołecznej Rural Landscapes in a Capital City Joanna Giecewicz {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Growing physical and mental separation of urban and rural worlds, creates a need for restoring the ancient positive relationship between the two. Consecutive models of urban development, particularly in the XIX century, present a need for a new paradigm in the field of urbanized land use planning. Recently, the policies of the local authorities in the Austrian capital city - Vienna, demonstrated a new way of including urban rural areas and agriculture production into the system of protected green spaces within the urban perimeter. Positive results from the Viennese experiment can be a reference for the city of Warsaw, having still multiple remnants of its rural past and culture. Seen as an asset, the rural traditions in Warsaw, could be a source of inspiration for its new identity, as an "agropolis", unique in Europe in this respect. Such modern understating of city farming would be an improvement on the city environment, enrichment of urban landscape and biodiversity, as well as cultural diversity, an opening of new recreation possibilities for city dwellers. As a consequence, rural settlements will be better understood and rehabilitated.{/mooblock} Ślady przeszłości szansą na przyszłość ruralistycznych - chorwackie doświadczenia Traces of the Past - an Opportunity for the Future Anna Skrzyńska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The growing amount of urban territories makes open and rural landscape a scarce resource nowadays. Regarding the need for economic balance, tourism seems to be an opportunity for the sustainable development for rural regions of high landscape values. A tendency to create 'culture routes' allows exploration of the wealth of European historical, cultural and natural heritage. Among many other themes grouped along 'culture routes', the fortified landscape is worth mentioning. The article presents experience from research on fortification in the rural landscape as carried out by academic teachers and students from the Institute of Landscape Architecture at Cracow University of Technology in cooperation with both state and local authorities and NGOs. The results are put into planning practice. Research in Konavle region, Croatia, has been carried out since 1997. Firstly (1997-98) it was mainly set on creating the inventory of monuments consisting of houses, chapels and other elements of local building tradition, which suffered from war damage in 1991-92. The programme was supported by UNESCO. In 2002, 2003 and 2004 landscape analysis of Popoviči settlements, Molunat and Prevlaka peninsulas according to landscape and architectural units method followed. On Prevlaka an integrated fortified landscape analysis was introduced. Conclusions from research are applied in creation of local spatial development plans. For the district authorities in Podhale region, Poland, discovered in 2002 and 2003 relics of field fortification have become an important element of local historic heritage and a potential tourist attraction. Tourist and educational paths are built. Unique remains of a fortification system can be an opportunity for potential tourism development generating economical growth for many rural communities and small districts. Space of architectura militaris once created to defend and part, can nowadays be a uniting factor for several European countries.Rewitalizacja jednostek osadniczych - szanse i zagrożenia na przykładzie wsi Wysoka The Revitalization of Rural Areas - Chances and Threats in the Wysoka Village Example Renata Majewska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} In the context of creating the little homeland, revitalization of the country area has became an important element. In this paper an attempt at carrying out revitalization process for rural areas was made. As an example Wysoka village has been presented as a rural area, which meets assumed guidelines of revitalization.{/mooblock} ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Wpływ infrastruktury transportowej na przekształcenia wiejskich jednostek osadniczych na przykładzie Poznańskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego The Influence of Transport Infrastructure Transformation of Rural Setting Units Using Poznań Metropolitan Area sa na Example Magdalena Linkowska {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} As a result of system transformations and accession of our country to the European Union, Polish cities and most of all rural areas surrounding strongly developing agglomerations in a short period of time have undergone powerful urbanization processes. An interesting example of such a transformation is the area which connects the city and a village in Poznań Metropolitan Area, which ranges to the direct neighborhood of Poznań city. Transformations in the hitherto existing area are currently occurring, resulting from the influence of Poznań city but most of all from investments carried out into road infrastructure, mainly on the A2 motorway. It connects now Nowy Targ with Konin, and the plans stipulate that around 2010 it will link the border crossing in Świeck with Warsaw. The part of the motorway which is in the area of Poznań Metropolitan District is fully completed and runs through five surrounding Poznań communes: Dopiewo, Komorniki, Luboń, Kórnik and Kleszczewo. The most intensive development is occurring in regions of motorway junctions. It is particularly visible in two rural communes namely Kleszczewo and Komorniki. Kleszczewo commune is on the verge of social and economical development caused by development of road infrastructure in the form of the A2 motorway, motorway junction designed for realization and an express road S-5 which is in the process of being designed. Completely different stage of development of the processes of settlements transformations which were caused by the motorways infrastructure development can be observed in the area of rural Komorniki commune. Fully carried out motorway junction situated in it's region is one of the most important carriers of the urbanization processes. As the whole of, so far mainly agriculturally formed, because of the construction of the motorway and motorway junction,Komorniki commune undergoes powerful urbanization processes and changes its character. Despite the short distance to Poznań city,the dynamics of the conversion processes of agricultural areas into urban would not be so huge except for the development of transportation routes. Villages with typical agricultural structures transform and the dynamics of those transformations depends on communication accessibility which is a carrier of those processes.Powiązanie stref publicznych z zapleczem komunikacji kołowej w krajobrazie współczesnych wsi polskich Connetion of Public Zones with Back-up Facilites of Circular Communication in Modern Villages Landscape Jacek Burdziński {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The Program of Village Renewal stresses restoration of regional esthetic to village architecture and preserving or restoring elements of rural landscape. It suggests that apart from farm and habitable buildings themselves particular attention should be paid to so called common space, which includes greenery at the side of roads, road crossings, squares and car parks. Car parks in nowadays reality are an inseparable element of a housing estate landscape and village areas. Their shape is conditioned by building regulations and design norms, but the appearance of their surroundings is seldom an effect of the sense of esthetic from the designer. The esthetics of car parks in Polish villages varies but it is definitely far from ideal. It depends on the costs of their creation and maintenance and on the owner or administrator of the area. The Program of Village Renewal carried out by the Agricultural Academy in Wrocław together with Opole Marshal Office, which has the slogan "Let's care about our Landscape", promotes among inhabitants of villages the need of esthetically shaping the whole of the rural landscape. It stresses concern about commonly accessible places, particularly common areas which belong to the commune. It stresses the increasing esthetic benefits of those places and harmonic inscribing them in rural architecture. The answer to those needs are projects by Landscape Architecture students at our academy. Having done analyses and landscape studies and having elaborated the needs of local communities, they design conceptions for the creation of common areas revitalization for chosen villages. Those areas especially near commercial, administration, cultural, educational or sports objects, are enriched with a certain number of parking spots which are harmonically composed with the whole area and combined with a cover of greenery. It is important to provide rural car parks with ecological character, starting with lawn and concrete surface to freely grouped parking spots, for example in empty spaces under existing trees. Landscape architects who take care of those rural areas have a task to properly shape common areas in villages, including designing parking spots together with their surroundings. Creating them in such a way as to harmonically compose them in their rural landscape surrounding so they do not interfere by the oddity of their form and material with the regional architectural heritage and become a friendly and esthetical element of that landscape for the viewer.Młyny wodne w krajobrazie wsi Water Mills in the Rural Landscape Janusz Gubański {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Rural objects of agricultural and comestible industry constitute important, although often underestimated, elements creating the cultural landscape of a village. Next to dominants in the form of churches or seats of land owners, industrial sets were important factors in rural, small building development. Production objects which have been permanently inscribed into the village landscape were water driven flour mills. Thanks to applied building and architectonical solutions which were based on tradition of a place ,mill buildings coexisted in harmony with the remaining development. Vast hydro technical systems which accompanied mill sets often gave a new image to the neighbourhood. The chosen water mills which exist in the southern part of former Wrocław district were discussed in the paper. Their role in creating the village landscape was described while basing on characteristic objects.TWORZYWO Kształtowanie zieleni na terenach wiejskich Ogrody przydomowe - tradycja, przyszłość Creating Greenery in Rural Areas. Home Gardens - Tradition, Future Anna Majdecka-Strzeżek {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Przeobrażenia ogrodów wiejskich ziemi przemyskiej jako wyraz zmian w tradycji ludowej Transformations of Rural Gardens in Przemyśl Region as an Expression of Changes in a Folk Tradition Anna Bach Anna Wajda {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} The Przemyśl region belongs to the most magnificent places in the south-east of Poland, its attractions being varied landscape, clean natural environment, fertile soils as well as many monuments, as witnesses to such rich history of this region. It was possible to keep these values of a natural-landscape because the fundamental source of maintenance are here family - run country farms. Taking into consideration the above statements, we decided to carry out studies in the Przemyśl region in view of changes in the composition of traditional rural gardens. Observations were made in selected rural gardens of two localities - in Kniażyce (an area situated near Przemyśl) and in Grzęska (an area near Przeworsk). The group under investigation consisted of 22 objects. Studies involved: estimation of the farm-house condition and sociological questionnaire with garden owners. On the grounds of these studies and observations made in Przemyśl region, we can conclude that there are many traditional rural gardens kept. The reason for this is that in the last decades changes in the composition of gardens arrived gradually, therefore they are still composed according to the local tradition of cultivated plants. Rural gardens can be divided into three types: ornamental garden, flower-fruit-vegetables garden and decorative-recreation garden. In these gardens many traditional plant species are still grown, which for centuries have created the Polish country landscape in Przemyśl area. The neighbour exchange is,as it was before, a predominant form of getting plants. Today, like in former times women take care of rural gardens. They also spend a lot of their free time looking after their gardens, because they love flowers and treat this time as an active recreation.Współczesne zagospodarowywanie ogrodów wiejskich w Naprawie koło Jordanowa Contemporary Arrangement of Rural Gardens in Naprawa Village Near Jordanów Anna Kapczyńska Zofia Malinowska Justyna Górka {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Investigations on an arrangement of ten rural gardens in Naprawa village near Jordanów were based on inquiry method and local inspection of the gardens with an inventory of ornamental plants used for the arrangement. All gardens were established after construction of new houses. All, with the exception of one, were managed by women of 20 to 55 years old. Half of the garden owners work in different professions, the rest work at their home farms. The owners pay particular particular attention to the esthetical appearance of their gardens. Only two of the gardens were unattractive. Expansion and arrangement of new borders were observed in ten gardens. However in one garden, the expansion of lawn was at the cost of ornamental plants. Non of the gardens visited were arranged in the rural gardening tradition, except in two cases which were partially traditional. Analysis of the plants used for planting in the gardens indicate low use of annual plants in spite of biennials and no hardy perennials. Borders were planted most often with perennials using mainly native species which flower in spring time. Apart from typical, traditionally recommended species for planting in rural gardens, several new ones were introduced, which are not often used in these kinds of arrangements, with disregard for many traditional, very valuable ornamental plants.Zieleń i woda w krajobrazie otwartym Wielkopolski Vegetation and Water in the Open Landscape of Wielkopolska Agnieszka Konon Magdalena Szczęsna {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} One of the advantages of the Polish countryside is its close integration with nature. In the face of rapid urbanization and fast development of agriculture a need appears for protection of the biological potential and shaping agricultural landscape in accordance with ecological rhythm. Intentional tree and scrub planting, including variety of spatial forms and specific structures serves important functions - protective, productive, social and cultural. Small midfield ponds as well as midfield plantings are vital elements in regulating microclimate. They also contribute to the increase in biodiversity of agricultural landscape. Wielkopolska is a region with high resources of cultivable land. Despite the average climate, soil, and water conditions, the region is marked by high efficiency of agricultural production. In the process of intensification of small water circulation a structure of landscape is of particular importance which means that an important role is played by a sufficient number of small water reservoirs (so called small ponds), swamplands and peat bogs as well as midfield tree and shrubs plantings. Planting trees will have a number of highly beneficial results such as restoring biological balance and harmony of landscape as well as smoothing dissonance between building development and its surroundings.{/mooblock} FORUM Projektowanie gospodarstw agroturystycznych z punktu widzenia architekta krajobrazu i zootechnika Designing Agro Tourism Farms from the Point of View of a Landscape Architect and Animal Breeder Robert Zubkowicz {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} This article describes the basic ideas of designing agro tourism farms or adapting agricultural farms for serving agro tourism. The key factors influencing realisation of the agro tourism project have been identified and a guest profile was drafted. Further on, the so characterized "space zones" which have significant influence on the functioning of agro tourism farms were identified. The following space zones have been described in the article: access to the farm, decorative garden, the house, parking site, relaxation garden, playground for children, farm buildings, backyard, enclosures for animals, fishpond (fishery) and farm surroundings. Consequently, the problems of keeping animals on agro tourism farms such as animal headcount, breeding conditions and hygiene were discussed.{/mooblock} Obiekty inwentarskie w architekturze krajobrazu Livestock Object in Landscape Architecture Hanna Houszka Hanna Marszałek {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} Livestock farms are places (of different sizes) which deal with animal production. In its composition come buildings for animals, as well as different indispensable objects necessary in the production process and management. In the article the organization of small individual farms and big industrial farms long ago and today was described.Attention was focused on the influence of the location of the livestock object, on the widely understood, environment and landscape. The appearance of farms was described, particularly paying attention to difficult fragments which are always present (for example: manure storage yard). An appeal was made to landscape architects to participate in creating the image of a productive area in a village.Regionalizm w architekturze wsi jako czynnik wpływający na zachowanie tożsamości lokalnych i indywidualnych cech kulturowych Regionalism in Architecture of a Village as Factor Effecting Behavior of Local Identity and Individual Cultural Features Anna Bocheńska-Skałecka {mooblock=STRESZCZENIE} According to the theory of regionalism, the architecture is to reflect its surroundings with its cultural and natural resources. It manifests itself in the architectural form and details of buildings, but also in the landscape characteristics present in the whole town-planning1. Regional architecture is a collection of natural and cultural elements combined by virtue of their traditional relation which are outstanding in a given area. Generally, this is the result of two powerful forces: nature and culture. Scientific investigations in respect of the regional architecture of The Sudety mountains started in the late 70s. At that time many theses, researches concerning this architecture were created and projects drafted in our department under the supervision of Professor Tadeusz Biesiekierski. All the information was collected and ordered. Not only a catalogue of forms was created but also a practical hand-book on how to built houses in this area was produced mainly for investors and a catalogue of typical houses bearing traditional features. "The Charter of Sudetes" was established which specifies the terms of town planning and modernizing of the already existing buildings. Architects', conservators', historians' of architecture work lead to specification of plans regarding the local area in agreement with "The Charter of Sudetes", namely, maintaining the regional character of the area. Professor Biesiekierski's investigations and work described and explained the architecture of the region, and disputed with the notions of "inherent" and "extraneous" or simply "home" and "alien" notions in architecture. Such division in Lower Silesia, so called Regained Territories, functioned for a long time and hindered the development. How to create new architecture modifying regional tradition? When planning new objects and continuing the features of regional architecture what an architect should have in mind is the perception of the architecture now and in the future. What are the future users' expectations? What features of the traditional architecture he or she wants to be continued and why? To what extent does it influence the project and modification of the traditional models? Does the user expect anything special or additional? In my opinion, this factor may have influence on the direction of development in this region. Needless to say that the economical development in this area also plays an important role in architecture. The researches which have been carried out so far: The Charter of Cracow, The Charter of Sudetes, The Charter of Opole - have had a rather inspiring character. After verifying them, one should come back to this kind of analysis, but in a new, contemporary socio-economical, spatial reality. Learning the opinion of the community of architects, but also investors and users will lead to reflection on: How to create architecture modifying regional tradition? Conclusions will also demonstrate the level the creative interpretation of the regional architecture is on and which direction it is going in. It will also be possible to assess how architects deal with the combination of traditional architecture and new technological or functional solutions, and in consequence how new projects are implemented and if they appropriately function in the surroundings.{/mooblock} |
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