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1/2001 - Między postmodernizmem a zrównoważonym rozwojem / Between Post-Modernism and Sustainable Development

AK1 2001   Nr 1/2001, vol.1

Między postmodernizmem
a zrównoważonym rozwojem

Between Post-Modernism
and Sustainable Development

str. 73

Bilans na koniec wieku
Lookng Back at the Past Century


The present article provides an introduction to a series of essays on the history of landscape architecture in the late 20th century and on the threshold of the 21st century. Limiting the scope of analysis to the ideas that emerged during the last three decades, the author points to two important sources of inspiration: postmodernism and sustainable development.

Szukanie nowych rozwiązań
Searching for New Solutions


Characteristic of the postmodernist approach has been the creation of signifying places by combining apparently heterogeneous means of expression, borrowings and quotations from other cultures and historical periods (including vernacular and local traditions) in order to emphasise the fragmentation of contemporary landscape and its multi-layer structure and the effects resulting from an accidental superimposition of vistas. The analysed examples indicate that the influence of postmodernism on the form (style) of artistic expression in landscape architecture peaked in the 1980s. Since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio there has been a marked increase of interest in the idea of sustainable development. The tendency was clearly confirmed by presentations prepared by countries participating in EXPO 2000, looking back at the passing epoch. The underlying theme seems a desire for the New Synthesis to reconcile cultural diversity and democratic forms of spatial planning and management, involving citizen participation (heritage of postmodernism), with protection of biological diversity (principal element of sustainable development strategy).

Pejzaż "ziem odzyskanych"
Reclaimed Landscapes


Restructuring of landscapes degraded through industrial use presents a major challenge to specialists, including landscape architects. In the second part of the article, the author discusses selected examples of major European projects: IBA-Ermscher Park in the Ruhr valley and the landscape park in Cospuden near Leipzig, located in an area degraded by discontinued brown coal mining. Following the premises of postmodernism, the landscape architects have created a complex system of ‘signifying places’ but the main objective has been to reconstruct the ecosystem within the area (defragmentation of natural environment) and promoting the processes of natural succession according to the premises of sustainable development.

Miasto jak ogród
City as Garden

Alina Drapella-Hermansdorfer


In the article’s third part, the author addresses issues related to urban renewal and challenges faced by landscape architects involved in the process. A number of examples and approaches are reviewed, closing with the presentation of the Hannover. City as Garden project. Realised under EXPO 2000, it has implemented in an exemplary manner the principal postulates set forth in the Green Charter of European Cities. Parks created in the exhibition area follow similar principles: the northern part (Kienast, Vogt & Partners, Zurich), arranged with an emphasis on artificiality, stresses human involvement in the shaping of landscape while the southern part (designed by Kamel Louafi, Berlin) is more natural and constitutes an important element in the green ring surrounding the city.

Park Milenijny we Wrocławiu
Millennium Park in Wrocław

Lesław Chudzyński

Park pełen symboli
Park of Symbols

Tadeusz Sawa-Borysławski

Miejsce otwarte
Open Place

Paweł Ogielski

Gdzie spotykają się wszystkie światy
Where the Worlds Meet

Aleksandra Billewicz-Kozina
Joanna Grzywa
Anna Paprzycka
Miłosława Sieradzka

Park Świętojański
St John's Park

Tomasz Myczkowski

Park Kultury Ekologicznej
Ecological Park

Marek Szumański


Program "Frontem ku rzece"
"Facing the River" Programme

Ryszard Majewicz


The presented programme is a part of the winning design for the Millennium Park in Wrocław. The programme proposes a flood control strategy and water quality improvement plan for the Ślęza River. By moving the eastern flood embankment within the park’s boundaries away from the river, two polders will be created. In normal water conditions, he upper polder will function as a biological filter (damp meadow) and the lower polder as a flood retention basin (6 hectares), used for water sports and recreational purposes. Both polders could be flooded if necessary, retaining 1.5 million cubic metres of water. The author discusses the expected social and environmental benefits once the programme is implemented.


Amelanchier - świdośliwa

Jerzy Sporek


The plant of the quarter is Amelanchier (juneberry), suitable for planting in industrial areas, environmentally and aesthetically valuable.


Szacowanie wartości krajobrazu
Estimating Values of Landscape

Jerzy Sporek


The article presents four methods of estimating the values of landscape most popular in Germany: analysis of value, 1st and 2nd generation analysis of environmental risk planning argumentation The author briefly discusses and compares various grading systems and criteria of estimating the values of landscape. Examples are given of the analysis of value, 1st and 2nd generation. Subsequent stages in preparing an environmental risk analysis are discussed and the basic criteria for developing a planning argumentation are presented.

Architektura krajobrazu jako kierunek studiów
Landscape Architecture as Academic Discipline

Zuzanna Borcz

Architektura krajobrazu - wrocławski międzyuczelniany kierunek studiów
Wrocław Inter-universities Discipline

Andrzej Drabiński

Architektura krajobrazu na Politechnice Wrocławskiej
Master's Programme in Landscape Architecture in Wrocław

Maria Kisza 

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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu
ul. Grunwaldzka 55, 50-357 Wrocław
tel. +48 71 320 18 63

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