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Nr 1-2/2003, vol. 6 Standardy kształtowania krajobrazu Standards of the forming landscape STRESZCZENIA str. 122 POBIERZ CAŁY NUMER (65,3 MB) |
PROBLEMY Ekonomiczne aspekty krajobrazu Economic Aspects of Landscape Aleksander Böhm STRESZCZENIEThe beginnings of the discussion about the economical aspects of landscape came into existence with the moment of carrying out an idea in the USA according to which a landscape became common good. This discussion considers financing of landscape shaping – costs and profits coming from it. In the second half of the 19th century the first National Park in Yellowstone was created according to the Congress decisionabout creating National parks in areas worthless for purposes other than tourism. In the same period, in order to increase advantages of the New York landscape and creating public space, funds began to be gathered for the buyout area of the future Central park on Manhattan. The author addresses a question about the way of financing environment protection, cultural heritage and the beauty of the landscape and if the form of grant and patronage can be reconciled with the form of investment which is a business venture. Together with the increase in the well-being of society demand for beauty also increases. It becomes a source of pleasure for which they pay more and more. Successful urban and architectonic investments within a landscape increase the attractiveness of the region and because of it raise the price of the land. It can also be the opposite. The spectacular example of taking advantage of the economical value of an attractive landscape is a longstanding process of urbanite transformations of Kurytyby. Summing up, the author claims that actions within landscape cannot be based only on the system of limitations and bans. It is an action requiring costs and stabilized legal conditions, and management of ventures in this domain can bring calculable and longstanding material benefits to the public private realm. Oceny oddziaływania na środowisko w procesie ochrony krajobrazów podmiejskich Environment impact assesment in the protection of the suburban areas Krystyna Dubel STRESZCZENIEProcedures of valuation of interactions towards the environment (OOŚ), which has been a tool of environment protection policy in our country since 1990, aim at providing entities included into a decision process with information on consequences which an introduced plan, program or ventures have on the environment. Apart from plans of special development OOŚ are an important tool for protection of suburban landscapes. They allow complex and systematic presentation of the knowledge about potential results of actions and possibilities of their avoidance or alleviation. The efficacy of suburban landscapes protection depends on the quality of drawn up reports (reliable and accurate information about planned investment and its potential interactions) and enforcing the investors to act on behalf of landscape protection by the administration. Ekologiczno-przestrzenne problemy stref podmiejskich dużych miast na przykładzie Warszawy Ecological and spatial problems of suburban Jones of big towns on the example of Warsaw Barbara Żarska STRESZCZENIEThe important directions for landscape shaping of suburban zones are enclosed in provisions of national, European Union and international legislation as well as in the cardinal ecological principles of nature protection. The most important ecological and spatial problems of suburban zones, typical for Warsaw and other big towns, are:
Wybrane modele relacji funkcjonalnych w strefie styku miasta z zewnętrznymi terenami otwartymi Chosen Models of Functional Relationships in the Border Zone Between the City and Open Landscape Maria Morawska STRESZCZENIEThe analysis and evaluation of relations which occur in the contact area facilitates onmidirectional evaluation of the existing and planned functioning of contact areas of cities and external open areas. The proposed method can be used as one of the practical aspects of defining regulations of shaping and development directions spatial management of the areas situated in contact areas. Thanks to its complexity the method can also be used in attempts at solving one of the more difficult planning problems connected with uncontrolled spread of cities. Waloryzacja przestrzeni mieszkaniowej w opiniach klientów łódzkich biur obrotu nieruchomościami Value of housing space in the opinions of clients of Łódź real estate agencies Lidia Groeger STRESZCZENIEResearch into the current needs of people regarding the place of abode is mostly justified at the relevant level of socio- economical development. It can fulfill the prospect of cognitive functions, but can also find an application in practice: in identification of the advantages of various places of abode, evaluation and rating of real estate, and in the process of rational shaping of the space where man functions. As sociologists stress – the needs of people and socio-economical development change, influenced by conditions of abode,a module propagated by mass media, family and friends and also by the possibilities of their being carried out. That is why a group of about 600 clients of Łódź real estate agencies interested in a change of their living area was researched. These people, facing an important decision in their lives, very carefully analyze their needs. It is possible to guess that opinions achieved by way of questionnaire survey are deeply thought over, and because of this they are worth paying attention to. They record the current needs of the inhabitants of such a big city as Łódź. PRESENTATIONS Ocena wpływu zabudowy na środowisko w programie nauczania studentów Wydziału Architektury Environmental assessment of buildings in the masters programme at the Faculty of Architecture in Wrocław Krzysztof Cebrat STRESZCZENIEIn response to the lack in ecological education of students of architecture, the staff of The Department of Sustainable Development implemented, in 2001, eco-compensation methods and green buildings rating systems into the master’s programme at the Faculty of Architecture. The students were given the task of finding an appropriate location and design of a housing unit of 20 flats. In the first stage of the project, they had to make an inventory of a chosen location and its close urban surroundings, which was followed by the evaluation of the environmental value of the landscape before and after the proposed investment; his value was expected to increase in the result of the investment. The second stage of the project involved assessing one of the singlefamily houses to be erected on the proposed site. The students received a ready-made plan (with all relevant technical data) of the building and a rating list created on the base of currently used Life Cycle Assessment methods [GBT v1.59, 2001], [LEED v. 2,0, 2001], [EcoHomes, 2001]. The described ratings, used in both stages of the project, were simplified suiting their educational use. Nevertheless the programme teaches to pay close attention to ecological impact of every part of every kind of investment. Budowa autostrady A-2 - szansą na wzbogacenie walorów i zasobów w przekształconym krajobrazie rolniczym Wielkopolski Highway Construction - an opportunity to enhance assets and rescources in the transformed Wielkopolska agricultural landscape Izabela Dymitryszyn STRESZCZENIEThe section of the newly designed A-2 highway between Poznań and Września takes a new route through agriculturally used land. Most frequently, land designated for highway corridors is covered with huge single-crop corn and wheat acreage. The primeval Wielkopolska landscape in this region was characterised by high proportion of wooded areas and large areas of bogs. Over time, starting in the XIV century, deforestation and drainage of the area started, gradually transforming the species rich forest and hydrogenic habitat (Hładynowicz H. J. 1932). The physiognomy of Wielkopolska underwent transformation particularly in the XX century, a visible indication of which was the disappearance of characteristic small ponds. Fragmented agricultural landscape has undergone a strong degradation. Most of the natural recourses disappeared (lot of animal and plant species). Indigenous species survive only inside, not numerous and isolated, habitat remnants. Is there a chance, that construction of the A-2 highway would able to change degraded stage of Wielkopolska landscape? Green belts and right-of-way with rich structure of designed vegetation, parallel to carriageways, can functioning as a corridor. Green corridors near existing motorways in Holland, USA function as a corridors, which connecting isolated patches as: tree plantings, cave-in lakes surrounded by crop fields (habitat remnants of numerous species). Forest birds, small mammals, arthropods are used to migrate along Corynephoretum associations, groups of native shrubs and trees species shaped on a highway ROW (Viles R.L., Rosier D. 2001; Bolger D., Scott A. at al. 2001; Bergin T, Best L. at al. 2000; Brotons L., Herrando S., 2001 Vermeulen H., 2000). The key plans of Polish motorway network should consider management by rules of the landscape ecology. That means not only a creation of management projects in the limits of highway’s separating lines (borders of land repurchase) but a creation integrated plans of ecological management of agricultural landscape adjacent to a road corridor, too. Ecological rules of a roadside landscape designing take a chance to recreate some natural recourses in degraded agricultural landscape of Wielkopolska. Program Odnowy Wsi w opracowaniach Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu Countryside Regeneration in Case Studies by the Agricultural Academy of Wrocław Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak STRESZCZENIEThere are many endangerments for traditional countryside landscape and the most important one is ill-considered chaotic actions of individuals not taking into consideration the character of the whole place. Each change to building cubage, overhauls, rebuilding, window or roofing replacement or erecting new objects can change irreversibly the character of the place and its expression. If the inhabitants who pursue what is new, different and modern in their understanding forget the identity of the place in which they are to live, in no time their traditional appearance and the character of the place is obliterated. One of the solutions to the described problems is creating a program “Countryside Regeneration” which takes into account needs in the line of improving life standards as well as problems connected with preservation of the cultural heritage of the country. The program is successfully carried out in the region of Opolskie province. In 2001 the Marshal Office of Opolskie province established a cooperation with the Institute of Building and Architecture at Agriculture Academy of Wrocław. The most important part of the cooperation is documenting architectural and landscape advantages of the countryside, counselling and designing country space carried out under the banner of “Let’s Take Care of our Landscape”. A pilot case study regarded Piliszcz village and was presented at the 1st Polish Congress of Countryside Regeneration. The next step in extension of that cooperation is introducing a subject area connected with villages participating in the program of countryside regeneration into the area of project and planning exercises during the winter term in the 3rd year of study. The main aim of case studies is helping the inhabitants of the villages to discover the individual characteristics of the place which distinguishes it from others and which can be an inspiration for further actions connected with the landscape and architectural changes of various places. Uprawnienia zawodowe - kartel, czy zdrowa konkurencja Professional Powers - Cartel or Healthy Competition Mirosław Sztuka STRESZCZENIELandscape architects fight for the appointing of professional powers not realising the practical problems and duties which conclude from possessing such powers. Professional powers and creation of Chamber of Landscape Architects aim at increasing, protection and strengthening the high standard of the profession not creating a barrier protecting performers of this profession against a free market. Together with introducing such powers a place and role of a landscape architect in Polish planning and building legislation should be appointed. Landscape architects should deal with political lobbying as well in order to efficiently create appropriate legal norms. The second necessary action will be stipulation of profession norms which will allow Polish landscape architects to come into being as a real profession, performing their occupation on a European level. Introducing high professional standards and obligating those who wish to acquire professional powers to uphold them can cause resistance in this environment, especially at the moment of voluntary submission to appraisal by the Chamber, also in the matter of following the standards by the members themselves. The division into two separate professions: landscape architects and garden designers, is also worth rethinking. Conferring professional powers should occur after appropriately documented and positively apprised professional practice. The essential problem is to increase the level of education and making education programs feasible at our universities to allow people with appropriate preparation and qualifications to enter the profession. ROZWIĄZANIA TECHNICZNE Nowe drogi w krajobrazie podmiejskim - różne aspekty przestrzeni New roads in suburban landscapes. Different aspects of space Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska STRESZCZENIEThe paper presents different examples of existing and planned system of Gdańsk Agglomeration’s bypasses, localised mostly in suburban landscapes. It shows not only the potential threats for the suburban landscapes caused by construction and operation of new roads, but also the chances of improvements in the landscapes of chosen places and areas. Detailed description of environmental, visual and cultural impacts is presented for every chosen example. One of tools, which regulates problems with the landscape quality management, is Environmental Impact Assessment procedure (EIA). It is obligatory by law for all planned activities that might seriously affect the environment. That also includes major roads changing the quality of suburban landscape. Systematic and interdisciplinary approach realised by EIA ensures the proper assessment of landscapes’ values and threats, to see technical, environmental, cultural, visual, social and economic problems not in isolation, but in their mutual relations. It helps to make a decision on most desired shape of a future development, including new road systems. It is especially important in the areas, where many different circumstances have to be taken into account, and the problem is to consider in a complex manner advantages and threats, and to compare strong and weak aspects of space, to ensure the best choice. EIAs may be helpful in avoiding and minimising negative impacts, but also in promotion, exposure, and better access to natural and cultural heritage of objects and areas, as well as in better management of their surroundings. Under some conditions, the road construction in suburban areas may open up new opportunities for the sustainable city development. This thesis has been illustrated by proposal of mitigation measures given for chosen cases. Keywords: roads, landscape, threats, Environmental Impact Assessment, mitigation measures. TWORZYWO Katalog drzew, krzewów i pnączy "HORTUS" - narzędzie wspomagające projektowanie zieleni, które uwzględnia polskie warunki klimatyczne, polską ofertę szkółkarską i polski krajobraz przyrodniczy A catalogue of trees, bushes and climbing plants "Hortus" - a tool supporting green area design, which takes into consideration Polish climate conditions, Polish offer of nursery gardens and Polish natural landscape Krzysztof M. Rostański STRESZCZENIEIn the period of uniting Europe regional values gain still more importance. In process of designing green elements regional aspect is becoming vital one. Computer catalogue ‘HORTUS’ tries to join local environment circumstances with local producers and designers offer. It’s main role is to facilitate process of selection of trees, shrubs and climbers for design works. ‘HORTUS’ is elaborated as text and graphical data base. Contains information about features and requirements of above 1500 plants. They are as follow: Polish name, Latin name with indication of author, synonyms, shape of crown, maximal height, design height, max imal width, design width, soil requirements – humidity, fertility, acidity, pollution resistance, favourable placement – parks, squares, road sides, Polish climate zones, colour dominating in various periods of a year, fastness of growth, transparency of crown, needed insolation, fragrance, germicidality, emaciating features, allelopatic features, diffusion of diseases, eatable and poison features, honey yield, allergic features, tractability for cutting, some added features in text way, photographs of shape in spring, summer and autumn, leafs in summer and autumn, fruits, flowers, branches or trunks, drawings of leaf and of shoot by the winter. There are added characteristic of Polish natural forest associations. This information helps with designs of natural landscape elements. Catalogue HORTUS enable automatic update of producers and designers offer. It is an kind of open data base enable adding new plants all the time and enable designing with maximal differentiated and accessible plant material. Photographs included could be used to prepare visualisations of design works. Version of HORTUS able to work together with AutoCAD is under work. STANDARDY Planowanie i realizacja tras szybkiego ruchu i autostrad na przykadzie Niemiec Role of a landscape architect in planning and carrying out highway and motorway routes (a German example) Katja Więckowicz STRESZCZENIEIn European Union programs regarding environment protection it was repeatedly stressed that the best policy against the natural environment is prevention or simply avoiding its degradation instead of later fights with a negative influence on it. In 1990 it was materialized in the act about valuation of the influence on the environment (so called UVPG). This guideline is diversely interpreted and exerted in various EU membership countries. The case study presents a German example of introducing it into life. In Germany, in land use planning as well as during design of communication routes the conventional technical project expands to new assignments, so called “commentaries to the project from the point of view of landscape protection”. While designing more than regional routes such case studies constitute an integral part of the technical project and, what is connected with it, they come into binding force and are elements of documentation which the Investor is obliged to effectuate while formulating and validating the investment. Those assignments have been creating quite a new area of operation for landscape architects. On account of their qualifications and education ranging to ecological, planning, urban and architectonic aspects they can carry out case studies in a complex way, valuate interactions of protected goods, turn in architectonic and technological solutions with help of which it is possible to avoid or weaken the negative influence on the environment. In the process of education of landscape architects it is essential in future to pay special attention to putting stress on knowledge from the domains of ecology, landscape planning, urbanity and various industry coordination as well as on classical assignments for this professional group. Przegląd umocowanych prawnie mierników jakości krajobrazu Review of full powers measures of landscape quality Renata Giedych Marek Szumański STRESZCZENIEQuery of currently binding legal regulations in Poland indicated a lack of legal concretisation of the landscape idea – which could mean that in consequence it is impossible to describe values of landscape. However by affinity of the idea of landscape with the idea of environment it is possible to describe selected components of landscape common for both ideas according to the rules included in legal acts. For such can be recognized: fossils, soils, waters, air, plants and animals. The above mentioned list of full power landscape components, by colligation of the ideas of landscape and environment, indicates that in the Polish legal system mainly legal entries regarding natural landscape components can found. An analysis of the content of selected legal regulations regarding landscape components specified above demonstrated that their legal concretisation is performed by variously apprehended ways in the description of their different characteristics. The way of describing as well as the choice of characteristics indicate that in Polish law regulations, value of the landscape is vastly perceived, in the opinion of the authors in the three variants of quality are outlined as: natural value of landscape, landscape utility value and landscape lost value. The above mentioned values are described in analysed regulations with application of various measures taking the form of either a condition, standard, norm, specification, parameter or lastly tarificator. The identification of types of measures applied to the description of landscape value in currently binding regulations, although preliminary, indicates a clear tendency of diffraction in their use depending on the type of defined value of landscape. FORUM Prof. Janusz Bogdanowski 1929-2003 IN MEMORIAM Prof. Janusz Bogdanowski 1929-2003 IN MEMORIAM Wojciech Kosiński Rytm formalny jako przejaw antropogenizacji krajobrazu Formal rhythm as a indicator of landscape humanisation Beata J. Gawryszewska STRESZCZENIEEsoterics says, that everything what is geometrical on the world belong to divine thoughts, man is full of, while that things, what are asymmetric – to earthly nature. And so this thing what is geometrical (rhythmical, eurhythmic also) means an enclave of thought in boundlessness of nature. Human’s place on the Earth – house and garden. Rhythm plays special role in our existential space formation. It satisfies need of ordering of impressions stream, which flow in from outside to our senses. It captures of the world, recognitions his laws and qualifications them with rhythmical image. Research passed in Poland, relating valorisation of landscape among Polish peasants says, that they acknowledged only symmetrical composition as nice. Aesthetical patterns educated in exclusive layers of society, a high style, went down more and more lower, creating low style. Axis and symmetry of manor houses arose while from spirit of classical, Vitruvius eurhythmy. Eurhythmic composition (symmetrical and rhythmical) on ground of theory of architecture and arts was synonym beauties, usefulness and familiar (!) and one opposed her irregularities, to ugliness and not usefulness (understood as wildness also). This theory was obligatory to XVIII age, to moment of appearing new aesthetical picturesque paradigmatic. Analysis of contemporary family gardens in their functional, formal and meaning layer show, that forms, which are shaped by users of space, join with realization of family existential needs. Accumulation of symmetrical and rhythmical forms full of symbolical meanings in spaces different of function and of meanings – especially entrance space – testifies, that rhythm plays major role in family garden and fructify with mark symbolic of “isolation and opening” in existential space. In this zones assemble supernatural proprieties of the rhythm. System of ornaments permits man to feel environment and helps him to find existential support. Wisła - czyli rzeka, która się rozpływa. Reinterpretacja koncepcji Świder Bis Reinterpretation of "Świder Bis" conception Monika Harmas Katarzyna Zienkiewicz Łukasz Kowalski Michał Siedlecki STRESZCZENIEThe subject matter of the project workshop which took place on 1-5.05.2002 in the studio of prof. Jacek Damiecki in Warsaw was an attempt to reinterpret Świder Bis conception. The workshop was organized by The Scientific Circle of Landscape Architects SGGW in Warsaw. The conception Świder Bis which was aiming at creating a waterside leisure area in a region of Otwock ridge was created in “Wisła” studio of the Warsaw development planning office in the 1970s. During the reinterpretation two new factors were taken into consideration: the growth of importance of the Wisła as a European ecological passage and change in socio- economical conditions. These factors decided about the assumption of the principal conception, presumption of introducing an open recreation program and the possibility of carrying it out in several investment steps. The essence of the conception and also a characteristic distinguishing it from the primary version is preservation of the natural rhythm of Wisła valley life through resignation from building a flood bank. It is to allow partial freeing the Wisła and lead to natural seasonal flooding of the Wisła marshy meadows. The current conception includes in its range a bigger region than the primary OEwider Bis . It assumes building a foot – cycling bridge across the Wisła which would ensure a flow of cycling and pedestrian traffic from central parts of Warsaw to so called Otwock ridge. Such a bridge with a light and openwork structure which is based on the Bailey type MS military system, which harmonizes with the character of the vast marshy meadow landscape of the river and its length provides easy passage of the construction over Średzkie Islands Reservation. The conception also assumes adaptation of Siekierki thermal-electric power station ash mound which would constitute a viewing point over the Wisła Valley, at the same time the offering possibility of building into its infrastructure – servicing tourist traffic. In the conception Świder Bis 2002the bridge together with the mound would play a franchise part in creating a main recreation base. Produkcja dawnych folwarków - tradycja a współczesność The Production in The Old Farm Complexes - The Tradition and The Present Time Renata Gubańska STRESZCZENIEThe Wrocław Lowland has been selected for the research work. In general, grange farms have been occupied in corn-growing until the end of 18th century. Late 18th and especially early 19th century was the time when Lower Silesia passed through a real agrarian revolution. It manifested itself in mastering the tilling methods and in substantial growth of livestock population. Over the area covered by research, grange farms were dominated by corn-growing, mainly rye and wheat. Such type of production was greatly influenced by fertile soils prevailing within the region. However, in 19th century farms gradually transformed to breeding. This mainly included cattle, swine, goats and also ship. In conclusion, a statement could be made that grange farms over the area under consideration were engaged in a broad line of production, starting from tilling corn, via breeding and terminating in agricultural/food industry. |
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